D316 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL b- 31.E 40K Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: DEC 1 4 19� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, Administrative Order D-102, approved August 18, 1972, authorized the City of St. Paul to enter into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with several local governments to finance an Engineering Study of the Battle Creek Watershed and, WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul 's share amounts to $1 ,940.00 based on an estimated total cost of $10,000.00, now therefore be it hereby an, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, to amend the financing portion of the above stated Administrative Order D-102 from 1972 County Aid Funds to 1972 Local Improve- ments Funds, Code 0920-461 L-7569 APPR D AS 0 FUNDING: APPROVED AS TO FORM Acting Director of Finance �1 ja ity rn partme —Head Pu b i i c Works e Administrative sistant o ayor