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WHEREAS, following the legislative hearing conducted on April 15, 2010, there was an agreement relating to certain condirions made between Grand American Restaurant Company, doing business as The Wild Onion (I.D. #19990002357), and the Suirunit Hill Association that would make the application to add a Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor seroice onto an existing patio) workable for the Grand Avenue location; and WHEREAS, the Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the application for a Liquar Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an existing patio) for Wild Onion be approved with the following conditions: Existin *�License Conditions 1. I`he management of The Wild Onion shall provide security in the parking lots Tuesday through Saturday at bar closing to ensure that the patrons leave the premises and the parking lots without causing a disturbance in the surrounding neighborhoods. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an orderly manner and shall not be permitted to loiter outside the bar or in the parking lots. 2. The sidewallc cafe is an extension of the restaurant operation onto a part of the public sidewalk which iinmediately adjoins the licensed premises. 3. No sidewalk cafe shall be permitted in any portion of the public sidewalk where normal pedestrian traffic flow is obshucted. A minimum clearance width of thirty-six (36) inches must be maintained on the public sidewalk at all times. 4. No tables, chairs or any other fixmishings, except plant iubs, shall be placed in the area used for the sidewalk cafe during any period when the sidewallc cafe is not open and being operated. White such cafe is in operation, all tables and chairs shall be kept in a clean, sanitary condition. 5. The use of a portion of the public sidewalk as a sidewalk cafe shall not be an exclusive use. All public improvements, including but not limited to trees, light poles, traffic signals, pull boxes or manholes, or any publio-initiated maintenance procedures, shall take precedence over said use of the public sidewallc at all times. 6. It shall be the duty of the licensed food establishment to maintain each plant tub at all times in a safe condition at its proper location and to inspect each such rixb periodically in order that it may be properly maintained. Trees or plants and their tubs shall at all times be kept in a neat, clean and presentable condition. No advertising matter or sign or writing of any kind shall be displayed upon any tree or plant or its tub. 7. No liquor sales and/ar seroice is allowed on a public sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from the Departrnent of Safety and Inspections (DSI). 8. No outdoor food andlor beverage preparation is allowed on a public sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from DSI. 10-780 sz 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Additional License Conditions 9. The outdoor patio seating area shall closed at 9:30 p.m. each night of the week, and there shall be no customers, patrons and/or employees (other than management and security personnel patrolling the area) allowed on the patio far any reason after this time. These restrictions do not include the smoking area. 10. There shall be no music (recorded or live) on the patio. 11. The licensee shall implement sufficient security measures to insure that alcohol is not consumed in the parking lot or public right-or-way. The Wild Onion will assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 p.m. to �/z hour after 2 AM closing, five (5) days per week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/early Sunday moming. 12. There shall be no bar (temporary ar permanent) outside on the pafio unless prior written approval and the proper license(s) are first obtained from DSI. 13. The Wild Onion will provide food and drink service on the patio only to patrons seated at tables. No stand-up service will be provided far any pah�on and no loitering is allowed by patrons who are not seated. 14. No liquor service will be provided to patrons who do not order food. 15. The Wild Onion will participate in a task force to be created by the Suminit Hill Association (SHA) to address and miniinize problems associated with late night pairon behavior. 16. The patio liquor license will expire on November 14, 2010. The licensee will be required to reapply one (1) time far the patio liquor permit to continue liquor service in 20ll and fixture seasons. In order to get the license reissued, the licensee will be required to go through the regular license applicarion process for patio liquor licenses with the exception of the requirement £or submission of a petition. Standard notification procedure will be followed for neighborhood review. After review, a recommendation on the application will be made by SHA to the city council. 'The Saint Paul City Council has the final authority to reissue the license. 4�}... !`:�-. ..F c.. ,.a n.. .1 1,,. ..1.., il.: ) "^^r^^ ��r'��^'���. Now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council finds that the Wild Onion's efforts consfitute a good faith effort to fulfill all petition requirements per Citv of Saint Paul Legislative Code 409.06(� (2) (c�and be it FITRTHER RESOLVED that the district council representingthe area supports the request for the license; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the license applicant has failed to show that the results of the attemnts to satisfv the signature requirements showed a generallv favorable disposition towazd the licensed activitv; and be it 10-780 124 125 126 127 128 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the license a�plication is referred to the Citv Attomey for adverse acrion. Bostrom Carter Harris Stazk Thune ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date H Adoption Certified by Coun I Secretary BY / � /.//il�i/�C� >r-� Approved b Ma o Date � 7io � B �,� „ �_ Requested by Department of: By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey B Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ia�s � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmentlOffice/Council: Date Initiated: co-�°°°°�' 26MAY2050 Green Sheet NO: 3113356 Contact Person 8 Phone: Department Sent To Person Initial/Date Nhia Vanp y o oun�u 0 266-5566 1 ouncil De artment Direcmr Assign Z i Clerk Ci Clerk Must Be on Gnuncil Agenda 6y (4ate): Num6er 0 02-JUN-10 For 3 Routing 4 �� Doc.Type:RESOLUTION Order 5 0 E•DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Jean Birkholz Contact Phone: 266-8673 ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approving the license applicatio� with conditions, per the Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer, to add a Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an existing patio) for Grand American Restaurant Company, doing business as The Wild Onion, 788 Cnand Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission t. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yea No Civil Service Commission Z. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does lhis person�rm possess a skdl not normaily possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Totai Amount of CosNRevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: i Funding Soarce: Activity Number: Financial lnformation: (Explain) May 26, 2010 1222 PM Page 1 Council File # 10-780 G reen Sheet #,�j f 133 51v RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA iy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 by WHER�`AS, Grand American Restaurant Company, doing business as The Wild Onion (I.D. k1999A002357), 788 Grand Avenue, has applied for a class N license to add a Liquor � Outdoor Secyice Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an existing pati� to its existing Liquor on Sale -- 181-290 Seats, Liquor on Sale -- Sunday, Liquor on Sale�ti 2 AM Closing, Entertainment (B), Gambling Location, Restaurant (5) -- 151 and Over, Re�taurant (D) -- Add-on (Bar Only), Sidewalk Cafe, and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses; and �`°, WHEREAS, the Wild``,Onion's residential properties are within a 300 feet radius of licensee's proposed patia and outdoor liquor service area; and licensee must seek consent of neighboring residentiaT properties and demonstrate that s/he were able to obtain 90% approval or, in the lesser casz, 60°/o or mare approval; and WHEREAS, licensee sought sup�ort from a list of private residences provided by the Department of Safety and InspecHbn by mailing letters and conducted follow-up surveys and licensee was unable to obtain the ninety percent (90%) consent or, in the lesser case, �, sixty percent (60%); and \\ WHEREAS, Council finds that the Wild Qnion's effarts constitute a good faith effort to fulfill all petition requirements per City of�aint Paul Legislative Code 409.06(g) (2) (c), and Yhat the results of the attempts to obtaiii.�signatures showed a generally favorable disposition from the surrounding community (�hirty-three percent (33%) of residential owners and the Summit Hill Association) toward tlie proposed licensed activity; and WHEREAS, Council finds that issuance of the license.will not unduly interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of neighboring property and residences and will not bear adversely on the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, following the legislative hearing conducted on April 15, 2010, there was an agreement relating to certain conditions made between Grand American Restaurant Company, doing business as The Wild Onion (I.D, #19990002357), and the Summit Hill Associarion that would make the application to add a Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an existing patio) workable for the Grand Avenue ]ocation; and io-�so 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 WHEREAS, the Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the application for a Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an t�xisting patio) for Wild Onion be approved with the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. E� 5. � 7 � Ther of The Wild Onion shall provide security in the parking lots Tuesc��y through Saturday at bar closing to ensure that the patrons leave the premises,and the parking lots without causing a disturbance in the surrounding neighborhoods. Patrons shall be advised of the necessity of leaving in an orderly manner anc� shall not be permitted to loiter outside the bar or in the parking lots. The sidewalk safe is an extension of the restaurant operation onto a part of the public sidewalk which immediately adjoins the licensed premises. No sidewalk cafe shall be permitted in any portion of the public sidewallc where normal pedestrian tcaffic flow is obstructed. A minimum clearance width of thirty-six (36) inches must be maintained on the public sidewalk at all times. No tables, chairs or any�other fumishings, except plant tubs, shall be placed in the area used for the sidebvalk cafe during any period when the sidewalk cafe is not open and being operated. White such cafe is in operation, all tables and chairs shall be kept in a clean;��anitary condiYion. The use of a portion of the pu�lic sidewalk as a sidewalk cafe shall not be an exclusive use. All public improuements, including but not limited to trees, light poles, traffic signals, pull boxes or manholes, or any publio-initiated maintenance procedures, shall take precedence 'QVer said use of the public sidewalk at all times. �''\ It shall be the duYy of the licensed food`establishment to maintain each plant tub at all tunes in a safe condition at its proper location and to inspect each such tub periodically in order that it may be properly maintained. Trees or plants and their tubs shall at all times be kept in a neat, t�1ean and presentable condition. No advertising matter or sign or writing of any kind shall be displayed upon any tree or plant or its tub. , No liquor sales and/or service is allowed on a ppblic sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from the Department of Safety and Inspecrions (DSI). No outdoor food and/or beverage preparation is allowed on a public sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from DSI. Additional License Conditions 9. The outdoor patio seating area shall closed at 9:30 p.m. each night of the week, and there shall be no customers, patrons and/or employees (other than management and security personnel patrolling the area) allowed on the patio for any reason after this time. These restricrions do not include the smoking area. 10. There shall be no music (recorded or live) on the patio. 11. The licensee shall implement sufficient security measures to insure that alcohol is not consumed in the parking lot or public right-or-way. The Wild Onion will assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 p.m. to'/z hour after 2 AM closing, five (5) days per week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/early Sunday morning. 10-780 12. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 There shall be no bar (temporary or permanent) outside on the patio unless prior written approval and the proper license(s) are first obtained from DSI. The Wild Onion will provide food and drink service on the patio only to patrons seated at tables. No stand-up service will be provided for any patron and no loitering is allowed by patrons who are not seated. No liquor service will be provided to patrons who do not order food. The Wild Onion will participate in a task force to be created by the Summit Hill Association (SHA) to address and minimize problems associated with late night T� atron behavior. e patio liquor license will expire on November 14, 2010. The licensee will be req�red to reapply one (1) time for the patio liquor permit to continue liquor servic� in 2011 and future seasons. In order to get the license reissued, the license �will be required to go through the regular license application process for patio liqd�r licenses with the exception of the requirement for submission of a petition. andard notification procedure will be followed for neighborhood review. Aft review, a recommendation on the application wiII be made by SHA to the cit��council. The Saint Paul City Council has the final authority to reissue the licensg. 13. 1 16. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL��7ED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license applicatio�. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Narns Helgen lantry Start 7hune Adopted by Counul: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY. Approved by Mayor: Date BY . Requested byDepartment of: By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councd By: 10-780 LICENSE HEARING MINUTES The Wild Onion at 788 Grand Avenue Thursday, Apri115, 2010,10:00 a.m. 330 City Hall,15 Kellogg Boulevard West Nhia Vang, Deputy, Legislative Hearing Officer The hearing was called to order at 10:02 a.m. Staff Present: Kristina Schweinler, Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI); and Jean Birkholz, Council Research Others Present: Jay Salmen and Joe Schaefer, owners; Nick Closmore, general manager; Tim Pramas, President, Summit Hill Association; Jeff IZoy, Executive Director, Summit Aill Association; Chad Skally and David Regan, Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA); and neighbors: Jaymee Lucke Hendrickson, Tom Richardson, Rich Laffin and Bob DeBellis The Wild Onion: Add a Liquor-Oatdoor Service Area (Patio) license (to permit the extension of liquor service onto an existing patio) to the existing Liquor On Sale —181-290 Seats, Liquor On Sale — Sunday, Liquor On Sale — 2 AM Closing, Entertainment (B), Gambling Location, Restaurant (5) —151 and Over, Restaurant (D) — Add-on (Bar Only), Sidewalk Cafe, and Cigarette/Tobaccolicenses Ms. Vang stated that this is an informal legislative hearing for a license applicarion. This particular license requires a Class N notification which means that the neighborhood is notified and people have a chance to voice their concems. If anyone has a concern, it automatically triggers a legislative hearing. In this case, the City received many letters/emails from the community. Other Class N Licenses include: tattoo parlors, entertainment, second hand dealerships, auto repair, etc.