D164 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR SEP 1 2 1972 Date ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AD ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the following employees be added to Automobile Reimbursement as set forth below: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: V)—S)0 r 0 #e aj ADD: Edward McConnon Plan A @ $50.00 per mo. Effective August 15, 1972 Bruce Pearson Plan B @ $50.00 per mo. Effective August 15, 1972 . D 3/ 3 -3 7 ) olice Chief APPROVED AS T FORM De pa m nt of Public Safety i slant 'ty' t rn Depar ment Head Department of Finance Date /* 2 Administrative Ass' ant to Mayor