D750 White - City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date JUL 16 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATI E ORDER, Plans ant Specifications to grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on MATTERHORN LANE and WILLIAM TELL RD. from 500 feet west of McKnight Rd. to McKnight Rd. Also construct sanitary sewer, also construct sewer and water service connections (G-2036 & S-1505) are hereby approved. The Purchasing Agent is instructed to advertise for bids. i APPROVED Al TO FORM s 9, 40. -, Z.�; is3a t Ifty eor--W' or--W Department Head /3113 Administrative o t or