—things that have an immediate impact on the neighborhood. The purpose of today's hearing is to help Ms. Vang prepare her recommendation to the City Council. Ultimately, there are three (3) possible outcomes from this hearing: 1) Ms. Vang may recommend to the City Council that they issue this license without any conditions; 2) she may recommend to the City Council that they issue this license with agreed upon condirions; or 3) she may recommend to the City Council that they not issue this license but refer it to an administrarive law judge for a further hearing and findings. The hearing wffl begin with a report from the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI). Staff will be asked to explain their review of the application and will also explain their recomenda- tion. Next, Ms. Vang will ask the applicant to talk about their business plan. Then, she will hear from people who are here in support of the issuance of the license and those with concerns about the issuance of the license. At the end of the hearing, she will make a recommendation for the City Council to consider. The City Council is the final authority on whether the license is approved or denied. Kristina Schweinler, Senior License Inspector, Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI), reported that this is an application to allow liquor service on a paHo at The Wild Onion, 788 Grand Avenue. DSI is recommending approval with the following condifions: ia�ao owners, and SHA. The matter came before the full board in March which voted to recommend approval, 15-3, of the patio license subject to several conditions: - That the patio liquor license would be on a trial basis and will expire and sunset on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 9:30 p.m. - That all service (both food and drink) must end by 9:30 p.m. and the patio must be cleared of all patrons by 9:30 p.m. - That the Wild Onion will provide food & drink service on the patio only at tables and only to those seated at tables. No stand-up service for any patron on the pario and no loitering allowed by patrons on the pario for those not seated. - That no music shall be played on the patio (live or recorded). - That no liquor service be provided to any patron who does not order food. - That The Wild Onion participates in a task force to be created by SHA to include neighborhood resident representatives to address and minimize problems associated with late night patron behavior. - That The Wild Onion assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 p.m. to i/z hour after 2 a.m. closing five days a week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/early Sunday moming. Mr. Pramas explained that there has been a history of animosity between The Wild Onion and impacted residents in the immediate vicinity of The Wild Onion. The purpose of the recommendation was to first of all address the problems, and since the bullc of the neighborhood complaints relate to noise or other behaviors of patrons later in the evening, it was recommended to end all service on the patio by 9:30 p.m. Secondly, there are other establishments neaz The Wild Onion that have patio liquor licenses and do operate in a way which is more respectfizl of the neighborhood. A lot of the recommended conditions, which to his understanding The Wild Onion has agreed to, would make The Wild Onion's pario operate in the same manner that other patios have successfizlly operated on Grand Avenue in the neighborhood setting. T'he whole idea of the conditions is to lead to a quick solution or at least, minimize the problems so that The Wild Onion and residents can more peacefully coexist. Mr. Salmen, co-owner of The Wild Onion with Joe Schaefer, addressed the hearing. They have owned the business for approximately fourteen (14) yeazs. Mr. Salmen stated that he and Mr. Schaefer are in agreement with the conditions set forth by the Summit Hill Association. He noted that they were proacrive in helping to establish some of those conditions; the'u intent is to minunize the neighborhood's concerns as much as possible. He also noted that of all the establishments along Grand Avenue who have applied for a pario license, The Wild Onion is the only one that has not been able to procure one, to date. The owners of The Wild Onion believe that from both an equity and statutory standpoint, they are entitled to have this extension of the liquor license granted. They don't believe that the playing field is levei right now. The purpose of the extension is to allow their patrons to dine with an accompanying aicoholic beverage out on the pario. There will be no stand-up bar service or outdoor music, and the patio will be closed at 9:30 p.m. Mr. Salmen added that before 9:00 p.m., their overall split between food and beverage is 67% food and 33% beverage; of that beverage, only 13% is 10-780 privileges, obligations and responsibilities it already has, so why would it be given more. Because The Wild Onion's behavior has unproved, the SHA feels it is acting in good faith by working to heIp soIve future problems which may arise from added responsibilities. SHA bases the unproved behavior on facts like two (2) assaults in the past year wmpared to twelve (12) in the prior year. Police calls also are fewer; although one member of the Land Use Committee of the SHA related that there still are twice as many calls to The Wild Onion address than to any of The Wfld Onion's peers on Grand Avenue. Patrons need to act more responsibly when leaving the establishment. The Land Use and Zoning Committee and the Board of the SHA ignored the pleas of neighbors to not recommend approval, thinking that they can solve the problems. They seem to lack an appreciation for the neighbars' problems. Mr. DeBellis read the letter from Betsy Turner (not present), 51 South Avon, into the record. Ms. Turner reported a phone message from a woman manager on duty at The Wild Onion April 10, 2010. Ms. Tumer lives on the southwest corner of Grand and Avon. In the past year, she has called The Wild Onion to clean up broken glass and vomit after years of cleaning it up herself. Staff had been willing to do this until this past Saturday morning when the manager informed her that The Wild Onion would clean up this time but would not be cleaning up in the fuhzre because no one can prove that they were responsible For the mess. The manager went on to say that The Wild Onion staff had a meeting and decided to not take responsibility for such patrons' behavior. Ms. Tumer replied to the manager that The Wild Onion did not care what the neighbors thought. Mr. DeBellis continued to say that over the years he has heard many people tell the owners of The Wild Onion exactly what they should do to be a responsible neighbor. The late Nick Mancini, who attended a special neighborhood meeting facilitated by SHA years ago, listened to the neighbors' complaints and then told Mr. Salmen to listen and take care of the neighbors. He added that The Wild Onion has been cited on three (3) occasions in the last several years for liquor license violations and was found guilty in two (2) of those cases. The owners are now stating that their establishment is being discruninated against and are threatening to sue the City if denied a license. They say that The Wild Onion is no different from any other establishment on Grand Avenue with a liquor license; however, there are many differences: l. The owners of The Wild Onion have clauned that they are the only restaurant east of Lexington on Grand Avenue that doesn't have an outdoor liquor license. This is not the case because Grand Tavern, Bonfire, Cafe Latte and The Lexington do not have outdoor liquor licenses. There is no outdoor seating at any of these establishments. 2. The four (4) establishmants that have full liquor licenses and the others that have beer and wine licenses are oriented differently and do not interface the adjacent residenrial neighborhood in the same manner that The Wild Onion does. All Wild Onion outdoor spaces for patrons and parking face directly to the south into the adjacent residential area. In most cases, the other restaurants' own building acts to block noise into the adjoining neighbor's property. All but one (1) close much earlier than The Wild Onion. F io-�so Mr. Skally responded that they do often receive feedback, both positive and negafive from patrons and neighbors. GABA works with SHA when there are complaints. Each has representation on the other's board. Mr. Regan added that they have not received complaints about The Wild Onion He read a letter he received this moming from Paul Subner, President of Green Mill Restaurants and a resident of Grand Avenue, in support of The Wffd Onion's request. Ms. Skally also owns and manages several apartment buildings on Grand Avenue (35 total apartments). He belongs to the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association. He does not agree with Mr. DeBellis' statement that renters' opinion should be ignored because they can vote with their feet. He noted that renters represent the majority of the residents along Grand Avenue, and he feels that renters have indirectly supported the businesses along Grand Avenue because the vacancy rate of the apartment buildings along Grand Avenue is about half of the metro-wide vacancy rate. Therefore, they should not be ignored. Ms. Vang read the objecrion letters into the record. Concems that haven't been mentioned include: decreasing quality of life for residents; The Wild Onion's bad track record in the neighborhood; serving underage patrons; vandalism; very early trash pick-up trucks; cars without permits parking on Lincoln; and not monitoring parking lot at closing time. Mr. Salmen noted that he practices law in the state of Minnesota. He asked Ms. Vang to consider that a significant portion of what has been said or read without supporting evidence is really just heresy. Not all noise along Grand Avenue comes from the Wild Onion, solely. Not all trash is from The Wild Onion. When they initially pe6tioned the neighbors for this license, of the fourteen (14) responding residents on Lincoln Avenue, eight (8) signed in approval. Mr. Salmen referred to the police report and noted that in a great majority of those visits listed, a proactive note is indicated. Ms. Vang asked Ms. Schweinler how staff used the police report in their review process. Ms. Schweinler responded that DSI looks at the illegal service of almhol and disturbances such as fights, drunkenness, etc. Mr. Salmen answered some of the quesrions from the letters: - The current rime for closing patio service is typically, at dusk. - No liquor on the back smoking patio is prevented by a security person at the back door (from 9:00 p.m. to closing). No one is allowed to exit the building with a drink. - More dining area will not be moved to the front of the building at this point. - The smoking will not be moved to the front door area. Ms. Vang asked about the number of tables and chairs on the patio. Mr. Schaefer replied that there are approxunately sixteen (16) tables, with tour (4) chairs each. 7 10-780 guards at the front door along with the cover girl; within close proximity to that is a manager. There are upwards from six (6) security guards on busy and weekend nights. Mr. Regan, GABA, added that one (1) year ago when The Wild Onion originally applied for this license, GABA put together a voluntary program cail Respect 21 with their business pariners, J.J. Taylor, who is also The Wild Onion's current distributor. Basically, iYs a third party program where businesses are educated on over-service and checking IDs. The Wild Onion voluntarily participated in this program. IYs an anonymous program where the business is stung three (3) times. If they pass, they get a green card; if they fail, they get a red card. The results are given to them and recommendations are made as to how they can improve their business. Mr. Regan sees the voluntary participation as a proactive measure that came out of working with the neighborhood. Ms. Vang asked Mr. Closmore what the occupancy rate is for The Wild Onion. He stated that it is 385. Each night there are between 200 — 300 people at any given time on a normal night. The busiest nights are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mr. Roy asked about the construcrion going on with the smoking pafio. Mr. Schaefer responded that the walls will probably be eight (S) or nine (9) feet. The sides will go up and in (not a roo� so that sound will be retained within the structure. Ms. Schweinler interjected that a smoking area must remain 50% open. Ms. Vang asked Mv Salmen to explain their process in trying to secure this license. Mr. Salmen responded that DSI directed them to procure as many signatures of approval from the neighborhood as they could approximately one (1) yeaz ago when they initiated this license. They went door to door, sent out tcvo (2) mailings and asked neighborhood patrons to sign for approval. They did not get 60% of the total signatures needed, so they needed to take the following steps: 1. Go to DSI to renew their application; 2. Attend Summit Hill Associarion meetings to acquire the districYs approval; 3. Attend a license hearing if any complaints were filed; and 4. Obtain City Council approval. Ms. Schweinler explained that the petirion requirement for an outdoor seating area pario is 90% approval. Getting under 90% approval requires the applicant to go to the City Council for approval via the district council. The Wild Onion obtained 33% approval. Ms. Vang asked about the bar's exit plan. Mr. Schaefer responded that at last call (1:45 a.m.), the lights are tumed up and the noise mmes down; music stops and people are allowed to leave casually. Security personnel are outside in front and also in the parking lot to make sure people leave. When everyone has been dispersed, staff goes around the block to pick up the trash. Last call on the patio will be at approxunately 9:00 p.m. 10-780 requires a review but not for sunsetting. Mr. Roy stated that if there's a review and the owners should decide not to unprove what the task force thinks needs to be improved (conditions that are often quality of life issues that are off the police radar-things that don't show up on police reports), would the City let the license continue. Ms. Vang explained that is what the renewal review is for. Ms. Schweinler further explained that any denial or revocation needs to go through a due process. Ms. Vang stated that she will need to seek counsel on this matter. She will put her recommendation forth in a memo. The hearing was adjoumed at 11:30 a.m. /jab Note: Conditions' Affidavit was signed and received May 17, 2010. I1 /� 1�-78� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Bob Kessler, O�recfor 3l5Jackson SfinetSude 220 Telephone: (651)266-8989 SaiMPau( Minnemfa 55101-08 0 6 Facmmile: (651) 26&9099 Web&leAtldress wxwsipaulgovlCSi (&51)266Af24 I agree to the following conditions being placed on the following license(s): License #: 19990002357 Type of Business: Entertainment (B) Gambling Location Liquor On Sale - 181-290 Seats Liquor On Sale - 2 AM Closing Liquor On Sale - Over 100 seats (B) Liquor On Sale - Sunday Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) Applied for by: GRAND AMERICAN RESTAURANT COMPANY Doing Business As: THE WILD ONION at: 788 GRAND AVE ST PAUL MN 55105 Conditions are as follows: 1, The management of the Wild Onion shall provide security in the parking lots Tuesday through Saturday at bar ciosing to ensure that the patrons leave the premises and the parking lots without rausing a disturbance in the surrounding neighborhoods. Patrons shall be advised of the necessiiy of leaving in an orderly manner and shall not be permitted to loiter outside the bar or in the parking lots. 2. The sidewalk caf� is an extension of the restaurant operation onto a part of the public sidewalk which immediately adjoins the licensed premises. 