D002003C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. No: pC)O o2003 Date: _3�/-7� ( ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the �epartment of 7echnology and Management Services to amend the 2000 Budget of the General Fund, the Diredor of the OHice of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECS: General Government Accounts Exempt Property Assessments GL 001- 09051-0542 Public Improvements Enviranmental Cleanup GL 007-09055-0299 • Financial Forms GL 001-09080-0241 Tort Liability GL 001-09070-0517 Tort Claims GL 001-09087-0511 Arts and Science Center GL 001-09180-0271 Eiections GL 001-09263-0299 Misc Services Printing Settiements Settlements Building Repair Other Misc Services CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 109,396 50,000 1,009 110,405 320 50,320 55,000 (30,521) 24,479 481,000 250,000 7,729 488,729 (7,729) 242,271 11,300 28,846 40,146 352,904 346 353,250 1,309,600 0 1,309,600 ��� �'�b2.��y� �ZO Approved by: Directar of Financial Services te DEPARTMENT/OPp4 DA'L84YRL1TED V v� !XD �� GeneralGovemmentr�ccounts 03-19-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103545 CONiACfPERSpN&PNONE Ol DEPARTA4MiDIltFL"!OR O CLIYCOUNCII. LorlLee 266-8822 �� o �„a,�� o �� M[ISiBEONCOUNCQ.ACd�NDABY(DA'IP) � O2 PWANCW.SVCDPtECfOR O FINANCIALSVGS-ACCOUNIA`G. O MAY02(ORASS6TANt) O TOTAL # OF SIGNAT'fJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnoN aF.QuEShn Approval of Administrarive Order Budget Revision to cover 2000 yeaz end variances. x�;onugcanAnoNS: n�c(A) o.n ��e(a) P'ERSOI3AL SERVtCE COP7TRACTS MI3Si ANSVlERTBE FOLIAWPIG QUESTIOS]S: PLANNQJGCOM1Af15$[ON _CIVLLSERVICECOAAIlSSION l.fiasthispersodfumwerwoxkedimderacontrnctforttisdepazrment? cmcomumrree YES NO w_srwtF _ 2. Has ttis nerson/fvm ever been a ciry employee? nu'rrt�crcounr YES NO SUPPORIS WHICH COUNC➢.OBJECI'NE? 3. Does this person/5�m possess a sldll ao[ normally possessed by any cucrent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain alI yes aoswers on separate stiee[ antl attach to greeu sheet.) A'[MTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpR'CUNI]Y (Who, Wha4 Whrn, Wherc, WAy): � At yeaz end, some variances occurred in various expenditures. This administrative order reconciles the actual 2000 spending to 2000 budget. ADVANiAGES @ ApPROVED: is activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. DISAD V AN'[AGBS 1E APPROVED. None DISADVANiAGES OF NOTAPPAOVEO: Acriviry will show a negative variance in 20QQ. � r � Y'O'CALAMOUNiOFTRANSACf10N_ JHZ O COSifREVENUEBUDGETED(QRCLEONE) YES NO mcsouxce wrnvrrrm��e�090 1 09 55 080 0907 09081 091 0926 ANCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAA