D712 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL
Pink — Finance Dept. NO:
Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR JUN 2 6 1973
Plans and Specifications to construct a public storm sewer and to repair an
existing public sanitary sewer and do all incidental work to complete these
improvements on the following streets : in CUMBERLAND STREET from Maryland
Avenue to 800 feet South; in MARYLAND AVENUE from Cumberland Street to Virginia
Street afid from Farrington Street to Albemarle Street; in WESTERN AVENUE from
Geranium Avenue to Maryland Avenue; in VIRGINIA STREET from Jessamine Avenue to
Geranium Avenue and from Maryland Avenue to Orange Avenue; in GERANIUM AVENUE
from Wes ern Avenue to Virginia Street; in ROSE AVENUE from Western Avenue to
Virginia Street and from Matilda Street to Galtier Street; in COOK AVENUE from
Virginia Street to Matilda Street; in MATILDA STREET from Cook Avenue to Rose
Avenue; in MARION STREET from Rose Avenue to Maryland Avenue; in GALTIER STREET
from Cook Avenue to Jessamine Avenue and from Geranium Avenue to Burlington
Northern right-of-way; in an easement to be obtained across the Burlington
Northern right-of-way to the Troutbrook Sewer; in WOODBRIDGE STREET from Rose
Avenue t Maryland Avenue; in ORANGE AVENUE from Albemarle Street to Galtier
Street; JESSAMINE AVENUE from Matilda Street to Galtier Street; and in IVY
AVENUE from Matilda Street to Marion Street, all known as the MARYLAND-GALTIER
RELIEF S WER SYSTEM (S-0998) approved during a public hearing held May 2, 1973,
and Admi istrative Order #D-275, are hereby approved.
The Purc asing Agent is instructed to advertise for bids.
Assi ant ity to a /Department Head
Sewer Design Dave Rossma
Administ a nt t ayor