D182 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�� `. Pink — Finance Dept. No: _X Canary— Dept. t OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' Date: gpp 21 1972 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota is about to award a contract for the construction of grading, surfacing, _storm sewer facilities , bridge construction and other associ- ated work upon and along Interstate Trunk Highway No. 94 from a point westerly of Plum Street to Kennard Street within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul , in accordance with plans , specifications and special provisions therefor designated as State Project No. 6283-45 (T.H. 94-392) , which documents were approved by the St. Paul City Council on August 24, 1972 by Resolution, Council File No. 259538; and WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has included , at the City's request, the construc- tion of the I .S. 94 STORM SEWERS - Plum Street to Kennard Street, City Project No. S-106461 , in the plans , specifications and special provisions for State Project No. 6283-45, (T.H. 94-392) , and the construction of the same will be performed under the State's construction contract for said State Project; now, therefore, be it hereby ORDERED, That the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , Cooperative Construction Agreement No. 57252 between the City and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, providing for the dis- position of the costs incurred in the construction of said City Project No. S-106461 , including the construction of other joint-use sewer facilities and other City sanitary • sewer facilities , a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the construction and engineering costs incurred by the City under the terms of said Agreement shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund Code 6000, and are estimated as a sum of $146,667.05. Said fund shall be reimbursed from Assessments and 1972 Water Pollution Improvement Funds in the respective amounts of $27,700.00 and $118,967.05. All costs shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. S-106461 , known as I .S. 94 STORM SEWERS - Plum Street to Kennard Street. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Di ector - Department of Finance T-Irn APPROVED AS T F M tant 'ty A or partment Head Date Administrativ ssistant to Mayor �w � y`4p11.0 W • STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 55155 October 12t 1972 ! Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paull Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Mr. Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director of Public Works In reply refer to: 330 Coop. Const. Agree. No. 57252 City of St. Paul S.P. 6283-45 (T.H. 94=392) Fed. Proj. Minn. I 094-3 (198) 244 Storm and sanitary sewer construction along and adjacent to T.H. I-94 • within the corporate City limits Dear Mr. Marshall: Transmitted herewith are two fully executed copies, one with original signaturesq of the subject agreement between the City of St. Paul and this department relative to payment by the City to the State of the costs of constructing City storm sewer facilities designated as the "I.S. 94 STORM SEWERS - Plum Street to Kennard Street" including the costs of City sanitary sewer facilities along Cypress Street and a proportionate share of the costs of constructing cooperative joint-use storm sewer facilities which will provide drainage for a portion of Interstate Trunk Highway No. 94 and adjacent City areas and the full cost of storm sewer facilities con- necting inplace City and proposed highway storm sewer facilities. The aforesaid City cost participation construction will be performed by the State under Construction Contract No. 14913 awarded to the low bidderp Foley Brothersp Inc., and in accordance with State plansp specifications and special provisions designated as State Project No. 6283-45 (T.H. 94=392) which include plans for the City's project originally designated as "Cypress Street Relief Sewer System!' and redesignated by the City as "I.S. STORM SEWERS - Plum Street to Kennard Street". Said payment by the City shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Articles II and III of the enclosed Agreement No. 57252 which bases said City payment on final quantities of City cost participation work performed computed at the unit prices contained in the !State's construction contract. • Article III, Section A. of the agreement provides for the City to advance to the State the City's estimated total cost share of the aforesaid City cost participation construction based on the construction contract unit prices. We have prepared a Mr. Harry E. Marshall Page 2 October 12, 1972 revised "Schedule I" based on said construction contract unit prices and enclosed herewith is a copy of the same. Please note the addition of Item No. 2506.516 "Casting Assemblies" on Page No. 5 of said revised "Schedule I" which item was inadvertently omitted from the preliminary cost estimate "Schedule I" attached to the agreement. The nine assemblies listed under said item represent one assembly for the 100 percent City cost Manhole No. 101D and eight assemblies for the 28.87 percent City cost cooperative mainline storm sewer structures Catch Basins No. 101, No. 1010 and No. 102 and Manholes No. 1039 No. 1049 No. 105, No. 153 and No. 153A. The City's revised total cost share based on construction contract unit prices and including the City's participating cost shares of the aforesaid additional casting assemblies is the sum of $147,205.54 an increase from the preliminary estimate of $1469667.05. An invoice in the amount of $147,205.54 will be sent to the City shortly and it is requested that said advance payment be made accordingly. The enclosed agreement copies may be retained for the City's use. Sincerely, Leo A. Korth Assistant Commissioner - Design and Right of Way T J-,. By: D. T. Dunshee Municipal Engineer Enclosures: Agreement (2) Revised Cost Estimate •