D234 White — City Clerk (CITY OF SAINT PAUL — 3�' Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. t OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OCT 13 10j72 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The Bureau of Health's Dog Pound Office was burglarized on October 6, 1972 and a cash box containing $27.50 was stolen; and WHEREAS, The Bureau of Health immediately notified the Police Department and notified e State Public Examiner on October 10, 1972 of the theft and loss; now therefore, be it ORDERED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to reimburse the Bureau of Health's Dog Pound out of Fund 0188-456 for the loss sustained. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Robert W. Trudeau Acting Head, Dept. of Finance APPROVED AS F M j . to City rn D tmen t ea Saint Paul Fire Chief Pate Administrative Asfistant to M or