D699 White — City Clerk G I TY OF SAINT PA LT L C NO: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: JUN 18 197 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Acting Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to placle an advertisement for bids, without modification, in the Legal Ledger of Saint Paul, said advertisement to be transmitted by the Direc- tor of ublic Works (upon his receipt of confirmation of the advertise- ment fr the Minnesota Highway Department), for the grading, paving, storm s ers and bridge construction on MARYLAND AVENUE - Abell Street to 1-35 , known as City Project No. P-05268, said advertisement to be publish d on the three successive Saturdays of June 23, June 30, and July 7, 1973. The Acting Purchasing Agent is further instructed to re- ceive a 1 sealed proposals for said project, to schedule the bid opening for 2:0 P.M. on July 18, 1973, and to assist the Commissioner of High- ways or' his representative in conducting said bid opening, as provided under the terms of the Agency Agreement dated May 25, 1973 between the City and the Commissioner of Highways. f APPROVED AS TO FORM tant ity' tt ey Y, Depar ent Iiea 500 ate A ve is ant to ayor (bjh)