D408 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. N� Canary— Dept. FF JAN 3 O 973 OIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Is ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the City officers are authorized to sign on behalf of the City Agreement with the Chicago North Western Transportation Company, whereby the City will construct certain sanitary sewer lines made necessary by the reconstruction of Phalen Creek Sewer and the necessity for rerouting the existing sanitary connections to a sanitary sewer, part of the cost to be paid for by the City and a portion of the cost to be reimbursed to the City by the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company. Estimated Cost Estimated Financing • Construction $8,760.00 1973 L. I . $7,850.00 Engineering 760.00 C AW.T.C. $2,150.00 Inspection 180.00 $100000.00 Insurance 300.00 $10,000.00 R� Head, Depar ent of PL95lic Works Henry Jackson, Civil Engirker I I I APPROVED AS TO FO AM96VEDs iR9 TO FUNDING Ass an y ttorn Department Head Director, Finance & Management 6Cb*-1 Services 1/73 Administ ve Assist nt It Mayor