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White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink —finance Dept. No: Canary= Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR y /�/� Date: / ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between the Civic Center Authority and the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Incorporated, acting by and, through the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors, Bureau, a department thereof, upon such terms as are acceptable to the Civic Center Authority, and has been approved by that body, an as set forth in writing in an Agreement attached, hereto. i APPRO S TO FOR C Assistant City Attorney De ent Head Date Administra ' e Assisfaig t t Mayor U f _ ,. , 9 AG RF `9x',Z N "MIS AGRF 249NT,- made and .,ez►tered, into at Saint Pau 1, az . r` iini,:asot*, thi � day of 1973, by and #ri, '? b�twen the Civic Center Authority of the City of Saint Paul, x r s , n Y A hereinafter referred .to as' the "Authority", and the Saint Paul ,, Area Chapber 'of Commeroe, ; Ineorporated, acting by and through ' ° tUe Saint Paul`'Convention and visitors Bureau, a department ,thereof, ' z nbn-profit organized and existing under } aid by virtue bf.� the Laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter' , 3 referred to as the':."Bureau" . `°FTITNRSSETHt ' - w REA,S, ; the` Saint 'Paul- Civic Center Authority was created y virtue.` of Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1969, Cs Hap't er� Jl38, 'far hs purpose' of building, equipping, maintain- . ing And operating,the' Civic Center of the City',of Saint .Pauly and , RZAS� ; there ,is. a necessity to advertise and promote said 44litiesf ,and - REAS, . the4 Authority .does ' not have personnel to handle such natters¢ :aztd ` REAS, the Bureau is willing to undertake the Deli gation tp ^provide. such ,services= and BEREAS; C hCity' of Saint Paul, by the { ordinanae' approvedthe 7th' day of January,. 1970.' provided that 25 percent of the Hotel=Motel Tax received by said City shall "� he paid Ito the Saint Patin` Civic Center.-Authority to be expended 7. A 9 `N for ac vs �ainm and Or 4tin� thm 3 s Saint Paul as a topa�is�t t�xtd oonventior center t and �u 'pg r d t t y Y -1P9 ri Fr7 to y '_::�° d""' .r. iY'}de?, ?�'r ri� 4-.�- '�. rJ:�hMU 9° .� .,.tL ;� :e..�''!'. 'n:"��l�eial.�`r sII•`':�';s�: .. , •-irti as��7�� .•:a�. '�a(�'�;:� �� �, •n.,"-. i c' ��: � '+ `s to � ," r t:s.r� • i 3 A WHEREAS; the parties hereto have reduced their under-` r M1' a Ahdiiig: to •.an a4iisement, and 'desire to set forth the salsa in wkti Age TER ORE, the pit' ties hereto covenant and agree: ~, '1'lae. 19ureau, within the limits of the funds allocated herein, shall (a) 'through advertising and publicity in national a publications attempt to induce and. persuade tourists and other .g8 persons o visit Saint Paull (b) attempt to induce and persuade diverse and sundry organizations in the United States of America p8 foreign countries to hold their conventions in Saint`Pael, and to 'bring or cause to be brought to the City such conventions and ,meetings of delegatesj 'and (c) print and distribute literature intended and designed to induce tourists and ether persons to travel to Saint Paul, folders outlining points..of -interest "in ior, near the city, directories of accommo- Y dationa, land places _to,,eat, maps and other pertinent information. i + .:x The. Bureau shall provide consultation services to `the' Authority relative to conventions and shall answer such , e •iiquirie$ as may be referred to it from the agencies of the _ I City and'sprovide sic publicity, advertising, folders, direc- toiries, �piaps i and similar: iteAts, +if available, to the distribruteos thereof. .. Said expenditures for said purposes granted for the year's from .Ap ril, 1, 1973' through April 1. `1976, ;.shall not be less than 75 •percent of the total amount received by, tho'? 1�iuthorzt from' the proceeds' of ,:the City`s ordinance No. 1.4377. : April 1; 1976 shall• be' the 'te.rmination 'date of this ; Agreement, however, in `the eventithat the 25 percent ,of r a � :� ',t � •z: �' � i=. ', ' �•yr �r► I °ant �i .g5 � r"gC �r 'ql K. '✓ 7 t I 3''{ r ��: r '� 'fix .� M ,In 4Nai+ � ,��.4 � - , �. M S' # ' •k'�i + `!:, K >"plr cy{(. `" ` {f' Y F x It .+'ht n x A.,..1•r Jt5 >•s&�a �9d'! �ir tr nrcr x + A, � '•" L}� 'e ;t^ «�,� t>:_ -tea;,„, R k ��`f i;''.g� La, ,�f. � r '.' � ,.' �; t .i Jr hotel *1 tax allocated to the Civic Center Authority by,, ,; I o said mrdinance, No: 14317 i8 lIICrea$ed Or decreased by the i�� 124 sCOy .fCitV.a ail.', the*,in that event, this Agreement may be relegotiLted or terminated by either party within forty-five (45)x,"days after the effective date of the increase or decrease enacted �y tbe, City' s Council. If no action to terminate by trlttep notice ©r renegotiation is taken by either party lxereto within -sn,id'forty-five days then this Agreement shall i remain'ip effect until the termination date stated above. The,,Authority shall pay the amount due under this Aereement 'to the ,Bureau in quarterly instalments. v Copies 'of:a quarterly report of Bureau' s expenditures undeiv ihis'�Agreement, Vill be submitted to the Civic Center Autb�grit�. '.; 54 This. Agre*ment shall expire on April 1, 1976. �tWITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agieemen , to 'be executed .by their proper officers authorized to do so, on 'the day andti year first above written. a CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL f al W in ' City of S t Paul PPR VED° g e Director, FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING DIVISION S 1T _?AU AREA CHAKBNR OF C T !. � r: Exe tive ae P siden ' ' a etary P. I or, �� �' 'fIY^r Fig , p✓ �Ki.;g y ,s �"� � �, r r {, y 4 �i f } ;��"� 7" i 8 ytPti •t+ ��, . • 'i. h� �s tF, � .'ai a�' ;" °j* +� ;� 11.°,� ;a:}>CA+ ,xYP°[ h�' �Jr .a..6'-} ,. � `:-, ,+ktw�'� .:�F�.,x.��u:, eiP'�'a..n.`'�S"aw...�t'1.�'1:.+�':�ki�,uA.«,<i�dW°�: `��` -