D144 ► srcr ��r{}= CITY O F SAIN ITL t T PA e. - No: 1 . OFFICE OF THE MAYOx e' vate: S E P 6 IgZ2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Finance acting through its authorized head is hereby directed to hire, retain, and employ E. Vincent Dolan and Curtis Nelson, real estate appraisers, for the purpose of appraising real property to be acquired for Front Playground, Expansion of, as described and on file in the Bureau of Valuations and incorporated herein by reference, for compen- sation in the amount of $350.00 each and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the appraisal assignments being more fully set forth on documents designated as Appraisal Assignments Nos. 153-A and 153-B on file in the Department of Finance of the City of Saint Paul. Funding: PIR Fund Code 6000-502, to be reimbursed from Fund 9772-46C- 014. _ . ►—� 's- APPRO TO FUNDING Acting Head, Department of Finance APP S TO FORM c sis City Attorney Departme ead — Te-oartment of arks and Recreation and Public Buildings Date Administrative Aldistant to Mayor • CITY Or SAINT PAUL APPRAISAL ASS IS1MEI 110. 153-A VALUATION D'UREAU August 23, 1972 286 CITY HALL DATE: • em un*ir t�Trtt�t X5107 Fin. Dept, File No. 17643 Mr. E. Vincent Dolan Project: Front Playground, F.M. & E. V. Dolan, Realtors Commerce Building Expansion of St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Authority•• Adm- Order No. D-144 PIR Fund Code 6000-502, to be Dear Sir: Fund: reimbursed from 772-1+•60-014 on rac No. L- You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estate in the abov-2 refcre-nceLl project located at 944 Mackubin Street and 499 Stinson Street said parcels being designated as follows: Parcels No. 1 and 2. On or hefa-e Sept. 15 19 72 , you will furnish the Valuation Bureau of the City of Saint Paul,, 2, 2 copies of your' appraisal report for each of the avo-,.•c listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with -the • Cite of Salrt i'aul Valuation Bureau appraisal specificaticns, a copy of which is attached ;;`r Uo. T ailure to proviCla documentation in accordance with these sPecific:Icions will require resuhmittal to the appraiser for further sup,^ort 4L 7:o a�?cjitio::al eosi to the City of Saint Paul. , On receipt of your itemized invoices in du ,licate and satisfactory completion of this 4++s:i.�,_,.,-;,t you will be paid ':'?;e s,--n of Three hundred fifty dollars ;$- 350.00 J . or on the following basis: Upon your written request after personal investigation of properties to be appraised tl:Q City will consider adjustment of fees to be paid. In the event that befcre completion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratio of the foregoing basis. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the assignment, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such • proceeding. Enclosures: X Legal descriptions Yours very truly, X Right-of-Way or condemnation plan X _Parcel sketches _ X Land data Head f e ?wilding sketches Luilding data X Miscellaneous data ) Valuation Engineer X Ownership transfer information Accepted: Z Appraiser Date APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Ii^7E^T W- TRUDE,4U A;iron Heed Head of D tw", t,,(P9,, i,4na.nce '.�ewStimAl4ts1 ' rA�' =�'tGse'wt#«yia+Vla�' r fifwiA^ r^ z�rN II s wNa6+ •,. ' �'t6. '�15��r�MRmWM�n' K a { i,+��'� 415�'�Q;��*��zs:� �rtv,•.�.: '*v CITY Or SAINT PAUL APPRAISAL ASSIMWMENm 1.10. 153-B VALUATION DU?'�AU 286 C11 Y HALL DATE: August 23, 1972 • CT T7A11r. tATr?1.1 S�1 fly Fin. Dept. File No. 17643 _ Mr. Curtis Nelson Project: Front Playground. Emil H.. Nelson, Inc. Commerce Building Expansion of St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Authority: Adm. Order No. D-144 PIR Fund Code 6000-502, to be Dear Sir: Fund:reimbursed from 2-460-014 Contract No. L-7560) You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estate in the abov. 2 ref:rencef? project loci l ed at 944 Mackubin Street and 4r-P1__) )!.;'n• on Street said parcels being designated as follows: Parcels No. 1 and 2. On or before Sept. 15 19 `72 , you will furnish the Valuation Bureau of the City of _072_ t -pain, - 2 copies of your appraisal report for each of the listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with 1lhe • City of Saint Valu.ati.on Bureau appraisal. specificaticns, a copy of which i9 attached i;er i.'o. a'-=ilu-e to Provide doctL'ilntation in accordance with these spe,-�ific _'rions will require r.9submittal to the appraiser for further support at no a.0 itio nal cast to the Cicy of Saint Paul. On re:- i_pt of %/ -jur itemized invoi^e , in duplic�ate and satisfactory completion of thi_:: you be paid. '..c s-,:n of Three hundred Fifty dollars _ ($-3.20.00 ) . or on the following basis: Upon your written request after personal investigation of properties to be appraised the City will consider adjustment of fees to be paid. In the event that befcre completion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratio of the foregoing basis. In the event that a court proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the . zssi,unme^t, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such proceeding. Enclosures: X Legal descriptions Yours very truly, X Right-of-Way or condemnation plan X parcel sketches _ X Land data He o p ment o Finance !'ui_ldinv sketches iui.ld.ing data X Miscellaneous data - Valuction Engineer X —Ownership transfer information • Accepted: Appraiser Date APPROVED AS TO FU1TD ): 1 Head of ice i'44n.R,Xar'xPrailf�Ntl�'{' � . ... .. ... .K .,�'tiMJ•4W�P.AR+fO?lri�'Qr'Y't:v^?iR�an.M.YA•J,r. r "� a"v;