D605 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUE NO: Im. v Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. —14 AY OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That it is in the interest of the City of Saint Paul to have representatives of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement present at code hearings and code deliberations of model code groups; and there has been established a special revenue fund known as the Building Codes Fund; therefore, be it Ordered, That the Administrative Head of this Division is hereby authorized to approve expenditures from this fund for the purpose of attending said model code hearings; provided.further, that said expenditures herein authorized shall not exceed the available balance in said fund. APPROVED S TO FORM AAistarU City Attorney Department ea / 1 Date �- -- Administra a Askodht t Mayor