D639 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: MAY 2 11973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that as the owners of 256-258-260 Charles have consented to allowing the City to raze the structures on said premises due to their hazardous condition; and WHEREAS, the Mayor personally inspected the lots on May 20, 19732 and noted the structures to be in a deplorable state of disrepair and, furthe , in his opinion, constitute an immediate hazard to the health �nd safety of the citizenry due to the open condition of the structures thereon; now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, that the Mayor, pursuant to the powers vested in him by the City Ch4rter as the chief law enforcement officer, deems that competitive bidding for the razing of the premises would not be in the best interests of the public due to the aforementioned facts and hereby orders the purchasing department to proceed immediately to contact the first available wrecking company to begin the demolition of the premises this day. APPR AS TO FO 1VI _c Ass' tant dity Attorney partment Head Date Mayor