D201 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL D a 0 Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. G S E P 2j 81972 OFFIE OF THE MAYOR V Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER CHANGE ORDER #1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That a deduct in the amount of One Thousand. Two Hundred Dollars ($1, 200. 00 ) be allowed under Contract L-7539 between the City of Saint Paul and Smolik Electric Company, said contract for the Electrical Construction of Two Recreation Buildings, one located at Arlington Playground, and one at Scheffer Playground, and said change to cover omission of the Sound System, as more fully set forth in letter from contractor dated. September 19, 1972, a copy of which has been filed with the Acting Head of the Department of Finance. Credit 6000-605 (L-7539) to be recredited as follows: $600 to 9771-460-001 and $600 to 9771-460-002. Job #71-90. • Acting Head, Dept. of Finance 7—m APP Cl FORM Assistan City Attorney Depar en -ad Date `�--�-- Administrative Assist to Mayor