D759 White — City Clerk f CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. � i OFFICE OF THE MAYOR JUL A 1n"a Date: ` 1 .7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Community Services, Division of Parks and Regreation, is hereby directed to give notice to Toltz, King, Duvall and Anderson ''and Associates, Inc. that pursuant to an Agreement between the City and Tol z, King, Duvall and Anderson, Council File 244909, the latter may commence cer ain and specific engineering work to be rendered in connection with the repair o the Como Park swimming pool as follows: 1. To Investigate and determine appropriate methods and estimated costs for leveling the wading pool. 2. To Investigate and determine appropriate methods and estimated costs forseparating the wading pool filtration system from that of the maiii pool in conjunction with the pool leveling as previously described herein. MAXIMUM DESIGN AND INSPECTION FEES $1,000.00 To charge to code, #?3102-502-104 Approved as o Funding: Dir ,ctor, Fi ance and Management Services APP S TO FO Ass to ity Attorney Department Head t Date 11'73 Administrativ sista t ayor cl