D413 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � J
Pink — Finance Dept. No: � �.
Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR FEB A 1973
Date: (�
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City off icers are hereby
authorized and directed to enter into and execute an agreement
between the City of Saint Paul and Joseph Gomez whereby the
City will retain the services of Mr. Gomez as the Battle Creek
Ski Director for the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars
($1,800.00) to be paid in three equal installments from the
Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings Refectory Fund
23107-159-005, according to the terms of said agreement, a copy
of which is attached hereto.
Approved as to Available Funding:
r1r"d I
Director of Finance and Management Services
sistant City Attomey ar ffetnWht Head
, 1-73
Administratilre Assistant o Mayor
� S P E C I A L S E I: V I C E
± Y' A G P. E E 2i L ?j' T
THIS AGP.EE: :IT, made and entered into this day of
x4 1973, by and bet-.een z:':e City of Saint Paul, a
" municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred
E to as the "City", and Joseph Gomez, an individual, hereinafter re- r
ferred to as the "Battle Creek Ski Director", residing at 3425 Hudson
i -
Road, lake Elmo, Minnesota, wherein the parties agree as follows:
f �
1. The Battle Creek Ssi Director shall be retained by
the City for the term commencing January 2, 1973 and terminating
March 15, 1973.
t 2. The Battle Creek Ski Director wall fill in and assist 4
the ski instructors in the event an instructor becomes ill, or an. '?
emergency arises wherein the assigned ski instructor is unabie to3'"
instruct during an assigned hour or t:OIIrS.
3. The Battle Creek Ski Director small be responsible
for the proper instructional procedures in the teac ing o° the Amer-
ican skiing technique. r
4. The Battle Creek Ski Director shall provide supervision
an,.. be responsible for L1,. i _ ,cal: _�•: i:� .,._ - .." ._�__ .a
the completion of the ski
• 5. The Battle Creek Ski Director under tha direction of
the City Ski Director shall assist in setting up and inst.ucting at
all clinic sessions. Ile shall be rosponsi')lc� for nrovidi.i critique
S ,. y
sessions for the instructors under l:is s •rvisiun as needed.
6. the follocain pa,,-I2-
ts sh.ali b ar.� on t:: ccadition
ti 4
that the Dattle Cree!. Ski Director .,nd, coon of the City
Slcr Director fulfills t:. - V
. _ :vrF: luire:.�:.ts ,et ..:rt,. i; _!,,is ,1c,ra�:;a�.tt
to the satLsfactiop, of cile � tin�; o_-
_ t'-,c .eDactn-gat of Casmunity �
Services. Ile shall be pdid by Cit: Oac ' ;:o.is nd Eight rundre.d #
.} i
Dollars ($1,800.00). Payments shall be made as follows:
j _ S