D685 White - City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL - U — Lu Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. p ? 1973 OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the aetter of constructing public storm sewers in the following streets: In Cleveland Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to Dudley Ave. and from Commonwealth Ave. ,to Como Ave. In Dud l er Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Raymond Ave. In Ray d Ave. from Dudley Ave. to Knapp St. and from Scudder St. to PO' South of Blake Ave. In Hythp St. from Dudley Ave. to Hendon Ave. In Hendon Ave. from Hythe St. to Cleveland Ave. In Buford Ave. from Grantham St. to Hythe St. and from Cleveland Ave. to Raymond Ave. In Grantham St. from Dudley Ave. to Buford Ave. In Chelmsford St. from Dudley Ave. to Knapp St. In Doswell Ave. from Grantham St. to Hythe St. and from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. In Carter Ave. from Como Ave. to 300' West and from Cleveland Ave. to Raymond Ave. In Commonwealth Ave. from Como Ave. to 450' West and from Cleveland Ave. to Alley and from Keston St. to Gordon Ave. In Knapp St. from Raymond Ave. to Hillside Ave. • In Como Ave. from Luther Pl . to Knapp Pl . and from Raleigh St. to Gibbs Ave. In Knapp Pl . from Como Ave. to Knapp St. In Langford Pk. East from Gordon Ave. to Knapp St. In Langf6 rd Pk. West from Knapp St. to 350' South of Blake Ave. In Kesto St. from Carter Ave. to Commonwealth Ave. In Gor= Ave. from Carter Ave. to Ludlow Ave. and from Scudder St. to Raymond Ave. In Blake Ave. from Ludlow Ave. to Langford Pk. West and from Raymond Ave. o Langford Pk. East In Atty t. from Scudder St. to Raymond Ave. In Priscilla St. from Raymond Ave. to Gibbs Ave. In Gibbs Ave. from Como Ave. to Kasota Ave. In Langf rd Pk. East from Blake Ave. to 350' South All to be known as the St. Anthony Park Storm Sewer System (S-0460E-1) and (S-0460E*2) APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant i t o partment Head 73 Date Administra e a to Mayor White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUE Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. JUN W ,(��� OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR d � Date I i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, i PAGE 2 The Report of the Department of Public Works is accepted. The Department of Finance is hereby directed to bring this matter before the City Council for public hearing. j APPROVED AS O FORM at t ity t me Department Head Sewer Department - Henry W. Jackson Rate Administrative Assistant to Mayor