D246 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL D 00 Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE D3'ItYOIR Date: OCT Q Is for ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The City, by Resolution, Council File No. 259344, has already approved the Minnesota Highway Department's plans and speci- fications for rock stabilization of the deteriorating limestone bluff along Shepard Road, extending from approximately 400 feet east of Elway Street to approximately 1200 feet east of Elway Street , known as State Project No. 6280-177 (T.H. 35E = 390) , and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Highway Department has received bids and awarded a construction contract (No. 14833) to the low bidder, Park Construction Company, for the construction of said Project; it is hereby ORDERED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , an Agreement (No. 57262) , between the City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways providing for the disposition of the City's share of the costs of the engineering and construction of said State Project No. 6280-177 (T.H. 35E = 390) . Said costs shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund Code 6000 which shall be reimbursed from the Public Works Contingency • Fund. Said costs are estimated in the sum of $24,362.45, and shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. M-0555. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director - Department of Finance APPROVED AS TO FORM i sista C y m y Pub i s Work B�ePa' ment Has i E Administrative Assistant to Mayor • STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 November 21, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Mr. Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director of Public Works In reply refer to: 330 Coop. Const. Agree. No. 57262 City of St. Paul S.P. 6280-177 (T.H. 35E=390) Rock excavation in N.E. quadrant of T.H. 35E - Shepard Road interchange Dear Mr. Marshall: Transmitted herewith are two fully executed copies, one with original signatures, of • the subject agreement between the City of St. Paul and this department relative to payment by the City to the State of a 50 percent cost share of the rock excavation and associated work to be performed by the State, under contract, above and along the north side of Shepard Road in the northeast quadrant of the Shepard Road - Inter- state Trunk Highway No. 35E interchange in accordance with State plans, specifica- tions and special provisions designated as State Project No. 6280-177 (T.H. 35390). The said payment by the City shall be based on final quantities of work performed computed at the unit prices contained in the State's Construction Contract No. 14833. Article III, Section A. of the agreement provides for the City to advance to the Commissioner of Highways the sum of $249362.459 the City's total estimated cost share based on plans quantities and contract unit prices, forthwith upon the execution of the agreement and upon receipt of a request from the State for such advancement of funds. An invoice in the amount of $243,362.45 will be sent to the City in a few days and it is requested that said advancement of funds be made accordingly. The enclosed agreement copies may be retained for the City's use. Sincerely, Leo A. Korth Assistant Commissioner - Design and Right of Way I 1 J By: D. T. Dunsheer^ Municipal Engineer Enclosures: Q /� Agreements (2)