D479 White — City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L NO: D- V91V Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR / Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans, obtain surveys, prepare estimates and investigate the necessity to construct and/or reconstruct the sidewalks on the following streets and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement: South side of Horton Ave. from Churchill St. to Lexington Pkwy N. East side of Cretin Ave. from Carroll Ave. to Roblyn Ave. West side of Langford Park W. from Gordon Ave. to Knapp St. Both sides of Van Buren Ave. from Oxford St. to Lexington Pkwy. Both sides of Charlotte St. from Taylor Ave. north to dead end. Both sides of Young St. from Taylor Ave. north to dead end. Both sides of Fry St. from Taylor Ave. north to dead end. East side of No. Wheeler St. from Hewitt Ave. to Taylor Ave. • Both sides of Como Ave. from Van Slyke and Argyle intersection to Lexington Pkwy. No. The Directorl'of Finance is hereby directed to prepare the preliminary order and schedule this matter for public hearing. APPROVED A S TO FOR Ass tant Cit tt ey Pu 11c Works epartment Head Daniel J. Dunford Walter Hurtley Date Administr ti e A istant toGMa or