D385 White - City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance D,ept NO: , Canary— Dept. Or Public forks — OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR JqN 1 9 1973 Kent Schonberger Date. Please send copy to ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Bureau of Public Buildings SUMMARY ABATEMENT Housing Code Office ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT WHEREAS , The Department of Public Buildings issued orders to Michael Geheran, on December 27, 1972 and January 5, 1973 requesting abatement of the hereinafter described nuisance with the latter order stating that the owner may appeal it; and, as of January 15, 1973 said nuisance remains and no appeal has been filed, Pursuant to Ordiance No. 15154, the Bureau of Public Buildings acting through the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to remove and abate the following nuisance: Rubbish in rear yard from the property at 992 Laural described as West 30 feet of Lot 3 Block • 31 Summit Park addition (07-71200-030-31) ; the Department of Public Works is directed to charge all costs incurred to Fund No. 03325 and to report these costs to the Bureau of Public Buildings; and the Bureau of Public Buildings is directed to report these costs to the Finance Department so that they may be charged against the real estate as a special assessment. APPROVED AS TO FO 1�- Depar ng a e - o 'e r. Trudeau Ass' ant City Attorney Depart t Head te ��- Administrative Ass' ant to ayor