D563 White - City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA u L Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 13 Wa ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT WHEREAS, on July 17, 1968, the Zoo Animal Fund, Code No. 33140, was established under Council File No. 239474, to account for the sale and purchase of animals for the Como Zoo AND WHEREAS, it is intended that only those items to be charged to this fund reasonably relate to Zoo purposes, it is now therefore, ORDERED that the following expenses are determined the proper use of the funds is said Code No. 33140 1. Purchase of animals 2. Sale of animals 3. Travel expenses for purchases and sale of animals 4. Protective measures 5. Periodicals & memberships 6. Informational literature 7. Phone expenses 8. Insurance expense 9. Animal shipping expense 10. Merchandise for resale in zoo area. APPROVED AS TO FOUI v Assi ant Oity Attorney D artment Head //7 , Administrative Assistant to or