3. No sidewalk cafe shall be permitted in any portion of the public sidewalk where normal pedestrian traffic flow is obstructed. A minimum clearance width of thirty-six (36) inches must be maintained on the public sidewalk at all times. 4. No tabies, chairs or any other fumishings, except plant tubs, shall be placed in the area used for the sidewalk cafe during any period when the sidewalk cafe is not open and being operated. While such cafe is in operation, all tables and chairs shall be kept in a clean, sanitary condition. 5. The use of a portion of the public sidewalk as a sidewalk cafe shall not be an exclusive use. All public improvements, including but not limited to trees, light poles, traffic signals, pull boxes or manholes, or any public-initiated maintenance procedures, shall hake precedence over said use of the public sidewalk at all times. 6. It shall be the duty of the licensed food establishment to maintain each plant tub at all times in a safe condition at its proper location and to inspect each such tub periodically in order that it may be properly maintained. Trees or plants and their tubs shall at all times be kept in a neat, clean and presentabte condition. No advertising matter or sign or writing of any kind shalf be displayed upon any tree or plant or its tub. 7. No liquor sales and/or service is allowed on a public sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from DSI. 8. No outdoor food and/or beverage preparation is allowed on a public sidewalk without prior approval and additional licensing from DSI. 9. The outdoor patio seating area shall close at 9:30 p.m. each night of the week, and there shatl be no customers, patrons, and/or empioyees(other than management and security personnel patrollinp 10-780 snixr PAUL I�TT AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chnstopher B. Coleman, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Bob Kessleq Diredor 3]5Jackson Sheef SuRe 220 TNephone' (651J 26�B9B9 SamtPaul, Mmnesofa 55101-1806 Facsrmde. ry51J 2665099 WebSrteAdtlress xw�v.stpaul.gov/tlsi (651)26G9124 the area) allowed on the patio for any reason after this time. These restrictions do not include the smoking area. 10. There shall be no music (recorded or live) on the patio. 11. The iicensee shafl implement sufficient security measures to insure that alcohol is not consumed in the parking fot or public right-of-way.The Wild Onion will assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 pm to 1/2 hour after 2 AM closing, five days per week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/eariy Sunday moming. 12. There shall be no bar (temporary or permanent) outside on the patio unless prior written approval, and the proper license(s) are first obtained from D51. 13. The W ild Onion will provide food & drink service on the patio only to patrons seated at tables. No stand-up service will be provided for any patron, and no Ioitering is allowed by patrons who are not seated. 14. No liquor service will be provided to patrons who do not order food. 15. The W iId Onion will participate in a task force to be created by SHA to address and minimize problems associated with late night patron behavior. 16. The patio liquor license will expire on November 14, 201 D. The licensee will be required to reapply one time for the patio iiquor permit to continue Iiquor service in 2011 and future seasons. In order to get the license reissued, the licensee will be required to go through the regular license application process for patio liquor licenses with the exception of the requirement for submission of a petition. Standard notification procedure will be followed for neighborhood review. After review, a recommendation on the application will be made by SHA to the city council.The St. Paul city council has the final authority to reissue the licens � I U�� �, S- � � - j� Lic , s e Date . �, �� �� �6�Qa�� �A City of Saint Paul - Office of the City Council 10-780 city tiatl • Suite 310 • Saint Paui, MN 55102-1615 LICENSE HEARING MEMOIZANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: �' Councilmember Dave Thune, Ward 2 Councilmember Melvin Carter IlI, Ward 1 Councilmember Pat Harris, Ward 3 Councilmember Russ Stark, Ward 4 Councilmember Lee Helgen, Wazd 5 Councilmember Dan Bostrom, Wazd 6 Councilmember Kathy Lantry, Ward 7� Nhia Van� Deputy Legislaflve Hearing cer Phone:(651)266-8560 Fax: (651) 29&5532 May 21, 2010 Grand American Restaurant Company, doing business as The Wild Onion (ID #19990002357) Locafion: 7S8 Grand Avenue (Ward 2) Re uest: To add a Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) license to the existing Liquor On Sale - 181-290 Seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Saie - 2 AM Closing, Entertairunent (B), Gambling Location, Restaurant (5) - 151 and pver, Restaurant (D) - Add-on (Bar Only), Sidewalk Cafe, and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses. (NOTE: This license would permit the establishment to extend liquor service onto the existing outdoor patio seating area. There is no proposal to expand this seating area. Additionally, because the applicant obtained onty 33% of the potential required supportive neighborhood signatures, the applicant must also obtain written suppor•t for this request from the Summit Hill Associatton, which is the district council representing the area in which this business is located.) Applicant: Jay Salmen and Joseph Schaefer, co-owners RECOMMENDATION The application requests license approval to allow an extension of services for an outdoar pafio for liquor sales as permitted under Chapter 409. T`he restaurant is located in Wazd 1 and the Summit Hill Association District Planning Council. Departrnent of Safety and Inspection (DSI) is recommending approval subject to conditions and the Snmm.t I Associafion {SHA) is also recommending approval subject to conditions. Consistent with their findings, I am aiso recommending approval of the license request �n�ith the ab eed-upon conditions and incIude mv concems in the anal��sis secfion of this memo. ' BACKGROUND The Wild �nion has been operating on Grand Avenue for fourteen (14) years and there is a long history of contention between the oH�ners of the Wild Onion and the residents living within the vicutih�. The Wild Onion is requesting outside service to the patio so that the�� ma�� be competitive with sunilar drink9ng establishments in the area. Chapter 409.06 (g)(2) requires that the licensee 10-780 obtain support of the surrounding neighborhood or the alternative support of the district council. In this case, the Wild Onion was unable to meet both the 90% or the 60% or more neighborhood suppart thresholds. Attempts on the part of the Wild Onion resulted in 33% of residents' support and ultimately that of the Summit Hill Associaiion provided that the Wild Onion agreed to meet certain conditions necessary to work for the Grand Avenue location. SHA's Zoning and Land Use Cominiitee held a full board meeting in March 2010 where the Wild Onion was also in atEendance and SHA supported fihe Wild Onion by a 15-3 vote with the following agreed-upon conditions: SHA License Condikons 1. That the patio liquor license will expire and sunset on November 14, 2010. 2. That all service (both food and drink) must end by 9:30 p.m. and the pafio must be cleared of all patrons by 9:30 p.m. 3. That the Wild Onion will provide food and drink service on the pafio only at tables and only to those seated at tables. No stand-up service for any patron on the patio and no loitering allowed by pairons on the patio for those not seated. 4. That no music shall be played on the patio (live ar recorded). 5. That no liquor service be provided to any pairon who does not order food. 6. That the Wild Qnion participates in a task force to be created by SHA to include neighborhood resident representatives to address and m;n;mi�e problems associated with late night patron behavior. 7. That the Wild Onion assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 p.m. to lh hour after 2 a.m. closing five days a week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/early Sunday morning, The above recommended conditions were also presented at the April 15, 2010 legislative heazing and, once again, the Wild Onion agreed to those conditions. At this heazing, DSI also recommended the following conditions which the Wild Onion agreed to: DSI License Conditions 1. The outdoor patio seating area shall close at 9:30 p.m. each nioht of the week, and there shall be no customers, patrons and/or employees allowed on the patio for any reason after this time. 2. There shall be no music (recorded or live) on the patio. 3. The licensee shall unplement sufficient security measures to insure that alcohol is not consumed in the parking lot or public right-or-way. 4. There shall be no baz (temporary or permanent) outside on the patio unless prior written approval and the proper license(s) aze first obtained from DSI. Following the April 15, 2010 legislative hearing, DSI met with SHA to combine both sets of conditions and aLso met with the Wild Onion to discuss the rewritten conditions. Again, the Wild Onion ab eed to the rewritten conditions and the newlv ab eed-upon condifions aze as follows: Combined License Conditions 1. The outdoor pafio seating area shalI closed at 9:30 p.m. each night of the week, and there shall be no customers, patrons and/or employees (other than management and securih� personnel patrolling the area) allowed on the patio License Hearing Niemorendum Page a of 5 Wild Onion, 78& Grznd Hv_nue 10-780 for any reason after this time. These restrictions do not include the smoking area. 2. There shall be no music (recorded or live) on the patio. 3. The licensee shall implement sufficient security measures to insure that alcohol is not consumed in the parking lot or public right-or-way. The Wild Onion will assign full-time security to continuously monitor all Wild Onion patron parking lots from 9:30 p.m. to I/z hour after 2 AM closing, five (5) days per week, Tuesday night through Saturday evening/early Sunday moming. 4. There shall be no bar (temporary or permanent) outside on the patio unless prior written approval and the proper license(s) are first obtained from DSI. 5. The Wild Onion will provide food and drink service on the patio only to patrons seated at tables. No stand-up service will be provided for any pafron and no loitering is allowed by patrons who are not seated. 6. No liquor service will be provided to patrons who do not order food. 7. The Wi1d Onion will pazficipate in a task force to be created by the Summit Hill Association (SHA) to address and minimi�e problems associated with late night patron behavior. 8. The patio liquor license will expire on November 14, 2010. The licensee wiIl be required to reapply one (1) time for the patio liquor permit to continue liquor service in 2011 and future seasons. In order to get the license reissued, the licensee wIll be required to go through the regular license application process for patio liquor licenses with the excepfion of the requirement for submission of a petition. Standard notification procedure will be followed for neighborhood review. After review, a recommendafion on the applicafion will be made by SHA to the city council. The Saint Paul City CouncIl has the final authority to reissue the license. (NOTE: Condi6on raises concerns and will be addressed belowJ ISSUE The issue before you is not about the Wild Onion agreeing to condition#8. Instead, the issue is whether the City can support a condition that is oveneaching in regulatory authority. STAFF ANALYSIS There aze several condifions: options that you may consider in reviewing the application and related tion 1- Approve the application with all the combined license condirions except for condition#8. Based upon a reading of the MN statutes and administrative regulations that apply to this license application, I am concem about recommending a condition that exceeds local authorit�� and its due process implicafion on lebitimate businesses. A license approved by the Citv of St. Paul is b ven a yeaz to operate subject to renewal determinafion. Local lacn� is clear with respecf to rene�n�aLs and processes aze in placed to handle troubled establishments. Our Code allows DSI to defermine whether a license may be renewed. In reviewing a license renewal, DSI may add or remove license condifions if there is sufficient evidence. In flus case, conditionr8 invokes an automatic revocation of a license without specifying a reason. linder Chapter 310, when "council intends to consider an License Hearing Memorandum Paae 3 of $ Wild Onior., 788 Grand Avenue 10-780 adverse aciion, including...revocation or suspension of a license,...the applicant or licensee shall be given nofice and an opportw�ity to be heazd...and the notice shall state the issues involved or grounds upon which the adverse acfion may be sought or based.". Nothing in our Code suggests that a license may be automafically revoked so long as an applicant agrees to certain conditions. In addition, if a license is revoked, there is a one-year waiting period and it has not been addressed here whether the one-year period would apply before the Wild Onion can reapply. tion 2- Approve the application with all the combined license conditions with modification to condifion#8. The problems faced by all are very real. Short of the Wild Onion moving to another locafion or the affected residents moving out, they must find a way to better resolve their conflicts. I am not in support of condition#S as it is written and would like to recommend that you review condition#8 and approve it with one of the following modifications: (1) require renewal review with reinforcing guidelines regarding fhe possibility of license revocation should the need arise and that the residents be informed of any actions taken by the City, and that the Wild Onion and affected residents be required to go through dispute resolution to resolve continued issues before SHA may recommend for license renewal to DSI, or (2) require the Wiid Onion to go through a probationary period set by Council because of its history of disturbances (A probationary period may give the Wild Onion time to improve baz management and allow DSI, SHA and residents better scrutiny of the Wild Onion's performance). Despite condition#8 requiring/allowing the Wild Onion to apply one more time after the license expires on November 14, 2010, and waiving petifiorung in the reapplication process, I believe that the process is still burdensome. The Wild Onion is subjected to another re-notification process, especially when there is no guarantee that their license applicafion will be approved. Depending on future recommendations, the Council may deny the application request and the Wild Onion will have to wait another yeaz before they can reapply. tion 3- Approve the application with all the combined license conditions. (NOTE: This is the Deputy Legislafive Hearing Officer's recommendarion.) While the informafion provided by resident accounts and the long history of complaints and calls for service are persuasive in denying the Wild Onion's request; information provided at the Iegislative hearing showed that the Wild Onion's request should be approved. The owners of the Wild Onion have taken steps to rectify many of their past management practices and some of those steps are included below: ' hiring of new� management and staff; • a good faith effort to work with the Summit Hill Association and participation in a taskforce set up by SHA to include both staff, Wild Onion owners/managers, and residents to specificallp address issues such as noise and patron behavior; • construcfion of a fence and installation of acoustic buffers to m;n;mi�e noise, License Hearing Nemorandum Page n or 5 Wild Onior, 7S8 Grand Rvenue 10-780 • hiring of security staff to help monitor activities inside and outside the establishment, and • researching landscaping designs to better address noise nuisance. In addition, many of the issue raised about noise and patron behavioxs generated from the Wild Onion aze sunilar to those of many other drinking establishxnents within the City and along Grand Avenue. It would be difficult to directly point to the WIld Onion as the sole cause of all the noise and patron behaviors along Grand Avenue when there are similar businesses nearby such as Billy's and Dixies (See, Attachments A, B and C). A review of complaints showed that many of the complaints were investigated by DSI and that calls for service with respect to the Wild Onion and similar drinkutg establishments along Grand Avenue showed that even though the Wild Onion proportionately had more call records, many of the actions were proactive visits and many of the calls did not result in a liquor violation or citation. GVhile the conditions recommended by the Summit Hill Association and those recommended by DSI may not be ideal for everyone, it may be the only way to keep the dialogue open. Furthermore, since the owners of the Wild Onion fully understand and appreciate the risks and the liabilities associated with the conditions they agreed to, thexe is no reason to deny their request at this time. From the legislative hearing, it's clear that the Wild Onion's goal is to not promote drunkenness and recklessness in this neighborhood. The Wild Oniori s proposed use is reasonable and no different than other similar drinking establishments on Grand Avenue. I respectrully request that you give them full consideration and to give them the same opporhu�ity to be on a level playing field with surrounding businesses by accepting the conditions already agreed-upon by the owners of the Wild Onion. O.ption 4- Deny the applicarion and refer this matter to the City Attorney's Office for further findings from an Administrative Law Judge. Despite new informarion that was provided at the legislative hearing regarding the Wild Onion's change in management pracrices and willingness to work with the residents to resolve patron behavior and noise issues, the long history of past offenses (based on the number of complaint calls and calls for service (See, Attachments A, B, C, D, E, and F) and the distress faced by many residents (See, Attachment G) and have risen to such a level that it has negatively affected their peace and quite enjoyment of their homes. As such, no additional condirions or actions would make the residents whole; therefore, the extension of liquor services for an outdoor patio license for the Wild Onion should be denied. License Hearing Memorandum Page 5 of 5 Wild Onion, 788 Grand Avenue � Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report '.�^.'� 0 /�lc �^ Address Search: 788 GRAND AV incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 10078562 041'17/2010 01:43:08 10078470 04/16/2010 23:58:36 10060862 �3/25/20'l023:57.23 10056938 03(20l2010 23:49:42 10054496 03/18/20'I 0 0'I :04: � 2 10051659 03/�4/201022:11:37 10051408 03/141201014:5026 10045883 03/06/2010 23:51:14 10045206 03/O6l2010 00:07:00 100428'11 03/03/20'10 00:44:40 10032a22 02/16/201012:31:12 10030027 02/13l2010 01:01:41 10021166 02/01l20'10 07:20:46 10020595 0'I/31/20'10 0'123:53 10016701 O t /21/2010 14'49:00 100�6394 01/24/201C 22:00:00 10015788 Ot(24/2010 0721:03 10014525 D'I/22/20101321.24 10092746 01(20/2010 02:08:58 10010111 01/16120'10 0028:11 10008994 Ot/12/201000:00:00 10007869 01l13l201� 00:01:28 10003164 01/06/201D 00:17:43 10002656 01/01/2010 0030:00 1000'1298 0'l l03/2010 02:06:00 10000695 01/02/2010 0'1:42:00 D9274152 '12l3012009 02.�1.35 D92729'I S 12/28/2009 01:47:16 09268669 �2/20/20092D:02:39 09266595 12I17/2009 22:18:28 05265863 i21�6l200920:�6.32 09265351 '12/'Io;200902:08:00 09263451 i2l13/200901:1829 09263329 'i2!'IZ'200922.0"s:t6 ATTACHME�T Total Records: 981 House�No IncidentType Dispo Apt# 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER SNR 788 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS UNF 788 PREVIOUS CN PCN 788 DRUNKENNESS GOA 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 788 THEFT-FROM AUTO ADV 788 DWI-COMBINATION OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGSADV 788 LOST MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 THEF"f-FROM AUTO,OVER $1000 RR 788 AGG ASSAULT-WlFIST,FEET,ETC RR 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ADV ACTIVITY 788 THEFT-FROM AUTO GOA 788 DIS7URBANCE-FIGHTS UNF 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 THEFT-ALL OTHER,UNDER $500 RR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT SNR 788 POLICE VISIT-PRdACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 THEr f-ALL OTHER,UNDER $500 RR 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CONDUCT RR 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS17 ADV 788 THEr i-FROM AUTO ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 788 IN�STIGATr-AND ALL OTH=R ADV 788 POLICc VIS17-PROACTIV� ?OLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY GOA BOYS.GIRLS.PcRSONS Inrormanon requested by (596380) 1 Pnnted at:04/20i201C 12:13 03 1a�so Saint Paul Police Depar�ment Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 09263134 12/'12/2009 '17:18:52 09262663 12/'12/2009 0"I :11:00 0925855� 09253073 09251736 12/0612009 01:18'41 1'I /28I2009 '17:02.21 11/2612009 02:53:48 09251720 09250916 09248802 oszas�s� 09248766 09245739 09243773 09242298 09242297 09240770 09237987 09237137 09235743 09234173 09233779 09233594 09233496 09233467 09232816 09232792 D9232782 09230371 09230369 05229965 09228373 09228339 09226159 09225364 09224SD7 11 /26I2009 0226:46 11 /25/2009 00 37:00 '11/22l2009 0"1:05'00 71/22l2009 00:15:09 1'I/2212009 00:1431 t'I/1712009 23:54:0'I 11/1512009 00:4929 11 /13/2009 01:0325 11(13l2009 01:02:00 19 /'I 0/20�9 23:56:05 11/07/2009 00'45' 18 11 /05/2009 22'48:40 1�/04/2009 01:52:52 1 i/02/2009 01:27:09 11/01/2009 10:19:17 11l01/2009 0720:09 10/31/2009 23:44:24 10/3112009 23:1422 10l31 /2009 01:56:00 "10/31l2009 00:50.45 10/3'Il2009 00�40:00 'I 0/28/2009 00:4827 i oizsizoos oo:a�:a� 10/27I2009 14.32:58 � 0/25i 2009 0128.31 10/25l2009 00 'I 8:28 10; 22/2009 0'1.34.3� � o;zvzoos oa:os:ao 10{02/20�9 75:5400 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 SEX OFFENSE-LEWD CONDUCT,INDECENT RR EXPOSURE 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 �ISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, GOA ACTIVITY 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL 07HER ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT SNR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POL�CE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS. ALL ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 788 PREVIQUS CN PCN 788 DRUNKENNESS GOA 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE ViSi7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 INVES7IGATE-ANDALLOTHER ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS UNF 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISII' ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCESUSPICIOUS PERSON. CAR, GOA ACTIVITY 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIV� POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS UNF 788 THE=icXC�°T AUTO THE�i CAN 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS. ALL ADV 788 FRAUD-COUNTcRrEIT CURRcNCYALT°_RED RR CURRENCY Inrorrnauon requested by (596380) 2 Fnnted at:04/20/2010 12 13:03 10-780 Saint Paul Poiica �epartment Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & Time 09224541 10/1912009 23.32:51 09224163 '10/19/200913:'12'46 09223856 '10(19�2009 00:51:52 09222495 'I OH 6/2009 23:05:20 09221844 '10/16/2009 02.38:00 09221085 10/15/2009 00 38:46 09220331 10/14/2009 01.53:55 �9220299 09220284 09220217 09219704 09219673 09219519 09218882 09217485 0921fi864 09215292 09213498 09213449 09212600 09210629 09208475 09208453 09208328 09207584 09207582 09207552 10/1412009 00.3621 10/13/2009 23:55:54 '10/13/2009 22:5126 10/'13I2009 09:44:30 'I O/09l2009 23:00:00 10/13f2009 00.30:56 '10/12/2009 00:24:5"I 7 0/09/2009 21:50:05 10109t2��9 04:14:58 10/O6/2D09 23'43.38 10/04l2009 02:02:00 10/04�2009 00:41'DD 10/02/2009 21:47:46 09/30/2009 01:19:01 09/27l2009 02:14�58 osiznzoos otaz:oo 09/26i2009 23:10:00 09/26/2009 0'I:� 1:34 09126/2009 01:10:24 �9l2612009 00 41'.00 09204�67 09/22/2009 23:00:30 092C2"o02 09/19/200923'4329 0920'1060 09/'IS/200913"12:58 09200767 09/'18;2009 02:05:00 �9"I98965 09/'16/2009 00.23 45 09'196002 09/12/2009 02:49�42 09195975 09i12;2009 0?:5� 40 House N inciden 788 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 788 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO 7HErT 788 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VfSIT 788 PREVIOUS CN 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CONDUCT 788 POLICE VISfT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 788 POLiCE VISi7-PROACT)VE ?OLICE Vi517 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 788 THEFT-ALL OTHER,$501 TO $1000 788 POLICE VI$IT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER 788 DRUNKENNESS 788 POLICE VIStT-PROACT4VE POUCE VlSIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 THEFf-ALL OTHER,UNDER $5�0 788 ASS-ASSIST C(TIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 768 DISTURSANCE-SUSPIGOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTNITY 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTI VITY 788 ASS-ASSIS7 CITiZEN CALLS. ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICc VI51T 788 POLIC� VISIT-?ROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 °OLIC� VISf i-PRpACTIV� °OLIC- VISIT 788 D:STURBANC� SUS°ICIOUS P�RSON, CAR, ACTIVITY 788 POLIC� VI51 �-PROACTIVE POLICE V!SIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt# SNR GOA ADV PCN RR ADV DTX ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV UNF ADV Information reauested'oy. (590380) 3 Printed ac:04/20/201G 12:13:03 io-�so Saint Paui Polic2 Department Addresslintersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Gnd 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 09'I 95900 09/12/2009 00:07:05 09'195837 09/�1l2009 23:03:30 D9195109 09/11l2009 01:03:07 09'I 93435 09/09l2009 01:45:00 09193389 09/09/2009 00:10:12 09191968 09/07l200901:43'00 09'191955 09/07/2009 0123'02 09'190482 09l05/2009 02:02:00 09987697 09/011200923:14�48 09185454 08/29/2009 23:42:50 09184647 68/28l2009 23:36:09 09184583 08l28/2009 22:33:54 09'181814 08/25/2009 20:59:27 09181121 08/25120�9 00:53:00 09'181117 08I25/2009 00:50:00 09180905 08/24/2009 20.39:27 09179423 08/22/2009 23:06 00 09178967 08/22/200914:45:49 09177686 08/21/20D9 00:14:00 09'176958 08/20/2009 0'I22:35 09176098 08/19/2009 0122:56 09�76047 08/'19/200900'19:23 09174689 08117l200913:O1:D4 091744'17 08/17/2009 01:58:00 09172954 08I1512�09 0026:07 09172139 OS/'14f2�09 01:02.00 Q9167367 08I08I2009 0020:00 D9'162294 OS/02,'2009 C2.24:38 0916�399 08/Ot/200901:58:58 0916"395 OS/0112009 01.55.00 09l "01230 07/3i12005 23:06'00 09'160396 07/31i20090129:00 09159516 07l30; 2009 0 i 30.05 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POUCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VIS�T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST GTIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 PO�iCE VISI"f-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL GOA 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT DUP 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, UNF ACTIVITY 788 OTHER ASSAULTS CAN 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS GOA 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 LOST MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCESUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ADV ACTIVITY 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 OTHER ARRESTS-ALL.EXCEPT TRAFFIC RR ARRESTS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICG VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANC:-SUSPICIOUS PEP.SON, CAR, ADV ACTIVITY 788 DIS7URBANCc-SL'SPICIOUS PERSON. CAR, ADV ACTNITY 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PEP,SON, CAR, UNF ACTIVITY Iniormation reauested'oy. (596380) Q Pnnted a�:04/20l2010 12'3:03 ia�so Saint Paul Poiice Department Addresslintersection Report Address Search 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/2012010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & 7ime 09'1585'10 07/28(2009 22:41:33 D9155368 07l25/2009 02.06:00 09'153426 07/23/2009 02:20:40 09151678 07/20J2D0923'10.43 09146634 07115l2009 00:45:55 09145768 D91A0805 09I40768 09140693 09138994 09'136432 09136379 07/14/2009 01:41 �06 07708/2D09 Ot �5627 07/08/2009 00:46.03 07/07/2009 23:34:00 07/06/2009 0'1.35:00 07/03l2009 00:5826 07/03/2009 0�:15:05 09132093 09128699 09126454 09f26381 09125568 09124628 09123777 09123638 09123626 09122690 09121505 0912I377 09�2098I D9120327 091'19336 09117578 09117557 09117530 09115746 09114890 091148C0 091�4730 06/28/2009 0028:14 06/24l2009 01'09�52 O6/21/2009 01:52:00 D612112009 00 24:12 06/20/2009 01:45.26 06/'19/2009 00.38:00 06(18/2009 04'14'40 06/18/2009 00:05.32 06/17/2009 23:53:04 06/16/2009 22:47'09 06/15/2009 14:59:15 06/07/2009 '16:30:00 O6/14/2D09 22 49:00 06/14/2009 00:44:58 06/12/2009 23.48:45 06!'I1I2009 02:01:04 06i11/2009 09 �47:06 06/'I 1/2009 01 � 15:42 06/0912009 OC28�40 06/07i2009 20'40:00 06107; 2D09 19: ^ 5:�6 06/07i2009 15 55.38 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Dispo Apt# 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORpERLY CONDUCT RR 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 DRUNKENNESS UNF 768 TRAFF4CACCIDENT-PROPERTYDAMAGE ADV ACCIDENT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS GOA 788 POLICE VISI7-PROAC7IVE POLICE ViS1T ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST GTIZEN CALLS,ALL ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POIICE VISIT ADV 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, UNF ACTIVITY 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS,ALL ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 78S TRAFFICACCIDENT-PERSONALINJURY SNR 788 LOST MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY RR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS(T ADV 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLlCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 °OLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIC� VISIT ADV 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROACTIV'c POLICc VISIT SNR 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS.GIRLS.PERSONS 788 DIS7URBANCc-DISORDERLY DTX BOYS.GIRLSPERSONS Information reo,uested by. (596380) 5 °nnted a::04;20i2010 i2:13 03 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Addresslintersection Report Address Search: 788 GR,4ND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date S Time 09114622 06/07/200912:25:38 09114620 06/07/20091221.35 091146'IS 06/07(200972:19:09 09'11459'I O6l07l2009 1'i :17:05 09'i 12684 O6/04/2009 22:54'47 0911'1699 06l03/2�09 20:50:00 09111057 O6/03/2009 02:06:14 09111002 06/03/2009 00:30:43 09110999 06/03/2009 00�29:41 09'I 10948 06/02/2009 23:4'I:00 09110920 O6/02/2009 23:07:41 091'10131 06/02/2009 02:59:30 09170007 06/01/200923'48:12 091Q9280 O6l01/200901:37:46 09'I07738 OS/30/2009 0'1:40:00 09105131 OSl27/2009 02:12:52 09105123 05l27/2009 02:01:00 09'104985 05l26l200923'08:17 09'10424'1 05/26/2009 01:52:00 09'104098 05l25/2009 23:D9:00 09103498 05/25l2009 02:00:00 09'ID2857 OS/24(200901:58:19 09�02850 05/24/200901.46:00 09'102826 05/24/2009 01:'I 1:12 09'102786 OSl24/2009 0023 12 09'102004 OS/23/2009 02:07:52 09'101929 05123l2009 0029:36 09101862 05/22/2009 23:36:12 09"101028 05/22/2009 0037:45 09'100215 05/2 V2009 012'1:40 Q9100178 OS/21/200900:4'122 09099299 OSi20i200902.08.2"I 09098258 OS119l2009 G321:OC 09098'190 05119/2D09 01 '13:08 09098'130 O5/18l2009 23:57:00 House No Incidenf Type 788 OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT 788 OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT 788 OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT 788 OFFDUTYEMPLOYMENT 788 POLlCE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PERSONALINJURY 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POL�CE VISIT-PRDACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTIVITY 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 78S DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPIGOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTIVITY 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE °O�ICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE V;SIT 788 POLICE VISI- °ROACTN� POLICE V151T 788 POLICc VISI?-PROACTNc POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNc POLICE VISIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTI� °OLICE VISIT Totai Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV IflU9 GOA ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormaiion reouss�ed by. (590380) 6 °nnted ar.04,'20/2010 1213 03 io-�8o Saint Paui Polic� Department Address/fntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV I�cident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/20� 0 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Dafe & Time 09097298 05/18/2009 0'12224 Q9097194 05/17/20a9 2326.36 09096667 OS/17/2009 03:40'00 09096621 05/'17/2009 02:07.02 09096495 05/16/2009 23:17:D0 09095877 OS/16/2009 01.39:36 09691643 05I10(2009 23.59.00 09091636 05/10/2009 23:56:00 �9091592 05/10/2009 23:2328 0909'1012 05/10/2009 00'44:56 09090224 O5/09/2009 00'49:05 090884D6 OSl0612D6923:'1�:00 osos�sas osiosizoos oo:aa:os 09084498 05/02/2009 00:08:39 09084489 05/02/2D09 00'00:00 09083930 OS/01/200909:57'27 0908290'I 04/30/2009 0021:00 09082189 04l29/2009 01:11:48 09079505 04/25/2009 01 �46:51 09079482 04/25/2009 0120:31 0907859'I 04/24/2009 01'05:04 09076929 04l22l2009 02:03:05 09076923 04/2212D09 01:55:00 09076883 04/22/2D09 0024:52 09076874 04/22/2009 00:13:00 09075542 04/20/2009 02:02:07 09074213 04l18/2009 02:16.52 09073243 04!'17/200901�4Y58 09073204 04l17/2009 00�40:19 09072346 04/16/2009 0123:3"I 090723C5 04/1"oi200901'?9:09 09072279 04115/2009 23�4C:�5 0907227'I 04175/2009 2327:58 0907'1572 04I15/2009 02:04:50 09G7�774 041�4l2009062^..25 House No Incident Type 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POL4CE VlS4T-PftOACTNE PO�ICE VISiT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT �88 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFT 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE V1SI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS.GIRLS,PERSONS 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE V1517 788 DI57URBANC�-DISORDERLY BOYS.GIRLS.°-RSO�S 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE °OLICc VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT Total Records:981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV AOV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV UNF ADV ADV ' ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormaiion requested by ; 596380) 7 prmted ar.04/20;2010 12 93:0� 10-780 Saint Paul P�lice Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Secfor 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date S Time 09070712 04/14/2009 0228:32 09069538 04/12/200902:14:10 09067964 04/10l2D090'1:4'I:00 69066331 04/08/2009 0'1:53:00 09066293 04/08/20�9 00.34.59 09064845 04/O6/2009 01:01:00 09063621 04/04/2009 01 �43:54 09063616 04I04l2009 01.3328 09062866 04/03/2009 02:53:54 �9062163 04/02/2�09 03:07:48 090616�2 041071200912:'f4:00 09061356 04/Ot/200900'39:48 09059391 03/29/2009 00.38:12 09059337 03/28/2009 23:19:26 09057721 03l26/2009 14:47:00 09053183 03/2D/2009 0022:11 0905242"I 03/'19/2009 07:45:00 D9052308 03l18/2009 23:05:10 09049484 03/15/2009 01'4525 09048668 03/14/2009 01'48:09 09048565 03/'13/2009 23.34.33 09044665 03/OS/2009 03:05.47 09042201 03/05/2009 00:25'10 09042054 03/04/2009 21:1720 09041458 03/04l2009 01:36:18 0904'1450 03/04/2009 0"1:08:10 0904'1357 03/03/2009 22:47:39 09040713 03/03/2009 01:34:49 09039526 63/Otl2009 00:49:01 09039503 03l01l2009 0D:1827 �9038941 02/28i2009 02:09:40 0903889d 02'28,'2009 0022:00 09037528 02/26l200901�57:35 09036755 02i25/2D09 OC26:46 House N in Type 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIC V{OLATION-SCOFFLAW (TOWS) 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 7S8 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS.GIRLS,PERSONS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 788 PREVIOUS CN 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 788 TRAF=IC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT 788 OBSTRUCTWG03STRUCTINGLGAL PROGESS 788 POLIC� VISI?-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICe V�SIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV eSN_� I_�1� ADV ADV UNF ADV ADV ADV ADV PCN ADV ADV RR ADV SNR Iniorma'tion reauested by ;596380) 8 °nnted at:04/20/2010 12 13'04 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20l2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 09036079 02/24/2009 05:44:05 D903483'I 02/22/2�09 01:18:4'I 09034209 02(21/20090032.28 09034131 02/20l2009 22:57.26 D9033470 02l20l2009 00'42:25 09031337 02/17/2009 01:14:40 09031304 02/17/2Q09 00:02.15 09030752 02/16/2009 01:00.56 09030722 02/16/2009 00:0120 09030200 02/15/2009 00:04:57 09026764 02/09/2009 00:00:00 09026673 02l10/2�09 02:04:05 09026660 02/10/2009 0124:30 09026035 02l09/2009 06:1 �:52 09025982 02/09/2009 01:5'1:18 09025367 02/07/2009 23:38.33 09024697 02/07/2009 00:56:47 09024692 02/07/2009 00'46:53 09023939 02/06/2D09 03:16:53 09023860 02/06/2009 00:42:33 09023817 02/05/2009 23:23:00 09022474 02/04/2009 01:05:17 D9022464 02/04/2009 00:44:47 09021753 02/02/20092�20:00 09020677 02/Ot/2D0900:07:42 09020627 0'I/31/200923:17:58 09020103 09l31/200900:52:57 09019475 0'I/30/200905:08:45 09019389 0'I/30/20090020:48 09018843 Ot/29/2009D4:30:26 D9018070 01i27/20092t17:00 09010893 0�l25/200923.21.04 0901685o O�i2�;20092135'1� 09016490 O�i2i'200901'19:OD �90?58�'.? 0"I/24/200901.05:02 House N incid Typ 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 THEFT-ALLOTHER,UNDER$500 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POUCE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS,ALL 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 PQLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 7RAFFIC ACCIDEN7-PROPERTY DAMAGc ACCIDENT 788 °OLICE VISIT-?ROACTIVE POLIC'c VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISI7 788 ASSAULT-OTHERASSAULTS,ALL 788 ?OLIC_ VISIT-PROACTIVE pOLICE V:SIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV L'1U9 ADV ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV RR I'Ul�l 0 Inrormaiion rea,uested oy: (59n380) 9 Fnnt<d a±:04/20/2010 12 13:Od 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time �90'15840 Ot/24l20D901:04:12 090� 5669 D'I /23/2009 21:0'I �00 09015093 01/23/200901:3528 09015070 0'Il23/200900:52'42 09014212 01 /21 /2009 22:41:09 09013622 01/21/200900:56:47 09013559 01/20/200923:0627 09012838 0'I/20/200900:00�11 0901'1845 01/18/200902:09:58 0901'1579 01/'17/2009 18:28:39 0901'I291 01117/2009 06:18:17 0901'I184 01/17/200900:33:50 0901'1778 01/17/2009002527 0901'f160 0'I/17/2009 00:09.24 09D10426 0'Il16/2009 03:06:07 09009580 01/15/200901:07'12 09009531 0'I/14/2009 23:46.55 09009502 01114I2009 23:04�0� 090088'13 0'I/14/200900:15.35 09008753 0'I/"13f200923:05.24 09008'140 01 /13/2009 0'1:47:00 09D08119 01/13/20090'1:01.48 �9007246 0'I/11/2009 78:41:13 09006909 01 /� 1/2009 02:16 00 09006895 0'I /1'1 /2009 0'I :57 00 09006752 0'I110l2009 22:06.52 09006255 0'I/10/2009 02:06 42 09006213 01/10l200901:19:00 09006� 8'I 0'I/'10/2009 00:40�00 �9006'135 0'I/09/2009 2327 49 09005409 0�/a9/20090223�00 09005386 0'Il09/20090�:25�46 Q9004657 01/08/200°OOS1'15 09D03956 OV07/200901�33:48 09003933 01/G7/2009 00:52:00 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISfT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT SNR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE V4SIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPeRTY DAMAGE,HIT !RR RUN 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 TRAPFIC VIOLATION-DANGEROUS ADV CONDITIONS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROACTI� AOLIC� VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VI51--PROACTIVE °OLICc VISIT ADV 788 ?OLICE VISiT-PROACTIVE °OLICc V:SI7 ADV 788 ?O�ICE VISIT-PROACTNE °OLICE VISIT ADV 788 °OLICE VISI7 ?ROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLIC= VISIT-°ROAC7NE POLICE VISI7 ADV Inrormation reauested by (59E380) 10 Prm[ed ar.04/20;2010 12�13:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident Total Records 981 date from Q3/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Ocwr Date & Time House No Incide Type Dispo Apt# 09003869 Ot/06/2D09 23:13:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09003243 01l06/2009 02:�3:38 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09�a3242 0'I/06/2009 02:03:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09002530 0'I/OS/2009 01:43:36 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 090�1998 0'I/04/2009 01:26:07 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 090D0707 Ot/02/20090225�'16 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 09000670 01l02/2009 00:58:53 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 09000118 01/01/2009 02:05:09 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08269483 12/31I2008 03:03:50 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08269467 12/31l2006 02:16.27 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV D8269424 12/31I2006 00:21:58 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV D8269417 12/3"Il200600:0'121 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268895 12/3D/2008 06:23.00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268894 12/30/2006 06:22.00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268880 12/30/200804:43:'14 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268847 12l30I2006 0'1:33:13 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268434 12/29/20081'138:07 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08268248 '12/29/2008 01:21:56 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08267768 12/281200802'1828 788 TR4FFIGSTOP/ADVISE ADV D8267713 12/28/2006 0�:05:57 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08266950 12/27/2D08 02'09:00 788 RECOVERED-PROPERTY RR 08266205 12/26/2008 01:0�:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 062646"I6 12/22/2008 2239:42 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08264050 12/22/20060'139:52 788 TRAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE ADV 08264025 12l22/2008 00'39:04 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 ADV 08263906 12/21/2D0819:50:04 788 TR4FFIC-STOPfADVISE ADV 08263444 12/21/2008 0�:07�00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T ADV 08263443 1Z2'I/2008 01:07:04 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08263441 12/21/200800:59.04 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CAN BOYS.GIRLS,PERSONS 08263370 12120l2008 23:0222 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE V�SI7 ADV 08262828 1Z20/2008 05:13:53 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISI7 ADV 082627"04 52/20/2008 0�:34:57 788 POLIC� VISfT-PROACTiVc POLICc VISIT ADV 082"0207o i2!19/2008 2336 00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� °OLIC� VISI7 ADV 082o2d43 �2l19I2008 1847.0� 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTN� POLICc VISIT ADV 08262004 i2/l9/2008 03.36:09 788 POLIC: VI517-PROACTIV� POLICE VISI7 ADV inrormation requested by 1596350; 11 Pnnted a::04/20/2010 12 13 04 ia�so Saint Paul Police Department Addressllntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2005 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date S Time 08261961 12/19/2008 0124:00 0826'1900 12/1 Sl2008 23.35:00 0826'1880 '12/'18/2008 23:02:00 08261190 12/17/2008 23:58:51 0826'I 184 12/'17l2008 23:48:00 08261183 'i2(17I20a823:48:00 08260505 12/17/2008 �2'05.00 08260477 12l17/2008 00:33:18 08259676 72/15l2006 22:21 �42 �8259080 12/15/2006 04:33:56 08259029 12/ 14/2008 15:00:00 08258999 72/14/2008 22:3722 08258971 72/14/2006 20'44:00 08258574 12/'14/2008 02:24:00 08258562 12/14/2006 01:58:00 08258449 12/13/2008 2328.00 08257675 12/13/2008 03:'I'1:36 08257239 'I2/12/200818:13:07 08256914 12/12120D8 10:2'I :01 08256774 12/12/2008 02:22'18 08256717 12/'12/2008 00:36:09 08256634 12/'11/2008 22.15:32 08255957 � 2/� 1/2008 01:10:50 08255906 12/10/2008 23:33:00 OS255886 12/10/2008 22:51:00 08255885 72/10/2D0822:51:00 0825510"3 127'10/2008 03:0122 08255155 12/'10/2008 02:1'120 082544'39 i2/09/200801:58'00 08254385 12/08/2008 23.3438 08253770 i2/OSl200800'18.00 082�3625 i2/G7l2008 �S'S2:45 08253297 12l07/2008 06.54' 19 08252430 12/0612008 02:52.38 08251675 72/Oj'2008 01:50 00 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POL�CE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROAGTIVE POLICE VIStT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-ASSIGNED TO CRIMES AGAINS�RR PERSON 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTSALL RR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 OBSTRUCTING-OBSTRUCTING LEGAL RR PROCESS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 7RAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACT�VE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISi7-PROACTIVE °OLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLIC� V;SI'-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICc VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV Informauon reouested'oy. ;596380) l2 Printed a::04/20/2010 12�13:0a 10-780 Saint Paul Poiice Department Addressllntersecfion Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident Total Records: 981 date from 03/20/2008 to D4/20/2010 (Sector 1, Gnd 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time House No tncident Type Dispo Apl# 08251666 12/05/2008 01:35:48 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 0825'1584 12/04/2�0823:12:08 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08250959 12/04/200802:14:08 788 TR4FFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV D8250939 12/04l2008 0127:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 0825020'I 12/03/2008 00:14:58 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08250140 "12/�2/200823:00:59 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 08249530 12/02/2008 05:08:35 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08249487 12/02/2008 01'45:00 788 POLICE VISfT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 08248795 'I2/01l2008 03.35:'19 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV D8248700 �'I/30/200822:45:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08248637 "11/30/200820:08:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV D8248504 '11/30/2008 16:24:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08248284 '11/30/2008 662320 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08248209 11/30/2008 01:42:00 788 AGG ASSAULT-W/OTHER DANGEROUS RR WEAPONS 08248208 11/30/200801:37:18 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV �8248153 11/29/200823:51�00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08246275 '11/27/2008 0224:14 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244738 "11l25/2008 02:04:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244661 11/24/2008 23:45.34 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244650 1'Il24/2008 23:27:56 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244645 11124l2008 23:18:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244074 11/24/2008 07:0225 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244042 91/24/2008 04:34:06 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08244001 �'Il24/20080�26:18 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08243424 11/23/200800'41:00 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 082425"17 �1/22/200801:10'a� 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCECALLS GOA D82428�2 1"1/22/200800:47.37 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08242731 19/2V2008 23"10'00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T ADV 08242094 1'1/21/200805�'1�:30 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08241910 19i20/2008 22'53:04 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIC'c VISIT ADV 08241465 19/18i200823:00:00 788 THE=i-AL07HER,UNDER5500 RR 08241343 ': �120l2008 06:09�4� 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNc °OLICE VISIT ADV 08241339 'I'V20/2008 05:07 10 788 °OLIC� VISIT-?ROACTI� POLIC� V;SIT ADV 08240512 'll/19/2�0801:52:00 788 POLIC� VISIT-?ROACTIVE °OLIC� VISI? ADV 08240510 'i"II'!9/20080'i:51'00 788 °OLICcVISIi-?ROACTIVE?OLIC�VISIT ADV InTOrma'tion reauested b�c ;5903801 13 °nnted 2t:04/20I201C 12'?3:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident Total Records: 981 date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time House No incident Type Dispo Apt# 0824049'I "11/19(200800:48:42 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08240471 �1/'19/200800:1429 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08240462 1'Il19/2008 00�05:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08239703 11/18/2008 OY15:46 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV OB239024 "11117/2008 0'1:55:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08239021 '11/17/20080�.52:01 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08238989 � t/'17/2008 00:30:26 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08238880 11/16/2008 �8:37:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08238750 11/'i6/2008 13:09:09 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE Vi51T ADV 08236989 11/14/2008 0129:00 788 TRAPFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE RR ACCIDENT 08236873 1"I/'13/2008 2229:18 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 ADV 08236200 "I'I!'13l20080D.31:13 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08236150 "11H2/200823:19:54 788 POLICE VIS17-PROACTIVE POLICE VfS1T ADV D8235459 � 1/12/2008 01 4623 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08235458 '11/12(2008 0'I'45:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08235443 '11H2/2008 00 59:57 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08235385 11!'I�/200823:07:'15 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 08235282 1'IH V2008 20:01:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08235'105 1'V11(2008143026 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08234904 11/11/2008 02:50:00 788 POLICE VlSIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08234880 "I'i/11/2008 0'1:55:35 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV �8234'166 11(t0/2008 ��:2826 788 POLICE VISfT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08234155 1�/10/200800:03:47 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08234055 11/09/200820'49:00 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08233692 11/09/2008 01:57:34 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 08233682 11/09/2008 01�41:09 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV OS233007 11/08/2008 00'S8:OD 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08232992 11/OS/2008 00:31.37 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI517 ADV �8232575 1'1/07/2008'1348:56 788 POLIC'c VISIT-PROACFIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08232 i36 11/O6/2008 2228:50 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTI� POLICE VIS�T ADV 08231525 11/06i2008 06.32:47 768 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTNE POLIC� VISIT ADV 08231Si0 ?l/05/2008232°:55 788 POLICEVISIT-PROACTIVEPOLICcVISIT ADV 0823?395 '1/05/20082313:OD 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VfSIT ADV 0823i3S5 � 1/OS/2008 2221.05 788 THEFT cXCE?T AUTO THcFT CAN 08230�51 'Ii/04/20082337'00 788 POLICEVISI7-?ROACTIVcPOLICcVISIT ADV Iniormaiion roauesied by (59E380) 14 Fnnted at04/20;2010 12.13 0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/intersection Report Address Searoh 788 GRAND AV incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & 7ime 08230538 '11/04/200823:21:25 08230508 11/04/2008 22:4'1:46 08229645 11/04/2008 00:41:55 08229498 11 /03/2008 20'45:00 08228827 1'Il03I2008 00:34:00 08228821 1'I/0312008 00:28:00 08228688 11 /D2/2008 20:42:00 08228450 "I1/02l2008 73:22:46 08228263 'I 1/02/2008 02:0021 08228249 11 /02/2008 0128:00 08227431 11/01f2008 02:14:38 08227428 11/01/2008 02:09:00 08226625 10/31/2008 01:15:00 082258"16 10/30/2008 Q0:49:54 08225784 10/29/2008 23:59:57 D8225027 "10/29/2008 01'05'47 D8225026 10/28(2008 01:05:43 08224949 10l28/2008 23:05:08 08224293 10/28/2008 D4:15:05 08224147 10/27l2008 22:47:16 08224146 10/27/2008 22:45:27 D 8223871 10/27/2008 14:05:58 08223573 10127(2008 0�.38:'17 08223546 10/27/2008 00:30'40 08223527 10/26l2008 23:58:'IS 08223440 10/26/2008 20'16 00 D8223236 '10l26/200812:15.36 08223174 � 0/26/2008 09:5'I .39 08223060 '10/26l200801:58:5� 08222471 10l25/2008 10:0721 08222328 � 0/25l2008 02:02:48 08222200 1 C/24/2008 23:02.00 08221'10 t0i24;200810':5.30 0822 � 589 10/25/2008 06:15.'I C D822? 354 10123/2008 21.39.00 D8220872 i0/23/200809'57�29 House No Incitlent Type 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICc VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 78S POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POL�CE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VIStT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS4T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 OTHER ASSAULTS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE 788 TRAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISI7 788 °OLICE VISI I-?ROACTNE ?OLICE V;SIT 788 ?CLICE VISIT-PRO:,CTVE PC' ICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIV= POL�Cc V;SIT 788 TRAFFIGSTO?lFDVIS� 788 POLICE VISIT °ROAC7IV� °OLICE VISIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV A�V A�V ADV ADV ADV ADV DTX ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ACV ADV ADV ADV informanon reauested by: ;596380) '� °rintec at04/20i201C i2:13:0� 10-780 �aint i�aul Police Department Address/lntersecfion Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08220719 10l23/2008 01:17.00 08220713 10l23l2008 01:03'00 08220529 � 0/22/2008 20:38'00 08220170 10/22/2008 1029 � 50 08219974 10/22/2008 0026:00 08219973 10/22/2008 0025:23 082'I9936 10/21 /2008 23:15:18 08219266 70/21/200802.14:43 08219261 10/21 /2008 02:06:03 08219244 10/21 /2008 01:33:11 08218526 10/20/2008 00:49:04 08218233 10/19/2008 1429.23 08218014 10/19/2008 02'16.59 082'17141 10l17/2008 2324:00 08216532 10/17/2008 '10:34�42 08216429 10/'17/2008 03:04:00 082156�0 10/16/2008 0223:03 D8215564 10/16/2008 00:54'34 082'15560 10/16J2008 00'43:56 082'14982 10/15/2008 '11:59.2D 08214788 10/15/2008 02:02:37 08214782 10/15/2008 Ot'39:19 08214674 10l14/2008 22'44�12 0 8214216 10/ 14/2008 12' 15:49 082'I 4125 10/'14l2008 10:10:35 08213954 10/14l2008 01:57:39 08213894 10114(2D08 00:09:0� 08213853 10/13/2008 2322'43 082'13423 10/13/2008 11.38:00 082'I 37 � 0 10/� 2/2008 23.10:45 082� 3049 10/'I2/2008 21.27:04 082� 2569 10/72/2008 Ot :59:51 082"12526 10/i2/2008 OO:Sa35 082 i2494 10l12l200B 00:09:00 082'12481 10l11 /2008 23:55 33 0821244G � 0/� V2008 22:47 Oa House No Incident Type 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE 78S POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE PO�ICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 768 CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 768 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VIS1T-PROACTNE POLICE ViSiT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 THEf-T eXCEPT AUTO THEF7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVc POLICE VIS7T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE °OLICE VISIT 788 POLIC� VISIT-PROACTi'JE PGLIC� V!SiT 788 °OLICE VIStT-PROACTIVc POLICc VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7NE POLIC� VISI7 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS ALL Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormatior rea,uestec oy l596380! 16 °nnred a±:04i20/2010 12 13:0� ia�so Saint Paul Police Department Addresslfntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Inadent date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 08272301 10l11/2008 79:5421 082'1'179'I 10/11 /2008 01:46"I S 0829'I770 '10/17/2D08 01:74.35 08211666 1 D/10l2008 23:34:00 D8210979 10/"10/2008 04.36:34 08210872 10/10/2008 00:34:24 082'I 0391 10/09/2008 12:53:58 082� 0099 10/09/2008 00:25:00 08210060 70/OS/20�8 23:45:13 08209571 10/08/2008 'I2:45:35 08209290 10/08/2008 02:04'46 08209284 10/OSl2D08 01.30:34 08209257 10/08/2008 00:22.07 08208560 10/0712008 0"I'4423 08208556 10/07f2008 0�:35:00 D8208553 10/07(2008 01:31:42 08208508 10/07/2008 00:25:05 08208479 10/D6/2008 23:47:08 08208060 10/06/2008 �4:09:59 08207852 10/06/2008 'I D:Q6:21 08207725 10lO6/2008 0536:15 08207630 10/05/2008 23:5'I:50 082�7571 10/OS/2008 2222:03 08207096 10105/2008 0137:00 GFY.[�l[�iY�[OL�bYYd�PF.Y�j6iH�i1 UEYAlI�IHiU1L�k1l�l�AE.YQHD1Hiq 08207003 10/04/2008 23:50:39 08206339 10/04/2008 03:'16:20 08206� 44 10/03/2�08 23:'13.'15 0820533'I �0/02/200823�0212 08204033 10l0'I/20�8 10 4C 30 08203830 �0/01/20080'1�09.00 082C3082 09I30;2008 0� �<2:04 08203008 09/29/2008 23:49:00 08202583 0929/2008 '12.50:17 082D2453 09!29l2008 09:30:'10 HouseNo IncidentType 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL 78B POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISfT 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIC-S70P/ADVISE 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 78S POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 786 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CONDUCT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POUCE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 PO�IC� VISIT-PROACTIVe ?OLICE VISIT 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROAC7N'c POLICE VISIT 788 °OLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE °OLICE VISIT 788 °OUCE VISI--PROACTIV� ?OLICE V:SIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTNE POLICc VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLIC� VISIT-°ROACTNE POLIC� VISIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apt1 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I_9U9 ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormauon reaues?ed by ;596380; 17 °nnteo at:04/20/2010 12'3:0a 10-780 Saint Paul Police Depar�ment Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2005 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08202293 09/29/2008 01:21:42 08202270 09/29/2D08 00:3124 08207903 09/28/200812:57.03 0820'I775 09/28/2008 06.27:19 08201767 09/28/2008 05:54:36 08200902 09/27/2008 03:59:06 08200788 09/27/2008 01:05:24 OS200729 09/27/2008 00:07:17 08200672 08199900 08199897 08199859 08199827 08'199754 08198966 08198904 08198888 08198436 OB198193 OS198180 08'197392 08'196983 08196305 OS196079 08195528 08195223 08195176 08194488 ;�ISREiRit� D2:iFZiGw_! 08193294 08793287 08�92382 08i91192 08�91099 �8190870 09l26/2008 23:09:42 09/26/2008 06:09:54 09/26/2008 05:59'47 09/26/2D08 03'04:37 09/26/2008 01:59:49 asizsizooa oo:oz:i s 09/25/2008 0�:41:20 09J24/2008 23:44.39 09/24/2008 232020 09/24/2008 1220:�4 09/24/20�8 01:29:02 �9/24/2��8 Ot:05:00 09/22/2008 23:48:00 09/22/2008 12 48:54 09l2 V2008 14' 14:38 09l21/2008 01.46:51 09/2�/2008 14' 1622 09/20/2008 02:00:06 osr2oi2ooe o�:oo:z� �9/1912008 1'I2922 09/19/2008 0�:a4:40 09/19/2008 0�:55.48 09/18/2008 0�.30 36 09,"18/2008 Ot20'17 09/�0/2008 23.37:i7 09/15l2008 i2 49 0'I 09/"I 5/2008 1 C 20' 14 09/14l2008 23 25 00 House No Incident Type 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE V�SIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POIICE VI51T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE PQLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 7S8 POLICc VISI7-PROACTIVE °OLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICG VISIT 788 °OLICc VISIi-?ROACTIVE POLICE VIS!T 788 ?OLICc VISI7-?ROACTIVE ?OLIC� VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 788 °OLICE V:SIT-PROACTIV=?OLICE VISIT Total Records: 981 Dispo Apl# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV AQV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Informaiion requeste� by (596380) �8 °nnied at04/20;2010 12.i3:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Poiice Department Addressllntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date 8 Time 08190642 09/'14/200815:32:44 OS'190258 09!'13/2008 23:27:00 OS'189773 09/13l200810'05:'18 08189698 09/13/2008 04'47:00 08189108 09/12/2D0815:38:00 08�889'12 09/12l2008'1038:59 D8188694 09/'12/2008 01:0921 08188684 09/52I2008 00'.59:43 08188227 09/11/200814:'14:46 08187980 09!'11/200603.5021 08187935 09/11l2008 01 �33:33 D8187892 09(11/2008 0020.18 08187208 09l10/2008 04:37:56 08187113 09/09/2008 23:59:44 08187099 09/09/2008 23:35:40 08185216 09/07/2008 01:47:08 08184498 09/06/2008 00:48:00 08183915 09/05/2008 02:10:03 �8183257 �9f�4l2��801:03:18 08183206 09f03/2008 23:02:00 08�83167 09/03/20082�:54:39 08181104 08/31/20082130:41 OS180793 OS/31/200612:59:41 08180744 08/31/200811:02:49 08780545 O8/3'Il2008 0'1:55:00 08180523 O8/3'I/2D080�'40:18 08180517 08l31/20080���837 08180495 08/31/2008 00:40:51 �81799�5 08l30(20�8 �926:19 O8i79759 08/30/2008012729 08178652 08/28/2008 75:16�45 085783i"o OS/28/20080^^3.17 08i78292 OSl28l20080028_39 08177909 OS/27/2008 �a29:03 08177776 OS'27i200810:50:47 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 LOST MI55 PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VtStT A6V 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 788 PQ�ICE VtSIT-PROACTIVE P�UCE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISI7 ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-VIOLATION OF NOISE RR ORDINANCE 788 DISTURBANCE-D�SORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 788 OTHER ASSAU�TS ADV 788 OTHER ASSAUITS ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTfVc POUCE VISI7 ADV 788 OTHER ASSAUL?S GOA 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE °OLIC� VISiT ADV 788 POLIC� VISIT-PROAC?IV'c ?OLIC� VIS17 ADV 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIV=?OLICE V;SIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� pOLIC� VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTIVE °OLIC= VISI7 ADV Iniormation rsouested by: (59E380) 19 Pnnted ac04/20/2010 12:i3:04 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department AddressAntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 08'17759"I 08l27/2008 01:5326 08177517 08/27/2008 00:04:38 08177443 08l26/2008 22'43:15 08177098 08/26/2008 15 06:55 08'176985 08/26/200812:41:12 08176759 08/26/2008 0220:10 08176744 OSl26l2008 01:54.41 08'176708 08/26/2008 00:58:00 08176323 08/25/200815:06:39 08175957 OS(25/2008 01:24:00 08175923 08/25/2008 00:26:44 08175895 08/24l2008 23:55:42 08175263 OSl24/2008 01:3823 08175'f26 D8123I2D0822:57'00 08174378 DS/23/2008 02"1426 OS'174295 08/23/2008 00:31:17 08'174205 08l22/2008 23:'17:14 08173798 08/22/2008 '15:34:38 08173765 08/22/200814:38�44 0817292'I 08/21 /2008 14:D225 08172736 O8/2'I/2008 09:52:04 08'172597 08/21/2008 01:47:02 08'172454 08/20l2008 22:52:00 08172442 08l20(2008 22:39:00 08172026 08/20/200813:16:36 0817�959 08/20/2008 ��.31.36 0817�794 08(20/2D0805:12:00 08'I71742 08/20/2�08 01:52:00 0817 i 337 08/19/2008 � 5:54:27 08�712'18 08l19/2008'13:07:50 OS'17096"0 08I19/2008 C3:44:�0 OB'17090'I 08/19/2008 0123:18 OB'1708"06 08!?9l2D08 00:3520 08'i704"o8 08118l2008?5.15.3� 08'170385 08/18/2D0813�00:08 HouseNo IncidentType 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE V!SIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE 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ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I_\�DI ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormation recuesced oy (596380) 21 Fnnred a::04/20r2010 1213:04 io-�so Saint Paul Foiice pepartment Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid �48) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08'163620 08lQ9I2�08 23.55:00 D8163182 08/09/200815:0624 08162832 08l09/2008 0222:09 08162826 OS/09/200802'14:59 �8162177 OS/OS/20�814.0328 08�62075 OS/OS/2008112822 08161882 �8708/2008 02:1'126 08161829 08161788 08161763 08�60876 08160467 D8160298 08160126 OS160079 08160048 OS159997 08159318 OS159155 OS158587 OS158489 08158446 08/0872008 00:50:47 08/O8/2008 00:08:51 08/07/2008 23:41:33 08/O6/2008 23:56:28 08106l2008 15.04.32 OS/06/2008 10'48:22 08/06/2008 01:53:00 08/O6/2008 00:40:27 08/06/2008 00:02:00 08/OS/2008 22:59:05 08/05/2008 13.15:21 08fD5/2008 08:56:43 08/04/2008 13:30:07 08I04(20a8 03:00.00 OS/04/2008 10:'16:51 08158242 08/04/2008 0�:19.01 08158220 08/04/2008 00�41:00 08'158166 08/03/2008 23:13.27 08157821 08/03/2008 12.30:49 08157782 08/03/200810:50:52 08157591 08(03/2008 01'44:59 08157045 08/02/200813:12'Ot 081570�7 08/02/2008 i2:16:5a 08156"031 08/01 /2008 23:43:55 08156615 08/01;2005232920 08156i58 OSlC1;2008?3�43:51 08'ISo007 08/O1f200809:4626 0815591� 08/Ot/200805:47.3� HouseNO IncidentType 788 POLtCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVH POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VI517-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISfT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CONDUCT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE 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Pnntec 2;:04/20/201C 12: i 3 0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint t� Occur Date & Time 08155838 08/011200802:06�48 08'155772 08/Ot/200800:23:33 08'I 5569'I 07/31 /2008 22:58:00 08155619 07/31/200821:'I9:19 08155285 �7(3tl200813:59:45 08155010 07l31/200605:04:10 08154937 07/31/2008 02:05:58 08154925 07131�2D0801.A7:59 08154898 07l31/200801:13:09 08154834 07/30/2008 23:50:57 08154767 07/30/2008 22:42:38 OS'154403 07�30/200815.5628 08754303 07/30/200813'43:12 08150997 07l30/2008 D1:42:13 08150927 07I29/2008 23:55:07 OS'150870 07/29/2008 22:53:32 08150162 07l29/2008 04:50:35 OS150'113 07129/2008 01:47:55 08150106 07129/2068 01:39:03 08'150047 07/29/2006 00'02:56 08150018 07128/2008 23:37:26 OB'149577 07l28/200813:25:1'I 08149479 07/28/200811:01:05 08149378 07/28/2008 0828:11 081492'13 07l28/2008 �0:07:00 08148845 07127/200814:50:19 08145799 07l27/200813:33:58 08148587 07l27/2008 02:33:01 08148581 07/27l2008 02:23:54 08�48564 07l27/200501.5920 08�48465 D7/27/200800�12:09 08'148447 GT26/2008 23:58 00 OSld78o2 �7;26i2008 i2:30:57 08147754 07/26i20080°'79'07 08'I47625 07l26/2008G2'1623 House No Incident Type 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POL�CE VlSIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VlSIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VI517-PROAC7IVE POLiCE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VlSIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 768 POLICE 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from 03/20l2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & 7ime 08147503 07/26/2008 OQ:11:57 08'146927 07/25/2008 12�40:28 08146926 07/25/200812:39:53 08�46801 07/25/2008 09'00:47 08146742 07/25/2008 05�41:24 08146714 �7(25I2008 04:18:48 08�46638 07/25l20080'1:18:00 OS'146635 07/25/2008 01:11:23 08146566 07/24/2008 23:45:57 08'1461'I3 07124/200814�41:56 08145958 07/24l200811:3137 �8144886 07(23/200601�10:05 08144830 07/2Z2008 23:45:09 08144480 07l221200815:38:35 08�44235 071221200810:07:00 08'144071 07/22f2008 01:57:00 08'143941 07/21/2008 2228:00 06143841 07l21 /2008 18:13:00 08143738 07/21/2008 77.35:14 OS'143324 07/21/2008 OA:43:00 08143182 07l20/2008 23:03:53 08943a96 07/2012008 20:55:34 08142747 �7(26l200810:47:13 08'142720 07l20/2008 09:45:02 08142586 07/20/2008 01:51:06 08'142399 07/'19/2008 22:46'10 08142039 07/19/2008'1422:15 0814'1998 07/'19/2008 '13"1833 08'141720 07/19/2008 02:14:00 0814'1639 07/19/2008 OD:4528 0814�638 07/19/20080C:44'44 �8�4i607 C7l19i200800:19:35 OS'14'1563 07/18/2008 23:37:51 08141060 07/18/2008'I32420 08140980 07/18/2008'11:1628 House No tncidentType 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE V�SIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE V(SIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VlS1T-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VlSIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISiT-PROACTiVE POLICE VISfT 788 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTS,ALL 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS 788 LIQUOR LAW-FURNISHING LIQUOR TO A MINOR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POUCE VtSIT-PROACTIVE POUCE V151T 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACT�VE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIi-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE?OLICE VISIT 788 TRAF=IC-STOP�ADViSE 788 POLICE VISiT-PROACTIV� POLICE VISiT 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE ?OLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VI517 Total Records' 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV DUP ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV It1NV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR RR RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Information roquesied by (596380) 24 PrinteC at04i20i2010 12 ' 3:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police �Depar#ment Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time OS'140730 07/'I SI2008 01:32:3'I 08� 40661 07/18/2008 00 'I 1:00 D8�40574 07l17/200822'42:47 D8140532 07/17/2006 21:59.21 08140047 07/17/200812:01:55 08139935 07/17/2008 09:33:04 08139835 07/17/2008 06:33.35 08139703 07/17/2D08 00:38:01 08'139644 07/16/2008 23:38:08 08139048 07/'I6/200810:5629 D8138846 07/'I6/2008 01:49:17 08138873 07/16/2D08 0�:58:55 08138768 07/16/2008 00:14.37 08938709 07/15/200823:1020 08138707 07/15/2008 23:08:44 08138616 07/'15/2D06 21.34:39 08138265 07l15/200812:45:18 08138032 07/15/2008 01:2720 08137575 07l14l200813:'1322 08137279 07l'14/2008 00:55:'12 08137022 07/'13/200818:24:54 08"136875 07/"13/2�0814:21:50 08"136646 07/13/2008 02:31'44 08136474 07/12/2008 22:58.0'I 08136409 07/�2/200822:5533 08136324 071'I2I200821:48�43 08136296 07/12/2008 21:23'43 08136259 07/12/200820 08136258 07/'12/2008 20:43:00 OS'136210 0�/12/2008 19:47 25 O8?35967 07/12(200813'4726 08i35P55 07/i2/2008i3:34:56 OB? 358�1 07/ i 2/2008 1025'08 08135697 07/i2/2008 G221'01 08135628 07/12/2008 00:4�:00 D8 i 3�534 07/1 �/2008 23:03:34 House No IncidentType 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE V1SIT-PROACTVVE POLYCE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE PO�ICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POL�CE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POI.ICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 OTHER ASSAULTS 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLIGE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLIGE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 766 POLIGE V4SIT-PROACT4VE POLIGE VISIT 788 POLIGE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 786 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLIGE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISiT-PROACTNc °OLICE V;SIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLIC� V!SIT-?ROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDcRLY CONDUCT 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POL!C� VISIT Total Records: 981 oispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV UNF ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV Iniormationreauested'oy (596380) 25 Grintedzc:04;201201G i2,13:0�' Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time OS'135493 07/11/2008 22:2�:'13 08"135'159 07/11/2008 14:45:27 08'134996 07l11l2008'10:45:01 0813482D 07l11l2008 01:35:47 08134686 07/10/2008 22:38:37 08134289 0�/10/2008 1435 49 08'I34108 07l10/2008 09:54:16 68133958 07/10/2008 02:14:29 D8133899 07/10/2008 00:52:50 08133823 07/09/2008 23:33:20 08133672 07/09/2008 20:41:14 08133459 07/09/200816.21:52 08133302 07l09/200812:5329 D8132958 07/09/2�08 0'1:01:54 DS'f 32884 07I08l2008 23:33:04 08932860 07/OS/200823:1525 08132832 07/08/2008 22:49:48 OS132414 07/08/2008'13:48:1'I OS'132312 07/OS/200811:24:07 08132075 07/OBl2008 01:55.'16 OS'131966 07/07/2008 23'04:11 08131896 07/07/200822:03�48 08131774 07/07/20D8 19:75 58 0813'1726 07/07/20081822.3� �8'131544 07/07/2008'14:'12:02 08'131132 07/06/2008 23'47:33 08129798 07/05/2008 01:50:00 08129105 07/04/200817:SD:34 08128646 07/04/2008 01:2922 08928544 07/03/200823:5639 08�282}7 G7ID3/2008 �8�A926 08�27684 07/03/20050134:38 OS'127669 07/03l20a8 0'1:14:? 3 08i27573 07/02;200823:09�?9 08 i 26744 07/02/2C08 Ol'42 4� 08'126716 07/02/20080�:iC00 House No Incident Typ 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE ViSIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLfCE ViSIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POUCE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISfT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 THEFT-ALL OTHER.UNDER $500 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS1T 788 POLICE VISiT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 788 °OLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISI7 788 °OLICc VISIT-PROACTNE POLICc VISIT 10-780 Totai Records: 981 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV GU]9 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV 6UPl ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Informauon requested oy: ;59o3S0; 26 Grint<d 2t:04/20r2010 12 �3:04 ia�ao Saint Paul Pofice Department Address/intersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Secfor 1, Gnd 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & Time 08126673 07/02/2008 00:25:05 08125763 07/01/2005 01:01:17 081?4934 �6(30/200800'��'QO 08124657 O6/29l200816:56:41 08124343 06/29/2008 0229:33 08'124153 �8123725 08123398 08123312 08122431 D8120635 OS'119641 08118246 08117381 08114863 08�}4836 08114736 08114734 08"I'147�5 08114679 08114649 D8114639 08I12938 OS'11236"I 08112186 08111484 OS'19"1394 08'11'1269 06/28/2008 23:14:01 06(28/2008 14:54:13 06/28l2008 01'44:00 06/28/2948 04:12:31 06/27/2008 00:32:51 O6/25/2008 00:50:00 06/23/2008 22:00:00 06/21 /2008 2320:56 O6/21l2008 00:03:23 O6l18/2008 082531 06I�8f2008 D7.12:52 06/18/2008 01:0'I :00 06/18/2008 O1:OL02 06/'18/2008 00.3729 06/17/2008 23:50:42 06/17/2008 23.10:52 06/17/2008 22:5223 06/�5/20D8 23:02.01 06/15/2008 02:02'48 06/14/2008 22:35:23 �6��4�2��8 ��:J�:2� 06/14l2008 00 10:06 06l13/2008 22.15.00 08'I'11217 081�0416 0810963� OSIC9559 08�09531 08�09008 06/13/2008 2'122 35 Ofi/'12/2008 22:54.05 06/1Z/2008 Ot09:50 Oo' i 112008 �3 23:50 06/1'I /2008 22.50 09 Oof�D/2008 22.30 00 Total Records: 981 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 ASSAULTS-FELONY(INCLUDINGTERRORISTICRR THREATS) 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 78S PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE ViSIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POL{CE VIS1T-PROACT{VE POL4CE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER RR 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER RR 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEP'f t1NP 788 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFT GOA 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-pROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 7S8 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POL�CE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT SNR 788 POLICE V1517-PROACTNE POLICE ViSIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 OBSTRUCTING-OBSTRUCTINGLEGAL RR PROCESS 788 POLICE VI51T-PROACTI� POLIC� VISiT ADV 788 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE °OLICc VISIT ADV 788 ?OLICc VISIT-°ROACTIV'c POLICE VISIT ADV 788 POLICc V:SiT-?ROAC-NE °OLICC VISIT ADV 788 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 788 THE=T-ALL OTHER.UNDER S500 RR iniormauon reau°st°d by: ;590380) 27 °nn[ed �c:04i20/201G 12:i3:04 ia�ao Saint Paui Police Department Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 788 GRAND AV incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04l20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Total Records. 981 Compiaint # Occur Date 8 Time House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# OS'108837 0611 V2008 02:00:�0 788 DISTURBANCE-VIOLATION OF NOISE RR ORDINANCE 081087A7 06/10/2008 23:06:52 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08'I07190 06(09/2008 02.08:29 788 DWI-COMBINATION OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGSGOA 08'105930 06/07/2008 00:01:OD 788 THEFT-FROM AUT0,5501 TO $1000 RR 08102287 06/02l200B 15:06:�4 768 FRAUD ADV OS102159 06/01/2D08 20:30'00 788 ROBBERY-HIGHWAY.STRONG ARM RR 08�01749 06/Oi/200820:02:05 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 08101718 06/Otl2D08 19:23:41 788 ASS-ASSIST CITIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV 08099505 05/30/200801:58:27 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08095290 O5l24/200802:04:38 788 POLICE ViSIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV �BQ95268 05124l2�a80'1:33:59 788 OTHERASSAULTS ADV 080928A0 05l2V200802'11:19 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08092831 05l21/200801:56:01 788 DRUNKENNESS ADV 08090686 05!'17/200821.40:57 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCECALLS UNF 08087414 05114/2008 02:0�:50 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08087273 05/13/200821:3248 788 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCECALLS UNF 08087265 05/13l2008 21:12:06 788 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY GOA BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 08085436 OS/1 �/2008 �1:33:01 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT DTX 08085367 Q5��01200823.39:�2 788 POLICE VISIT-PROACT{VE POLiCE ViS�T ADV 08082284 05I07/2008 Ot �40'00 788 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER RR 08079565 O5I03/2008 11.36.55 788 HARASSMENT-PHONE CALLS ADV 08079543 OS/03/2008 10'46.33 788 PREVIOUS CN PCN 08677952 041301200801:51'00 788 AGGASSAULT-WIOTHEROANGEROUS RR WEAPONS 08075483 04/27I2008 23.59'49 08074939 04/27/2008 00 31:59 08074669 64f26(200623'.�6'23 08074807 04/26/200823�04'54 08074220 04/25i2008 2323:40 080692�7 04/19,'2008020426 080670'15 04,�?6/20080^, 12.31 0806�728 041i4;2008 03 20:00 08064260 04117/2008 23 40�14 08063652 04�11(200801�'10:58 788 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON. CAR, ACTIVITY 788 DISTURBANCc-DISTURBANCc CALLS 788 OFF �UTY EMP�O\'MENT 788 OFF �UTY eMPLOYM�NT 788 TRAFFlCACCIDENT-?ROPERTYDAMAG� ACCIDENT 788 DISTURBANCE-FIvHTS 788 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 788 THEri-ALLOTHcR,OVER51000 78E CRIMINAL DAMA^vE TO ?RO°cRTY 788 OTNER ASSAULTS ADV ADV ADV ADV GOA UNF ADV RR 4DV SNR information reouested by (596380) 28 Frmted ai:0412012010 12 i3�04 ! ATTACHME�Q Saint Paul Police Department Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND V Incident date from 03l20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Total Records: 656 Complaint # Occur Date & Time House N Incident Type Dispo Apt# '10075872 04/13/2010 23:38:00 857 ALARMS RR 10062484 03/28/20'10 00:40:50 857 OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT ADV 10060318 03/25/201012.'19:25 857 ALARMS CAN '10056946 03/21l2010 00:03:00 857 OTHER ASSAULTS DTX '10056242 03/20/2010 00:14:52 857 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 10D45210 03/06l201�00:11:00 857 INVESTIGATE-ANDALLOTHER ADV 10039170 02/25/20'10 2228:12 857 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE AOV 90026861 02/09l2010 08:04:47 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE,HIT tADV RUN 10026080 02/07/201022.2020 857 DRUNKENNESS ADV 10023944 02/04/2010 222926 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 10015111 01/23/2010 04:35:26 857 AUTO THEFT ADV 10�'14946 01/22/201023:31:41 857 DWI-COMBINATIONOFALCOHOLANDDRUGSGOA 10005098 01/OS/2010 19:44:31 857 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, GOA ACTIVITY 10002476 Dt/O5/2010 00:49'44 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 09271521 12/25/2009 0422:00 857 BURGLARY FORCED ENTRY, NIGHT, RR COMMERCIAL 092694&4 12l22/2009 00:45:40 857 DWI-COMBINATION OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGSCAN 09267888 12(19/2009 16:24:59 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE PO�ICE VISIT ADV 09267857 12/99/2009 15:46:02 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09266500 12/17/2009'19:36:22 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV �9265988 12('17/2�0900:37:46 857 CHECKWELPARE ADV 09262293 12/11/200916:57:11 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09259677 12l07/200923:04'15 857 THEFT-FROMAUTO ADV 09259039 12/O6/200922:43.35 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09255419 12/02/2009 02"14:00 857 ALARMS