D67 Original t• City Clerk No. 6PP Date AUG-7 1972 • CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That an addition which might prove to be necessary to the Improvement described as , the Grading and Surfacing of ROSE AVENUE from Prosperity Avenue to Barclay Street and also Construction of a .•storm and sanitary 'sewer, formerly known as Comptroller's Contract L-7400, City Project .No. 71-G-1946, F. Morettini Con- struction Company, Contractor, has been,provided. for. in the specif ications. and it was necessary to construct one course concrete driveway, including integral curb .as -follows: ADDITION • 39.6 sq. yds. @ $.9.00 $356.40 _ - TOTAL ,ADDiTION The total addition is $356.40, and the•Head of the .Department of Public Warks.. has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $356.40 is the correct sum to be added..to said contract, it is hereby_ ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing. • addition made. in accordance with the specifications in the sum-of $356.40, s&id amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named .in the contract; formerly known as Comptroller's Contract L-7400, and which amount is to be financed by assessment -against the benefited property. APPROVED AS 0 FORM - 1 0012, -0=;W_WW Assistant y Attorn Department Wad - Date Administrative Assistant to • Mayor APPRO AS.TO FUNDING • t• Department Head - Finance