D199 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PA u L No: Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: SEP 2 8 1972 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, to authorize the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into an agreement with Harry S. Johnson Land Surveyors, Inc., to provide the Parks and Recreation Department with an aerial survey of Lake Phalen. This survey will provide us with an analysis of any pollution that may be occurring in the lake. Due to the hook-up of the storm sewers to the lake, we feel that this is necessary to protect the lake for swimmers, boats and other people using the lake. Attached is a copy of the proposed plan. To be paid from 2700 for which funds are available. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING 4u, Acting Head, Department of Finance APPROVED AS TO As ' nt C' y A Vley6 Department Head • � I Date t Administrative Assist t to MaW