10-788Council File # 10-788 Green Sheet # 3115561 Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA WI WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department Bomb Disposal Unit has been awazded the 2009 State Homeland Securiry Prograzn a federally funded grant, from the State of Minnesota Departrnent of Public Safety; and WHEREAS, this grant provides funding for equipment, u'aining and conducting bomb exercises for bomb technicians; and WHEREAS, a 2010 financing and spending plan needs to be established for these funds; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $53,050 in excess of those estimated in the 2010 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2010 budget: Current Changes Budget 0436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN 34249-2010 State Homeland Security Pragram 3199-Other Federal Direct Grents-State Admin Total Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN 34249-2010 State Homeland Security Program 0256 — Registration Fees - Local 0367 — Training Instructional Suppiies 0359 — Other Special Supplies and Materials 0848— Capitalized Equipment 0822 — Trucks and Vans Total Changes to Spending Amended Budget 0 53,050 53,050 0 53,050 53,050 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 o to,oso �o,oso 0 40,000 40,000 0 53,050 53,050 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this grant, approves these changes to the 2010 budget and authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John Harrington to implement the attached agreement with the State of Minnesota Deparhnent of Public Safety. By: J_�___ � Bosffom ✓ � Approved by We O ic in i al Service, / ✓ By ' �/ _ Approv�ity Attom l� Requested by Department o£ ��:?� Adopted by Council: Date _ . �/a� Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary gy; BY� / i /lUl��i�SD� Approved by a o. Date �� �/(7 � BY= � � for Submission to Council .,�d i0-7gS � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ' Departrne�(pfficeiCouncil: - - - " i� Datelnftiated: �� Pp PoliceDepartment 2g,7UN2010 ; Green Sheet NO: 3115561 � � �� Deoartrnent � SentTOPerson Initial/Date , Contact Person & Ahone: . �- - - . � -- .- .. -- -- - - - - - � - - - � - Chief ThOfnBS SDlith 0'�olice Department _ Police Department , ___ _ 266-5588 � 1 Po{ice DePartment � ' Police Deparfinent _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ - -' --- ' -- - �- � --- - - � -- ' �+'�9� 2 C�ty Attamey City Attorney . _ _ �/__ , � Must Be on Councif Agenda by (Date): , NumbeT -- - - � - - � ' __ _ ____ . . .._:__ ___. __ ' Fo� 3 F�oapcial S_ervices __ _ _ ! Direc[oq FSO _ _ _ � _ _ ��- __-_.- - . _ __.._. -____- .' Routing '� 4 Mayor•s�ce "_ -_ _.. �yor _ � � ` I Order 5 Council - --__ _ _ ; Council '., __ __, � (RESOLUl10N) �Z! i �� 6 C�ryClerk _ �,_ GtyClerk __ j -- --�- �---�---- � �--- �---�'� ' 7 Po{iceDepactment - PoliceDep@rlmen[ _ _.___ : E-DocumentRequired: Y i � ; Document ConWCt: Evette Scarver , i ' ConYaet Pfione: 266-5541 'i .. �' ToWI # of Si nature Pa es � (Cli All Locations for Si ��� � �� � � �_ � �� � , 9 y p gnature) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ - __- _ _- -_ ___ __ _ ', Action Requested: 'i Signatures on the attached council resolution establishing a fmancing and spending plan for the 2009 5tate Homeland Security I Program grant. I es � 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any �'I current city employee? i Yes No I 6cplam all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. I __- - ____. — _ . _ _ _ ___' _ . _ . . ____ __ __. - _ �__ __ ___ __ - . __ __ _ _ � _ _ �I Initiating Problem Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saiat Paul, Police Departrnent wishes to accept and Chief Thomas Smith to implement the 2009 State Homeland Secuxity � gxant (H5PG). AuthoxizaCion is needed. I i I - - - -- --- -- ---- --- -- - - - - - --- -- � - � - -- __- - - _. - - - - l/ `-� RecommendaGons: Approve (A) or Reject (R�: � Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for ihis department? j CIB Committee Yes No �I Civil Service Commission I 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? I Y No �- - --- -- -- -� �- - - - � � - ---- - - --- --- - --- -- -- --- - � �i Advantages If Approved: � I ; The 2009 State HSPG provides funding for the purchase of equipment, training, and conducting bomb excercises for bomb �I technicians. ` I � � I ` -- ---- -- �-- -----�- --- --- --- -- -- -- --------- --- --- --- -- ---- - - - --� � Disadvantages If Approved: None. I, � � � I I Disadv�aptages �NOt Appr�o � - � } Lost o ortum to use t funds. I I I � --� - -- - ----- -- -- � --- --- - --- - _._-- ---- - - - - -- --- -- --- -- � Total Amount of ; Trensaction: $53,050.00 CosURevenue Budgeted: y � I � Funding Source: 436 Activiry Number: �249 �1���`��� �, Fieancial Information: �i Ydt ��'+ V��ryg�q I (�PWinj CDiq U94F -- --- -- -- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- �lTYATTORNEY June 29, 2010 9:30 AM Page 1 Grant Agreement Page i Minnesota Department of Public Safety ("State") Grant Program: Homeland Security and Emer�ency Mana�ement 2009 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Division 444 Cedar Street Suite 223 Grant Aareement No.: 2010-SHSP-00566 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 Grantee: Grant Agreement Term: City of St Paul Police Department Bomb Disposal Unit Effective Date: 9/1/2009 367 Grove Street Egpiration Date: 3/31/2012 St Paul, Minnesota 55106 Grantee's Authorized Representative: Grant Agreement Amount: Richard Larkin, Emergency Management Director Original Agreernent $ 53,050.00 367 Grove Street Matching Requirement $ .00 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: (651) 266-5490 Email: rick.larkin ci.s aul.mn.us State's Authorized Representative: Federal Funding: CFDA 97.067 Michael Earp, Grants Specialist State Funding: Homeland Security and Emergency Management Special Conditions: None Division 444 Cedar Street, Suite 223 St Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: (651) 201-7447 Email: michael.e state.mn.us Under Minn. Stat. § 299AA 1. Subd 2(4) the State is empowered to enter into this grant agreement. Term: Effective date is the date shown above or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 2, whichever is later. Once this grant agreement is fully executed, the Grantee may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred pursuant to the Payment clause of this grant aa eement. Reimbursements will only be made for those expenditures made according to the terms of this grant agreement. Expirarion date is the date shown above or unril all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. The Grantee, who is not a state employee will: Perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as specified herein and in the Grantee's approved 2009 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Application ("Application") which is incorporated by reference into this grant aa eement and on file with the State at 444 Cedaz StreeT, Suite 223, St Paul, Minnesota 55101. The Grantee shall also comply with all requirements referenced in the 2009 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Guidelines and Application which includes the Terms and Conditions and Grant Program Guidelines (www.wego.dps.state.mn.us), which aze incorporated by reference into this grant agreement. Budget Rwisions: The breakdown of costs of the Grantee's Budget is contained in E�ibit A, which is attached and incorporated into this grant agreement. As stated in the Grantee's Application and Grant Frogram Guidelines, the Grantee will submit a written change request for any substiturion of budget items or any deviation and in accordance with the Grant Proa am Guidelines. Requests must be approved prior to any expenditure by the Grantee. Matching Requirements: (If applicable.) As stated in the Crrantee's Application, the Grantee certifies that the matching requirement will be met by the Grantee. DPS Grant Ag'eement non-state (09/OS) e Grant A�eement Page 2 Payment: As stated in the Grantee's Application and Grant Program Guidance, the State will promptly pay the Cirantee after the Grantee presents an invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representarive accepts the invoiced services and in accordance with the Grant Pro�atn Guidelines. Payment will not be made if the Grantee has not satisfied reportin� requirements. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (If applicable.) Grantees receiving federal funds over $100,000.00 must complete and return the Certification Regazding Lobbyin� form provided by the State to the C,rantee. 1. EYCI3I��RANCE VERIFICATION 3. Indrvidual certifies�thatfunds have been encumbered as reguired byMvuz Sr¢t §§ I6A.D5 mld ]6CA5. By / / Si�ed: /� Tii Aa 20] 0-SHSP-00566 / 2000-14308 2. GRANTEE \ The Grantee ce>ttfies fhnt t�ie appYopn¢ie pers have erecuted 7he grant agreement on 6ehalf o� as reguired by a t� i a� rticjes, b 1 c By: Title: : �l'�c`. � t/`�'S` �"1,�'v�:� Date: / By: _ Title: Ci Date: By: Title: Director, FSO Date: 1 I By: TiCle; Mayor Date: By: Title: Director, REEO Date: DPS Grant Agreement non-state (09lOS) Dis[ribu[ion: DPS/FAS Grantee State's Au[horized Representative i :: ,�:re: x � �C S M V O � O O N � O � M N a � _ � ¢ N Q � � z � 0 � U a Q. Q � N � Q. 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