D686 White - City Clerk CITY. OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: JUN 1 11973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • This Administrative Order is pursuant to the emergency powers of the Mayor. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Purchasing Agent is authorized to extend the existing towing contracts for"a period of time up to thirty days or July 1, 1973 as an emergency measure to allow for the award of the contracts under Bid A5560. Extensions are to be at the rates as provided on the previous extension Administrative Order D-559. TO: DO 'S TOWING AND AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE INC. ZONE 1 - bou*ded by the Mississippi River on the west and south, University Avenue on the north and by Dale, St. Albans and South Osceola on the east. ZONE 2 - boulded by the city limits on the west and north, Mississippi Street on the east and University to Dale to Marshall to Rice and University on the south. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $13.00 B. iTowing a tag and tow vehicle . . . . . . " " " " $13.00 C. hMaking a Public Safety tow . . . . . . . " " " " $13.00 D. !Making a service call. . . . . . . . . . " " " " $13.00 E. [Making an unusual tow. . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per hour $22.00 TO: COIFSOLIDATED TOWING SERVICE, INC. DBA/BISHOP TOWING SERVICE ZONE 3 - bo ded by Dale, Marshall and Rice Street on the west, Northern Pacific right- of-*ay on the north and east and West St. Paul on the south. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $12.00 B. Towing t " " " " $12.00 g tag and tow vehicle . . C. Making a Public Safety tow . it " it if $ 8.00 D. Making a service call. . . it tr it if $ 5.00 E. Making an unusual tow. . . . . . . . . . Unit rate per hour $15.00 TO: AR 'S EMERGENCY TOWING, INC. ZONE 4 - bouttlied by Mississippi Street and the Northern Pacific right.-of-way on the west and the City limits on the north, east and south. A. Towing a wrecked vehicle . . . . . . . . Unit rate per tow $15.00 B. Towing t " " " " $15.00 g tag and tow vehicle . C. Making a Public Safety tow . . . . . . . of It of it $ 8.00 D. Making a service call. . . . . . . . " it it It $ 6.00 E. Making an unusual tow. . . . . . . . . Unit rate per h $25.00 Code; 34050- 69 1i j. APPROVED AS TO FO M F.B. 4445 (�(l (/G B. 5 5 DIF CTOR - FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES c ,((//GCt�/ Assistant City ttorney De ar Date A mistrative si t to 6/5/73/Stanton/Ln m