D675 White - City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAITI, NO: - L26,� Pink — Finance Dept. . Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR `IJNr Date: d n _ VR-7n�7'�— wow ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS: The Department of Public Works has made a preliminary investigation of the City's sewer system and has determined that of the many areas needing relief, the following areas are of the highest priority, and should be considered for the 1974 program. S-0460G3: BAYLESS-CROMWELL STORM SYSTEM This proj ct will separate the storm and sanitary sewers in the Bayless- Cromwell �rea. It will outlet into the St. Anthony Park Storm Tunnel . Estimated Cost $196,100.00 S-1408: BURGESS-CHATSWORTH RELIEF SYSTEM This project will give immediate relief to a small drainage area west of the Calvary Cemetary and will eliminate backups in this area. This area will eventually be extended and outletted into a storm tunnel . Estimated Cost $57,400.00 S-14896: FLANDRAU-HOYT RELIEF SYSTEM This proj ct is an extension of the 1973 Flandrau Hoyt Project. Estimated Cost $691 ,000.00 S-1493: JEFF RSON-WHEELER STORM SYSTEM This proj ct will separate storm and sanitary sewers in an area bounded by St. Cl it and Randolph from Fairview to Snelling. This is an extension of the Wh eler-Fairmount System constructed in 1968. Estimated Cost $230,900.00 APPROVED AS TO FORM As ' tant ty'Att y epartment Hea I f f bat o Administrati Assist to Slayor White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL No: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR JUN 61973 ' Date: f ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, -Page 2- S-1449: Repair of Existing Sanitary Sewers In HUNTING VALLEY ROAD from Doswell Ave. to Valentine Ave. and in DOSWELL AVE. from Eustis St. to 200' West. Estimated Cost $33,700.00 S-1365: KELLOGG BLVD. from I .S. 35E to Seven Corners This project involves the construction of storm sewers in coordination with I .S. 35E and will not be considered until the MHD plans are formalized. Estimated Cost $88,400.00 S-1464C: KENT-CHARLES RELIEF SYSTEM This project is necessitated by the proposed construction of Target Store at University and Dale St. and other improvements in the N.E. quadrant of Summit-University. Estimated Cost $192,000.00 S-1277C: MIL�ON-ST. CLAIR STORM SYSTEM-Contract C This project will separate storm and sanitary sewers and provide much needed r0 ief for the area bounded by Summit Ave. and I .S. 35E from Lexington Pkwy. to Victoria St. Estimated Cost $289,800.00 APPROVED AS T FO M As to ty At ey Department Head Date �- • Administrative Osistant To NVyor While - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUE - �j 41.5 Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. - OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: JUN 61973 f ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, -Page 3- S-1512: PHALEN CREEK TRUNK SEWER REPAIR This project involves repair of an existing trunk sewer which is severely cracked and eroded. Estimated Cost $66,300.00 S-0971A: ST. 'ANTHONY HILL RELIEF SYSTEM-Tunnel This is a tunnel which will serve as an outlet for separated storm sewers in the ar0a bounded Hamline Ave. and Dale St. from I .S. 94 to Minnehaha Ave. Estimated Cost $3,116,000.00 5-0460E2 ST. ANTHONY PARK STORM SYSTEM - Contract E2 This project will separate the storm and sanitary sewers in the Como Ave. and Raymond area. It will outlet into the St. Anthony Park tunnel . Estimated Cost $765,000.00 S-1267: WESTMINISTER-YORK RELIEF SYSTEM This project is needed to relieve greatly undercapacity sewers in this area. Estimated Cost $261 ,600.00 The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to obtain surveys, prepare plans and make cost estimates. If they determine that any of these projects are necessary they shall submit these, along with a recommendation to the Director of Finance. APPROVED AS TO FORM s' tan i y ttorney Depar ment HeAl David M. Rossman P.E. / Sewer Design , fe Administrative Agsistant to ay r