D390 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3 b � Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. JAN N 1 9 973 OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR n Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Community Services, Division of Parks and Recreation is authorized to hire Harry S. Johnson Land Surveyors, Inc. for the sum of $1,780.00 to provide the following services: 1. Reproducible penciled mylar of the portion of Crosby Lake Park bounded on the west by Holiday Harbor, the north by Shepard Road, the east by the western edge of Crosby Lake, and the Ksouth by the Mississippi River. Total area to be mapped equals approximately 155 acres. Saale shall be 1" = 5010"; Contour interval two feet; Existing utilities shall be identified. 2. Establish and certify location on topographic map of a) Western property line where it abuts Holiday Harbor property. b) Right of way for service road. 3. Reproducible mylar of aerial photo at 1" = 50'0" registered to top- ographic map. To be gaid from Fund 6000-602-7237 Director of Finance and Magagement xvy� Services APPRO ED AS TO OR sistant City A torne Department Head Date Ndrnifiistrati e 7nt to Mayor