D122 . . "I'l Original to City Clerk No• V Date AUG 2 5 072 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' • OFFICE OF. THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER; That an addition which proves to be necessary to. the Improvement described as the GRIFFITH-PT. DOUGLAS RELIEF SYSTEM, formerly known as Comptroller's Contract L-7507, .City.Proje6t No. 72-S=0984, Lametti- & Sofi¢, Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the' foliowing: ' ADDITION Construct the replacement of the existing .5'.-0" diameter segmented tile kewer. • on Griffith Street between 'Wakefield and E.-Third Street .with -a 48" class 4 reinforced concrete pipe. The construction .of the replacement sewer shall include all costs, including Water Department charges for reloca- tion of water mains and services. Total Lump Sum Addition = $50,000.00 The total addition is $50,000.00, and the Head of the Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $50,000.00 is the correct sum -to be added to said contract, it is hereby (� ORDERED, That the city of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the fore- going addition made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $50,000.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, formerly known as Comptroller's Contract L-7507, and which amount is to be finapced: as follows: to be chargerd to-P. I .R. Fend 6000-732, L-7507, to be reimbursed •from Public Works Sewer Maintenance. Fund, 2230. $50,000. APPROVED A 0 FO 5 Assistan to uey Department ad - s Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor • Act ing Director - Finance