D670 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUE
Pink — Finance Dept. No:
Canary— Dept.
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, T?Wt the proper City officers are hereby authorized and
directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , Supplemental Agreement No. 1
(a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) between the
City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, which supplements Agreement
No. 57252 (ex cuted on September 25, 1972 under Administrative Order No. D-182 dated
September 21 , 1972) covering the disposition of costs involved In State construction
of City sewer and other joint-use sewers (City Project No. S-1064B1) in conjunction
with State construction of 1-94 from Plum Street to Kennard Street. This Supplemental
Agreement No. 1 provides for State reconstruction and the disposition of costs thereof
of Etna Street from Warner Road to Burns Avenue (including sewer relocation) , Burns
Avenue from Birmingham Street to 120 feet east, Upper Afton Road from Burns Avenue
to 190 feet southeast, and the T.H. No. 61 - Warner Road connection (City Project
No. P-0594) ; and be it
FURTHER ORDERED, That the construction, administrative, inspection and engineering
costs incurred by the City under the terms of this Supplemental Agreement No. 1 ,
egtimated as a sum of $138,699.28, shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, said
Fund to be reimbursed from 1972 Municipal State Aid Funds. All costs shall be
accounted for .under Department of Public Works Project No. P-0594, known as ETNA ST.
INTERCHANGE - Warner Road - T.H. No. 61 - Burns Avenue.
w .
Director of Finance and Management Services jjt-��
s y Ildne Depar ent He (DOL)
AdrninistratiyfAssistantLM MIC
ST. PAUL, MINN. 55155
July 2, 1973
.Ir. Ilar y E. :arshall n
City Cl rlc
City of St. Paul
City Ha 2
St. Pau , 1innesota 55102
ATTIv: Pr. Daniel J. Danford
Director of Public ;,Yorks 3
In repl refer to: 330
Amendment to Const. Agree. No. 57252
City of St. Paul
S.P. 628;-45 (T.II. 94=392)
• red. Proj. Ifinn. 1 094-3(198)244
e: ^e ocation of inplace sanitary
se er line on Etna St. that con-
flicts with the construction of
the I-94 4811 R.C.P. Storm Sewer
Outlet. T.II. 61 and S:Tarner
Road connection
Dear Mr. '.arsha11:
Transmitted herewith are two fully e<:ecuted copies of the subject amend-
ment to Agree ent No. 57252 between the City of St. Paul and this depart-
ment relative to the payment by the City to the State of the costs of
construction on Warner Road, Etna Street, (N.W. ".amp Conn. A) Burns Avenue
the connection from Burns Avenue to Upper Afton toad and the relocation
of sanitary sewer and storm sewer on Etna Street. Said payment by the
City shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Articles II and
III of the enclosed Amendment to Agreement No. 57252 which bases said
City payipent on final quantities of City cost participation work per-
formed c6mcputed at the unit prices contained in the State's construction
contract and Supplemental ",greement No. 4.
Article III, Section A. of the agreement prov(I'cs for the City to advance
to the State the City's estimated total cost share of the aforesaid City
• cost participation construction based on the construction contract unit
prices. The City's total cost share based on construction contract unit
prices is the sum of $138,699.28. An invoice in the amount of $138,699.28
will be sent to the City shortly and it is requested that said advance
payment be made accordingly.
V lir. Harry E. Marshall
page 2
Y July 2, 1973
The enclosed agreement copies may be retained for the City's use.
Leo A. Korth
Assistant Commissioner - Design and Right of T,Jay
By: D. "T. Dunshee
Municipal Engineer
Agreement and Cost Estim;A a (2)