D682 "�iCierk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink rinance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: JUN 71973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I ADMINISTRATI�E ORDER, That the proper c i ty off icers are hereby author ized and d i r- ected to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , Supplemental Agreement No. 1 (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) between the City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, which supplements Agreement No. 55175 (executed on November 4, 1966) covering the disposition of costs involved in construction of a traffic control signal system and street lights at the inter- section of Tru k Highway No. 61 and Burns Avenue. This Supplemental Agreement No. 1 provides for t e termination of Agreement No. 55175 and further, for City reconstruc- tion and the disposition of costs thereof to relocate and revise the existing traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 61 at Burns Avenue and the installation and re- moval of a tem orary traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 61 at Warner Road (City Project No. T-1022C) ; and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the City's share of the construction, engineering and inspection costs incurred under the terms of this Supplemental Agreement No. 1 , esti- mated as a sum of $5,000.00, shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, said fund to be reimbursed in the estimated amounts of $1 ,750.00 from 1973 Municipal State Aid Funds, and $3,250.00 from 1973 County Aid Funds. All costs shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. T-1022C. The City will duly receive an amount estimated at $5,300.00 from the State of Minnesota, representing the State's share of the costs, which sum shall be credited to the P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, Public Works Project No. T-1022C. Total cost of this project is estimated at $10,300.00. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: '60t Director of Finance & Management Services APPROVED AS T FORM A4stant Pity' t pa4nt ad (DOL) Re jm Administrative ssistan MAyor j STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN.IBM 55155 August 14, 1973 Mr. H B. Marshall City 7erk St. Pahl City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Traffic Signal. Agreement No. 55175-S.A. #1 City o St. Paul T.H. 6 at Burns Ave. and at Warner Road in St•I Paul S.P. 6;2o-42 Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed are two fully a wonted copies (one original) of the referenced agreement 'between the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways and the City of St, Pau], covering traffic signal work. Sincerely, R. A. Kurpius Assistant Traffic Engineer, Plans Enclosure: Agreements (2) i i