D734 White — City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L / Pink — Finance Dept. No Canary— Deat. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ,. Hate: JUL 9 1973 4 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Community Services, Division of Parki and Recreation, is hereby directed to give notice to Toltz, King, Duvall, and Anderson and Associates, Inc., that pursuant to an Agreement between the City and Toltz, King, Duvall, and Anderson, Council File 244909, the (latter may complete previously commenced engineering work as follows: 1. Hidden Falls Park access road and lighting authorized 7/30/69 and 8/11/71 2. Crosby Farm Park access road and parking areas authorized 3/23/71 3. Crosby Farm Park comfort station mechanical fand electrical design authorized 3/23/71 And add certain and specific engineering and architectural work as follo s: 1 Hidden Falls Park a) Picnic Pavilion - architectural, structural, mechanical, • electrical design b) Parking Lots and Picnic Area - electrical design for lighting c) Existing Stone Retaining Walls - investigation of existing conditions as to structural stability d) Water Supply for Falls - investigation into possible alternatives to existing source of water Approved as to Funding: ACTIN irect41stin ce and Management Services ' APPR Page one of two pages Attorney Depar tment Head fe `—c Administra W e Ass ant to Mayor