D228 White — City Clerk G I TY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. F OCT 12 197 2 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That an extra in the amount of Seventy Dollars ($70. 00) be allowed under Contract L7345 between the City of Saint Paul and Como Specialty Company, said contract for the Mechanical Work for the Saint Paul Civic Center Multi-Purpose Arena Building and said changes to cover installation of exhaust fan as more fully set forth in Project Architect ' s Change Order No. MSM-1 and Civic Center Authorityx esolution No. 501, copies of which have been filed with the Act ' g Head of the Department of Finance. Charge to 6000-604 to be eimbursed from 7420-460. Job #70-45. • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVED AS TO FORM A 'ng Head ept. of Finance -7-;Pp , Assista t City Attorney Dep t nt ea Administratiy AssistaLtA6 Mayor