D215 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Vb;( Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER CT 6 1972 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That an extra in the amount of Four Hundred Thirty-five Dollars and Sixty Cents ($435.60) be allowed under Contract L-7444 between the City of Saint Paul and Claude M. Anderson Electric Company, said contract for the Electrical Construction of a Traffic Maintenance and Office Building, and said changes to cover four additional TP-15N two way horns in garage as more fully set forth in Consultant Architect ' s Change Order No. 2 dated August 21, 1972, copies of which have been filed with the Acting Head of the (coon - To 6 r 1-e-i rn6 u rscoC -'r-owr Department of Finance. Charge _-= Edne """ Be Job ##71-29. f3 . 92_1 t- go"2- • APPROVED AS TO FUNDING 91 WC Acting Head - Dept. of Finance A j77,7 M PP ' _ ~ Assista t City Attorney Departmen Head /g e Administrative Assi ant to Mayor