10-783CITY Council File # 10-783 Green Sheet # 3115 ] 23 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �4 Presented by 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, under'tH2�nnesota Session Laws of Council for Regiona] Park and Open Space Developme Saint Paul to: In Lilydale Regional Park to develop design an� In the amount of $923,000. / � iation to the Metropolitan o be awazded to the Ciry of ure road and picnic shelter. WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation has been working with Lilydale Regional Pazk Master Plan Design Advisory Task Force and will continue to do so in developing the roadway and picnic shelter design; and, WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation desires to set-up a spendi�g and financing plan for said Metropolitan Counci] grants; and, WHERBAS, Parks and Recreation will provide construction management and implementation services for the projects as previously listed upon the amendment of the 2010 Capital Improvement Budget; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $923,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2010 Capital Improvement Budget; and, NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Committee, that $923,000 is available for appropriation in the 2010 Capital Improvement Budget, and said budget, as hereto fore adopted by Council, are hereby further amended as follows: CURRENT BUDGET Financing Plan C10-3S093 - Lilydale road realignment and picnic shelter design 3461 - Metro. Parks and Trails Fund $ 0 TOTAL $ 0 �� f U� �,�,�� �I-�G� CHANGES $ 923,000.00 $ 923,000.00 AMENDED BUDGET $ 923,000.00 $ 923,000.00 10-783 43 44 Spending Plan 45 C10-3S093 - Lilydale road reali�unent and picnic shelter design 46 0882 - Improvements to Land $0 47 0883 - Architect Fees - Land $0 48 49 TOTAL �0 Bosnom Carter Harns Helgen Stark Thune Yeas ✓ ✓ $0 $923,000 SO �923,000 5923,000 :".a� S.. t�aul I.�ng - Ranae C;api4a11anprova�m��z� .�+,::cge! Committce received 4hSs :equest �n state) � l y�� _,_� and xtac�t�ss�ae3ffi p�o�a � � �. t�,.. . _. Absent Requested by ✓ � ✓ y: Approved� By: _ Approved by a� By: ` Adopted by Council: Date 7 /� /� Ap� Adoption Gertified by Council Secretaxy By: BY� ��i/iJ�s�.i�Si�i7 Approve ayo � ate Z�] 7�E7(O By: to 10-783 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PR _ Parks and Recreation ConWCt Person 8 Phone: Jody Martinez 266-6424 �, Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): :Doc.Type:RESOLUTION W/� . TRANSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Kns W. Contact Phone: 266-6438 10JUN2010 � Green Sheet NO: 3115123 ■� Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ! Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All Locations for Signature) . _— ____ . .. . . I Action Requested: �,� Approval of a[tached resolution authorizing a spending and financing plan for a Parks and Trail Fund grant (administered via i Metropolitan Council) of $923,000 for design of picnic shelter and roadway in Litydate Regional Pazk. j Recommendations Appmve (A) or Reject (R): i Planning Commission i � CIB Committee Civil Service Commission I A Staff Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a coMrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Design of picnic shelter and roadway in LilydaLe Regional Park and funding request was granted for FYZOl l. : Advantages If Approved: i Ability to hire consultant for design of roadway and picnic shelter. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Unable to hire consultant to design roadway and picnic shelter for Lilydale Regional Pazk as stated in grant request. Total Amount of $923 ,��0.00 Transaction: Fundiny source: Parks and Trails Fund (Met. COUf1Cl�� Fi nancia l Information: (Explain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: N Activity Number: AG O° ��. � 6�'� � �: �� a�� `�\� a June 10, 2010 12:16 PM Page 1 ROUTTNG ORDER: , Below are cocrect routmgs foe ttie suc most frequent types'of docnmenfs_, � CONTRACTS(assumes,auffiorized�6nd�getexists) COI3NCII,RESQLUIIOAI(ameadbudgetslaccepY�gcents) � � 1. OutsideAgency I. Depac�entDirector 2. ,DepartmentI7irector, , Z. O�ce ofFidanciat'Secvices Dsector 3. City�Atfomey 3. CityACoiney � � � � 4. Mayor/Assistant (for con�acts ova $25,000) 4. A�9yor%A��;�rA.n 5. H�anRighfs (forcontracts over $SQ000) 5. City Cofficil ' °, � 6.��0$ceofFinsncial'Seivices-Accoimting � � 6. OfficeofFinancial�Services�-Accoimtmg � � � aDirmdsTR.4TtvE oRDEas �soagetxe�ssion� eOVxeII: xESOiuriox �su, o�eis ana orain�ces� 1. ActivitpM�aser,orI7epacfinentAccoimt�t L,Depa�'ent�Dirzctor'� r'� � �� „� 2-'DepaztmenYDuector 2- CitFAUOmeg' 3: Qffice �Fin�cial Services Director 3. 'Mayar/A«;�r� 4. City Clerk ' 4'. Gitp Council ,' , 5. O�ce of Fin�ciat Services - Accounting ADMINISTRA2IVE ORDIILS,{all,otfias) . II�C[TPlVE ORI}EI2 . „' 1- DePat�wtDirector 1. DepacfinentDaector, 2. CityA(tomey r, 2 CityAtiomey ,'' , 3.'CY�ceofFinancisTServicesDiiectac 3_ May�/Assistant 4. Cily Clerk �� , 4: C'rip Clesk , TOTAL NUM$ER OF SIGNATCiRE PAGES � � � � � � � � � ��� � �� � � Tndicate tl� #,�pages on wIuch'sigoatures aie required �tT Pakerchp or fiag each of t6ese pagea�' '' " � ACTfONREQUESTED � � � . � � � � � � � � � � D�e afiat tEie project/req�iest seelcs to aecomp}ish in eit�er, c]uonoTogical order or otdes ofimportanee, wLiehevec is ', most,appropriate'fortficissae. Donotwritecompletesentences:'Begmeachifemmyourlis[wirthavab. : , RECOMMENDAIIONS CompI�e iftfie issue in question has,be� presented before, enS' �S: PnbTic ar private- ' PERSONAL SERVICE COI3IRACTS: Tlus mfo�atian will be used ta drte�*� the city's liebility for wotkecs compensation claims; taxes andproper civil , savicehitingmles.� � � � � � � � � IN11Z4TIL�tGP,ROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTCTNITY F�cplain tfie sid�stion or conditions thaR created a need for yois project or request , ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID Fndicate wfieffier this is simply sa �m�al budgetproced�e requued by taw/chatter oi whether there are specific �'aFs m, _ ' which tlie City of Saint Panl �d its eitizens w71 benefit from this prujed/sdion: � DL$ADVANPA@�SIRAPP&OVED, � � � � �� � � ��; 1. �� � . �� � ,� �� � � � � Whatnegativeeffectsex ' (e.g.,�traffic delays, noise,' fa�c'mcreases,� assess�ents�)7� ,To rvhom7' � When?�F� howlong7 ,' � ' DISADVANCACzES IF NOT APPROVID � � , What wilI be the negative� consequences ffthe promised action is not approved? Inabili'ty to detiver seiLiceT Cantmne', ' lugh'tia$ic,noise,accidevtrate?'I.ossofievenueT, , , — � FTNANCIAL IIv1PACT ' � � � � � ` � � � � � � � � � � Atffioughyonmosttailortfie'i�o�arionyo¢providehereto,fheissaeyou'areadchessing,'mgeneralycximastsnswer , „ ' two questions: How much is'itgoing to cosC! Who is gomgto Pay7 , , ,. �. � � � � .� �, �� � �� � � � �.�.. ,. �.. .. �, �.�,., . �..,, „ �. ,„,,.