D671 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: Jl1N „, 19� 73 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That, pursuant to Administrative Order No. D-523 dated April 2, 1973, the Report with Recommendations (copy attached) as submitted by the Department of Public Works concerning an investigation of improving WHITE BEAR AVENUE from Minnehaha Avenue to Maryland Avenue including replacing the bridge over the C.N.W.R.R. (City Project No. P-0488B in- cluding �-1016) is hereby approved. The Department of Finance and Manageme t Services is hereby directed, in conjunction with the Depart- ment of ublic Works , to hold public informational meetings in the affected neighborhood, pursuant to Resolution C.F. No. 259451 approved August 21 , 1972, for the purpose of explaining the need for acquiring additional right-of-way for the new bridge and to inform the neighbor- hood citizenry of the nature of the proposed street and bridge im- provemen s. The Department of Finance and Management Services is further i rected to schedule this project including land acquisition for a pu lic hearing before the City Council . The additional right-of- way to b acquired is detailed in the attached legal description, as shown on the Department of Public Works Easement Drawing No. 2219 , Drawer 4, dated May 18, 1973 (copy attached) . 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM b040Z 1+illot ity At orney 6 1\_' Daniel J. Dun f r Depar ment Hea (DOL) � f 12 . ,ty Pate ell :k Administra ive Assistant Mayor