D449 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAVE Pink — Finance Dept. No:— Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: FEB 2 7 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, PLAND AND SPECIFICATIONS: To construct a public sewer for storm water purposes and do all incidental work necessary to complete this improvement on the following streets: in HOWELL AVE. from James Ave. to Palace Ave. ; in PRIOR AVE. from Palace Ave. to Stanford Ave. ; in KENNETH AVE. from James Ave. to Berkeley Ave. ; in JAMES AVE. from Finn St. to Cleveland Ave. ; in PALACE AVE. from Finn St. to Cleveland Ave. ; in JULIET AVE. from Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave. ; in WOODLAWN AVE. from approximately 800 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. to Jefferson Ave.and from approximately 260 ft. south of Stanford Court to Stanford Court; in STANFORD COURT from Stonebridge Ave. to approximately 80 ft. east of Mississippi River Blvd. ; in the alley through Block 6 of Cables Stonebridge Add. from approximately 200 ft. south of Stanford Court to Stanford Court; in the Alley through Block 1 of Cables Stonebridge Add. from approximately 300 ft. south of Stanford Court to Stanford Court, all known as the JULIET-FINN STORM SEWER - CONTRACT B, 73-S-1313B, approved under Final Order Council File #256710 dated December 15, 1971 and to repair a public sanitary sewer located in Randolph Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth St. , 73-S-1447A, are hereby approved. • The Purchasing Agent is instructed to advertise for bids. APPROVED AS TO O e Ass' ta ofney tmen ead David M. sman- Dote Administrat ve As Man o Mayor