D102 Original to City Clerk No. P 0 Date AUG 1 8 1972 . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the several local governments listed below in order to jointly finance an engineering study of the Battle Creek Watershed, including cost estimation and propority rating for necessary projects; and WHEREAS, The several governments will participate financially according to the following percentages: St. Paul 19.4 Ramsey County 8.5 Maplewood 28.5 Oakdale 19.8 Landfall 1 .8 Woodbury 18.7 Lake Elmo 3.3 ; and WHEREAS, The parties to the Joint Agreement have decided to retain the firm of E. A. Hickok & Associates, Consulting Engineers, to make the study; and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has agreed to act as agent, under the Joint • Agreement, for executing a contract, known as the Professional Engineering Services Agreement, for said engineering study; now, therefore, be it hereby an ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , said Professional Engineering Services Agreement between the City and E. A. Hickok b Associates, a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, said agreement pertaining to an engineering study of Drainage Control Systems for the Battle Creek Drainage Area; and be it a�1u'rther ORDER, That the costs incurred under the terms of this Agreement shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund 6000 to be reimbursed by 1972 County Aid Funds for St. Paul 's share (19.4%) of the cost and by the other participating governmental units involved, Osaid costs are estimated as a sum not to exceed $10,000.00. APPROVED T FORM s Assistan t t e cting Direct of the De rtment of Publ c Works Date . Administrativ^ Ass' taut t&-Fla-Tor APPROVED �S TO FUNDING Depa tment Head - Finance .