D747 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR La,�-3 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Industriarl Commission, dated July 2, 1973, Walter J. Rigwald, Sr. , employee of the City Hall and Court House Commission, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sume of , 150.00, representing 70 weeks of compensation at the compensa ion rate of $45.00 per week, subject to the conditions set forth belpw; such sum being payable by reason of the permanent partial disability of said Walter J. Rigwald, Sr. , who -was injured January, 1965, while employed by the City Hall and Court House Commissionz; be it FURTHER ORDERED, that out of the aforesaid compensation, $480.00 be deducted and paid directly to John F. Gilsdorf, attorney for said Walr J. Rigwald, Sr. , in full satisfaction of legal services endered and the remaining balance of the aforesaid compen- sation, $2,670.00, be paid directly to said Walter J. Rigwald, Sr. , in one lump sum without interest deduction. • I APP TO FO Finance Dept. as to Funding: Ass' tant City Attorney / Department Head Date rativ Assistant to Mayor