D002000� C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REYIStON - Financial Services -Accounting Section - Requesting Dept. CURRENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Mayor's Office to amend Yhe 2000 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTNITY AND OBJECT: Executive Administration Mayor's Office GL 001- 00100-0114 Full-Time Appointed GL 001- 00100-0219 Fees - Other Professional Service GL 001- 00100-0439 Fringe Benefits . All Other Activity Spending • ��,C� �'�,�'� 3/!9 Requested by: Department Director Date 581,883 37,770 255,423 No: ��Oe'ZDDa Date: �-c2/-Di _ - T APPROVED CHANGES (19,149) 15,835 314 AMENDED BUDGET 562,734 56,605 255,737 442,375 442,375 1,317,451 0 1,317,451 ��l�G d����G. 3�ia Approved b�ial Services Direct r oisotrce 03-19-00 GREEN T �CTPERSON&PHONE �l DEPARiMEN'lDIXECIOR C Lee 266-8822 �� � cm wrroar�r� [ BEdNCOIJNCdAGENDABY(DA'1£J � � FAIANCiALSVCDiREI.ROR C � IdwYOR(ORASSISTANI7 C 'AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGE5 (CLIP ALL LOCAT FO SI NREQ[IEStED iroval of Adrninistrative Order Budget Revision to cover 2000 year end variances. ��aao�� No. 103541 FINANCllil, SV CS-ACCOUNiA'G. � o.acjw(a) PERSONAL SERVICE CONl"RACTS MUSI ANSWF.R THE FOI.LOWING QUESTiO: _crv¢s�evlceCO�.u.flSSroH I.Has[hispeison/fvmeverworkedwderacontractfortLisdeparCwent? _ YES . NO _ 2. Has fhis person/5xm eva been a city employee? _ YES NO =cnw? 3. Does flils pe�aon�Smi possess a sl�ll not normally possessed by any cu�rent ciry employee? YES NO (Eso�tiu al1 ves answers on separate sheet and attach to ¢reen sAeet) _cm co�e A STAFF _DIS]RIGTCO[IRi AT(NGPROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORi[INICY(Who. Wha4 Whm, VJnae, WhY): year end, a variance occurred in fringe benefit and professional services expenditutes. This administrative order reconciles actua12000 spending to 2000 budget. 'wces � neeaoveo: - activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. 3FAPPROVED� :PS OFNO"f AYPHpVE➢_ will show a negative variance in 2000. oerxaHSarnox 19,149 cosrrneverroesvnccrenccmaeor�e> ves No s ncrrvrrrM,amc� 00100