D324 White - City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: DEC 41099 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Dept. of Communicty Services, Division of Parks and Recreation is authorized to hire Harry S. Johnson Land Surveyors, Inc. for the sum of $1,980.00 to provide the following services: 1. Prepare a reproducable mylar penciled-manuscript of 1"-50' of the Highland Park area, bounded on the North and West by Edgcumbe Road, on the East by Lexington Parkway, on the South by West Seventh Street. 2. Provide one foot contour intervals on the upper level. 3. Provide two foot contour intervals on the steep slopes of the Ravine and along West Seventh Street. 4. Identify existing utilities. 5. Prepare a reproducible mylar aerial photograph of the mapped area to be • registered to the contour map. 6. Field identify and label all trees on the site 6" in diameter and larger, measured @ 30" above the ground. To be rail from Fun d 6000-601 (L-7601) Acting Head - Dept. of Finance To be reimbursed from 9772-460-001 T'��• APP ED S TO F R Assista t Fity Xttorney } Departmftt Head Oe dministrativ t to Mayor