D126 yuni a 40CityClerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL J0, �u V Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AUG 2 51972' Date: ..,, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER; WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has just submitted for approval its Second Action Year Program; and WHEREAS, HUD has recently granted an extension of time for the City's First Action Year Program to August 31, 1972; and WHEREAS,.--B6cause of the late submission of the Second Year Program, the City has requested a further extension of time from HUD to September 31, 1972, for the First Year Program; now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED That in anticipation of HUD's approval of the Mayor's request for extension to September 31, 1972, of the City' s First Action Year Program, the following Operating Agreements may be ex- tended to September 31, 1972, and the proper City officers are authorized to execute Amendments to the following Operating Agreements: Agency Program 1. SPARC Aid for Retarded Citizen 2 . HRA Rehabilitation Loans and Grants 3. Hallie Q. Brown Cultural Enrichment 4. State Manpower Employment Center 5. Retreat House Retreat 6. St. Paul School Dist. 625 Kindergarten/First Grade 7. St. Paul School Dist. 625 Home School Liaison 8. Inner City Youth League Cultural Enrichment 9. Hallie Q. Brown Senior Citizens APPROVED AS TO F RM APPROV AS TO FUNDING sis Cit5kAt ney Department Head Department of Finance Date Administrative Affsistant to Mayor White —rCityClerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AU' 2 5 1972 Date ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, 2 . Agency Program 10. Willows Nursing Home Senior Citizens Day Care 11. Help, Inc. Local Development Corp. 12. Ramsey County Welfare Montessori 13. Ramsey County Welfare Wilder APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant City Attorney Department Head • Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor