D002001C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Services - Accounting Section - Requesting Dept. CURRENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the O�ce of Financtal Services to amend the 2000 Budget of the Generel Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIYITY AND OBJECT: Executive Administration Office of Financial Service: GL 001- 00110-0439 Fringe Benefits GL 001- 00110-0813 Duplicating Machine . All Other Activity Spending • --- i�//'��� i���2����%� �� � Requested by: Depaitment Director Date 333,938 6,000 No: d DD aOQ/ Date: .3 �/-EI j APPROVED CHANGES 5,232 (5,232) AMENDED BUDGET 0 339,170 768 1,260,996 1,260,996 1,600,934 9 1,600,934 �.�iL(/L / ���G��'�Gl� `' ,,,0 Approved by: Finanaal Services Di cto� o�,���,o�«�,��� oa,���.� .pao ao o � oft 03-19-00 GREEN SHEEl' NO. 103542 ..�, ,. COMACI'PERSON&PHQYE ' � �l DEPAR'lM1Il+NTDIItEC[OR O CCIYCOUNCb Lori I.ee 266-8822 �,. Q crrrwrron�r � crmc�u: MUSiBEONCA[INCQ.AGENDABY(DATE) � �2 PMANCW.SVCD1Ri?CfOR O4 FINANCIALSYCS-ACfAUNTA`G. a MAYOR(ORAS$(S]'AN'I} � OTAL # OF SIGNATi7RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION RFRUESiID Approval of Administrative Order Budget Revision to cover 2000 yeaz end variances. RECOn+hma�wr�OWS: ewa�w� (N o�x i�a (R) PLANNWGCOMM65ION CNL.SERVICECOMA95SION cm COn4.4[rrEE ... _�sraFr _ D6TRIC[ COURi wne�,vmm,amv�.wnv} PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACfS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIIVG [tUF.5110 1. Has this persodfum ever workrd un8er a conuact for ihis deparunent? YES NO 2. Has this person/fvm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces tltis person/Sxm possess a s1d11 not no�mally possessed by any culrent city employee? YES NO (Esplaiu aR Yes answers on seoazate sheet and attach ta yreeu sheet.) year end, a variance occurred in fringe benefit expenditures. This administrative order reconciles actua12000 spending to 2000 budget. ff e,eexoveo- acfivity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. will show a negative variance in 2000. oar�uvsncnon _ 5 232 cosrmevxm�swcaTen�ciac�,eor�> ves rro e Acrrvsrr�c� 00110