D791 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR /t11 ` 19 Date: / I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER milk ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Mayor hereby directs the proper City officials to make payable to the Neighborhood House, 179 East Robie Street, the sum of $500 which will be used in the furtherance of programs which are part of the (Mayor's Council on Youth; and be it Further Ordered, That by agreement with Mr. Philip Ravitzky, Administrative Assistant of the Neighborhood House, and the office of the Mayor, Mir ' Ravitzky agrees to accept and disburse the aforementioned sum solely in the furtherance of instructional facilities of a summer basketball camp, and he furthe agrees to submit to the Finance Department an accounting of the monies disbur$ed and the remittance of any remaining balance by September 1 , 1973. Monies will be payable from Fund 33150; be it Further Ordered, That the Finance Department is directed to serve a coy of this Order on Mr. Ravitzky. i I I 0 Approved as to Funding: I Director, Fin nce and Management Services f�� APP O FO J i tant ity Attorney ah Hea Ot Administ tiv&Kssitant to Mayor