D93 Original to City Clerk N'o 1 V t Date 19 &a4 .1972 ` AUG 15 1972 CITY OF ST PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that in connection with the construction of an addition to the Highland Park Branch Library located at Kenneth and Ford Parkway, it is necessary to incur costs for architectural services, engineering, construction, and various mescellaneous costs in an estimated amount of $ 460,000.06, to be Charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000-739, and.this T same fund be reimbursed from the Library CIB Funds. g The Purchasing Department is hereby instructed to 'process this matter for competitive bidding ' AP WASO . :,.a Assistant Cit Attorney Department Head Date -'Administrative As istant to Mayor 1 4