D416 White - City Clerk CITY 6F SAINT PAUL �� No Pink — Finance PURCHASING DIV♦ FEB 11 Canary— Oi�}C7C OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Q �1973� Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, to purchase the following materials as a result of a bid taken by Hennepin County under the Joint Powers Act - Minnesota Statutes 1967 Section 471.59 - no contract required - for the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale, Saint Paul, Minnesota from HALL EQUIPMENT, INCORPORATED, 600 West Highway 13, Savage, Minnesota 55378 - Disposable Sweeper Gutter Brooms, filled with domestic manufactured oil-tempered spring steel wire, approximately .025 x .125 x 26 inches. 350 Sets - For Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper . . . . . . $25.45 Each Set - $ 8,907.50 . 125 Sets - For Mobil 2TE4 Street Sweeper. . . . . . . . $25.45 Each Set - $ 3,181.25 5 Sets - For Wayne 2-770 Street Sweeper . . . . . . . $25.45 Each Set - $ 127.25 total amount of contract . . . . . . . . . . $12,216.00 A a I P=• - FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES PUR ING ENT Hennepin County Bid No. 3305 EPUTY Req'n 0755 Code: 12202-353 APPROV TO FORM 0 Assistant C y Attorney epartment Head 1/25/73/Smi th/j o Administrative Ap&tant o Ma r