RR 09253098 '11/28/200917:28"t9 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 0925'1939 11/26l2009 79'41.35 857 DEATH-SUICIDE IN PROGRESS ADV 09250163 'I1/24l200905:55:00 857 ALARMS RR 09247190 91119l20092L20'16 857 DISTURBANCEDISORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 09247'179 'I'I/'19/2009 20:58�19 E57 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09246470 �1118/200923:06�02 857 pISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 092384'I7 11/07l2009 1728:24 857 LOST MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV 092360"14 �1/05/200909:�3:1� 8�7 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV Informaiion reouesced by: ;5963801 i Printed at:04i20'20�0 i2. i�:09 10-780 Saint Paui Pofice Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20l2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148} Total Records: 656 Complaint # Occur Date & Time House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 09235896 11/04l200910:30:00 857 ALARMS RR 09233836 1'1/01/2009 10:50:D0 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE,HIT 2RR RUN 09233819 'I'I/01/2009 0�:30:00 857 THEFT-ALL OTHER,UNDER $500 RR 0923D080 10/2'7l200916:46:02 857 ALARMS CAN 09228532 �0/25/2009 23:48:00 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09225407 10/21/200901:2527 857 INVESTIGATE-ANDALLOTHER UNF 09225264 '10/20/20092�:11:22 857 FRAUD ADV 0922A778 10(20/200910:42:44 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09224517 10H9/200922:37:52 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09223981 10(19I2009 08:46:06 657 POLICE ViSVT-PROACTNE POIICE VtS4T ADV 09223227 10/17/200922:54:4� 857 INVESTIGATE-ANDALLOTHER ADV 09222675 10/17/2009 0421:09 857 OTHER ASSAULTS DUP 09218866 10/11/200923:45:12 857 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09218865 '10/11I2009 23:44:46 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 09207549 09/26/2009 00:39:03 857 pRUNKENNESS UNF 09201169 09/18/2009 94:5126 857 ALARMS CAN D9�98944 091�6(200900:02:14 857 POLiCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI517 ADV 09'198866 09/'IS/200922:36:30 857 TRAFFIC-STOPlADVISE ADV 09189867 09/04/2009 14:03:74 857 CHECK WELFARE GOA 09989748 09/04/2009 11:04.21 857 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFT GOA 09187118 09/01/2009 09:14:18 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09186321 08/31/2009 08.35:50 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09'183333 OS/27/200916:4424 857 DRUNKENNESS ADV 09'179421 08/2212009 23�04:00 857 DRUNKENNESS UNF 09176647 08/19/200918:5123 857 DRUNKENNESS ADV 09174252 08/16l2009 21:4129 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09173804 �8(16'20�9 a223�22 857 DISTUR6ANCE-FIGHTS DTX 09'167603 08/08/2009 02:00:00 857 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAUITS,ALL RR 09167446 08/08I2009 02:'17:47 857 ASS-ASSIST GTIZEN CALLS, ALL ADV D9'16229'I 08/OZ2009 02:20'16 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 09102014 08/OV200921:44:08 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS.GIRLS.PERSONS 09'159610 07/30/2009 0828.35 857 POUCE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICc VISIT ADV 09'157728 07/28�2009 00:5720 857 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON,CAR, GOA AC71V17Y 09154366 07/24l2009D233�44 857 DISTURBANCE�IGHTS ADV iniormation requested b�� �596380) 2 Prini°d at:04;20,�201C °2.14:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Potice Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03l20I2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & Time 09145981 07/14/2009 1026:33 09138522 07/05/2009 73:32:03 09'136381 07/03/20�9 00:16:03 09125597 06l20/2009 02:25:35 09924632 06/19/200900:39:41 09123636 O6/18/2009 00:04:46 09'116581 06/10/2009 01:06.36 09156533 96I09I2009 23:54:44 Q9115747 06J09/2009 0029:24 09114925 06/D7/2009 22:05'48 09114898 06/07/2009 2026:00 09'1�4881 06/07/2009 20:27:06 09114878 06/07/2009 2023:05 09'I 14873 06i07/2009 20:13:54 09114876 06/07/2009 7829:42 09112888 06/05l2009 02:45:00 091'11215 06l03/2009 0924:58 09'I 10519 06(6212009 23:06:21 09"I "10186 06/02/2009 06:OD:00 09'I10008 06/07/2009 23:49:18 09109489 05/30/2009 00�45:00 09109472 06/Otl200911:02:00 09109095 05/31/200921:13:07 a9107779 OS/30l20Q9 0'1:06.42 09105005 05/26/2009 23:28:43 09104342 OS/26120D9 07.3827 09104097 05/25/2009 23:0827 091�2852 05l24f2009 �1:5523 09102824 05124/2009 0'I �'10:'17 09102762 OS/2412009 00:04'01 09'101049 05/2Z2009 01:02.44 09"100177 05/21/2009 00:40:14 09098193 05/19/200901:�410 09098129 05/'18l2009 23:56:00 090966'12 05/'17/2009 0"1:49:M 09095726 OSl15i2009 22:47:00 House No incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 DRUNKENNESS 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 DiSTURBANCE-FIGHTS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 OTHER ASSAULTS 857 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTS,ALL 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 857 DRUNKENNESS 857 OTHER ASSAULTS 857 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTS,AL� 657 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE ViSiT 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 THEFT-ALLOTHER,UNDER $500 857 ALARMS 857 ASS-ASSIST GTIZEN CALLS,ALL 857 DOMESTICS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VlS4T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE °OLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICc VISIT Totai Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV GOA ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV PCN RR ADV CAN DTX GOA RR ADV ADV RR ADV RR RR UNF CAN ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV A�V iniormaiion requesced oy (59"0380) 3 Grinied aiO4120/201C 921�:09 io-�8o Saint Paul Police Department Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compfaint # Occur Date & Time 09094228 05/14/2009 01:51:45 09092916 05/12/200914:0521 09099647 05/11/200900:01:00 09091633 05110/2009 23:55:00 090894'I O 05/OS/2009 01'42:41 09085983 05/03l2009 23:04:19 09085456 05/03I2009 02:14:44 09085263 09083621 09082900 09078620 09078338 09077721 09075693 05/02/2009 2221:00 04/30/2009 23:07.22 04/30/20�9 00:20:51 04/24/2009 01:48:27 04/23/2009 18:15:00 04/23l2009 01:02.22 04/20/2009 '10:37:31 09075489 09065610 09065497 09064849 09064847 09064274 09063620 09063605 ososzsss 09062847 09060684 09059434 090594IS 09057373 09056872 09054787 09051606 Q9049474 09048699. 09047304 04/19/2009 23:41:59 04/07/2009 08:09:05 04/07/2009 01:02:0'I 04/06/2009 01:04:21 0410612009 01:D2:OD 04/OS/2009 0038:52 04/04/2009 01:43:08 041D4f2009 01:17:01 04l0312009 02:58:03 04/03/2009 01:53:04 03131/2009 02:03:01 03/29/2009 02:13:28 03/29/2009 01:23:54 03I25f20D9 23:33:23 03125/2009 1029:05 03/22/20D9 02:02:38 037'f 8f2009 D1'10:40 Q3/'I5/2009 01:35:52 03/14/2009 02:06:00 03/12f2009 09'S8 47 Total Records: 656 House No Incid Type Dispo Apt# 857 DWI-COMBINATION OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGSGOA 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 TRAFFICACCIDENT-PROPERTYDAMAGE,HITlGOA RUN 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIGE VISIT ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CONDUCT RR 857 ASS-ASSIST FIRE/AMBULANCE ADV 857 7RAFFIC VIOLATION-OTHER PARKIfdG TRF VIOLATIONS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-RGHTS ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS ADV 857 DWI-COMBINATIONOFALCOHOLANDDRUGSADV 857 POLICE VISiT-PROACSIVE POLiCE VISI7 ADV 857 ABANDONED VEHICLE ADV 857 DRUNKENNESS GOA S57 WcAPONS-RECKLESS USE Or FIREARM RR 857 POLiCE VISIT-PROAGTIVE POLICE V!SIT ADV 857 CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RR (M:SDEMEANOR UNDEP. $500) 857 POLICE V;SI7-PROAGTNE POLICE VISIT ADV information r=ousst=o by. (596380) 4 �rinted at:04/ZO/2010 i 2:14:Og Saint Paul Police Department Addressilntersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 09047053 03l11/2009 23:19:59 09046466 03/10l2009 2327:22 �9046309 �3I10l200919:01:01 09045156 09042203 09042171 09042027 D3/09/2009 002121 03/05/2009 0027:19 03/04/2009 23:35:49 03/04l2009 20:36:08 09041858 �9041356 09041006 09040714 09039466 09036986 09036078 09035980 Q9035634 09035253 09031306 09030198 09028376 09026034 09025369 09023938 09023857 09023136 09021754 09021I80 09020649 09020054 Q9019474 090'19396 090�8842 09015805 09015096 03/04l2009 16:22:52 �3I03l2609 2246:16 03/03/2009 132223 03/03/2D09 01.36:05 02/28/2009 23:19:26 02l25l2009 11:17:56 02/24l2009 05:43:08 02/23f2009 22:52:41 a2l23I2�09 13:16'.58 02/22/2009 22:32:39 02/17/2009 00:03'41 02/15/2009 00:01:38 0211272008 12:52:00 02/09/2009 06�1 t10 02/07/2009 23:4024 02/06/2009 03:15.37 02/O6/2009 00:37:15 �2/05/2009 01:05:41 02/02/2009 2'121:00 02/01/2009 22.47:05 0'I/31/2009 23:40:57 Ot/30l2009 23:55.25 01 /30/2009 05:07:59 Ot/30/2009 00'27 46 0�/29/2009 0429:3'I Ot/24/2009 00 09'42 0� /23/2009 0'I �37:00 House No Incid Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 D1STUft8ANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 857 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON, CAR, ACTIVITY 857 PO�ICE VISiT-PROAC'fiVE POLICE VI51T 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 857 POLIC� VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE ViS1T-PROACTNE POLiCE V15fT 857 PREVIOUS CN 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISi7 857 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POL�CE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNc POLICE VIS(T 857 ?OLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 10-780 Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV CAN ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV PCN ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Information requesied by: ;59c380) 5 Pnnted at:04/20/2010 12:14:09 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/Z008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 090'14299 01/22/200900.41:38 �9013629 01l2'I/20090122:03 09013608 09/21l2Q090�21:22 09013558 01/20/200923:04:56 09012232 01118/2009 23:26:19 0909'1290 01/17/2009D6:17:42 D9051209 0��17/20090�:56:00 D90'10392 0"I/'16/2009 02:25:07 09010324 0'I/15/200923:55�13 09009527 01/14(2009 2337:43 09009500 01/14/200923:0327 09008811 01N4/2009 OD:14�55 09008755 01(93/200923:06:49 09008315 01/'13/200910:54:17 0900812� 01/13/200901:0323 09005388 01/09/20090"1:27:04 09004621 Ot/07/2009 23:59:26 09003959 01/07/20090'137:48 09003953 09/07/2009 01:3233 09003225 0'I/O6/200901.35:40 09003176 01/06/2009 00:02:17 090�2681 �'Il05l2009 09:44:3� 09002481 01/04/2009 23:58:57 09000697 01/O1I200923:09:54 08269482 12/31/2008 03:03:05 08268879 '12130l2008 04:45:30 08268846 12/30l2008 D1:32:12 08268787 12/29/2008 2330:44 08268246 12/29/2008 0120'46 08268243 i2i29/200801'1721 08268192 '12/28/2008 23:'12:00 08268190 12'28/2008 23�'11:44 08267669 12/27/2008 23�49:35 08267208 12/27l2008 ? 329�45 08266879 12/27/2008 00:'19:00 08265360 '12/24/2008 0'1.06:54 House No Incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POL4CE VISIT-PROACTIVE P�LICE V(SIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ASSAllL7-OTHER ASSAULTS,AL� 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POUCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFT 857 PO�ICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 657 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-°ROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 °OLICc VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ASSAULT-0THER ASSAULTS.ALL 857 OTHER ASSAULTS Total Records: 656 Di Apt# ADV ADV in\�Ff ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ItbIIl ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV Iniormaiion requesced by: (590380) 6 Prinied a±:04/20/201U �2;14�09 io-�so Saint Paul Poiice Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20l2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08264615 12/22I2008 22:38:55 08264D46 12/22/2008 0126:32 08263867 12/2 7 /2008 18:48.46 08263739 '12l21I2008 75:3327 08263419 12l21 /2008 00:19:50 08263372 12/20/2008 23:03:46 08263278 12/2012008 2026:12 08262829 12/20I2008 05:14'31 08262725 12/20l2008 OD:34:15 08262666 12/19I2008 2326:00 08262369 12/ 7 9/2008 17:0725 08262005 12I19/2008 03:39:23 0826'i263 12/18/2008 03:46:31 08260A46 12/1612008 23:10.04 08259078 '12155I2008 D4:32:40 08259045 12/'15/2008 01:17�37 08258998 12/94/2008 22:36:36 08257674 12/13/2008 03:10.00 08257297 12/'12/2008 19:09:11 08256716 '12/'12l2008 00:34:'12 08256700 �2/12I200800:00.34 08255907 72/10/2008 23:34:00 08255389 12/10l2008 1027.33 08255172 12/10I2008 04:10'08 08255151 12/10I2008 02:00.3'I 08254446 '12/09/2008 02:31:08 08254415 12/09/2008 00:55��0 08254384 12/�8/2008 23.3321 08253845 i2/08(200805:1226 08253604 �2/07i20081827�17 08253591 12/07l2008 16:00:55 08253298 '12/07/2008 06:58:50 D825328° i2l07/2008 06 OT41 08252990 '12l0612008 20 oszs2e�s ivosi2aoa nss:oo House No Incident 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POIICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLIGE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE V151T-PROACTIVE P011CE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 DISTURBANCE-SUSPICIOUS PERSON. CAR, ACTIVITY 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICc V!SIT-PROACTNE POLICc VISIT 857 DRUNKENNcSS 857 POLICC VISI7-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV r_�.i.� I_1�YI ADV ADV ADV CAN ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I\U9 ADV GOA ADV fnrormation rea,us;ted by: (596380) 7 ?rmced a±04;20;2010 i214:09 10-780 Saint Pauf Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20l2008 to 04/2012010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08252732 12/06I2008 14:52:00 D8252518 12/0612008 �9:35:28 08251674 '12/05/2008 0"I :49:00 08251630 12/05/2008 00:10:27 08251585 '12/04l200823:7321 08250937 12/04/2008 01:25:00 08250912 12/D4/2008 00:25:39 08249529 12/02l2008 05:D5.06 08249489 12f6212008 01:46:55 08249468 12/02I2008 01:0823 08249367 12/Ot/2008 22�09:OD 08248796 12{01l2008 03:36'12 08248502 11l30/2008 16:22:OD 08248285 11/30/2008 Ofi:2420 08247952 11/29l2008 19:04:00 08247872 'I1/291200817:42:OQ 08247788 11 /29f2008 16' 10"I B 08247120 'I'I/28I2008 20:02:57 08246638 11/28/20D8 00:43.52 08246273 'I'I/27I2008 02:22:30 08246217 91/27/2008 00:41:03 08246160 11 /2612008 23:31:00 08246124 11/26/2008 22:3926 08245433 11 /2612008 00.28:40 08244722 11/25(2008 0'1:12 30 08244652 11 /24/2008 23:28:38 08244073 11/24/20D8 07:D1:53 08242093 11/2 V2008 04�07�40 08241892 � 1l20/2008 22:05:08 08241344 'i'Ii2012�D806.1D'S4 0824'1340 11/20/2008 05:10:04 08240511 'I V1912008 01:St24 08240499 �1;19i20080�.06�'�a 082404"0"0 � V�9;2008 00.08��2 08239702 '1�!18I20080':i2:49 Total Records: 656 House No In Type Dispo Apt# 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 L057 MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACT�VE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLIGE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POL4CE VISIT-PROACTiVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIGE VISIT ADV 857 DISTURBANCE-BEGGING RR 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIGE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE V151T ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE CAN ACGIDENT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISl7 ADV 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE V!SIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT ADV 8�7 DISTURBANC�-DISORDcRLY ADV BOYS,GIR�SPERSONS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE ?OLICE VISIT ADV 8a7 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLIC� VISIT ADV information reauestec oy ;59E380) 8 Pnnred at04/20/2010 �2 ��:po ia�so Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GR,4ND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08238988 11/17/2008 00:28:05 08236464 11/13/2008 12:46:00 08236286 08236203 08236136 0823549'I 'I 1/13/2008 06:19.49 11/13/2008 00:32:'19 11/12/2008 23:00:40 11/1212008 04:49�00 08235446 08235441 0823A878 08234847 08234160 08234145 08233690 08233647 08232612 �8231842 08231524 08231392 08230596 0822964� 08229501 08228828 08228695 08228448 08228264 08228228 08228197 08225819 08225785 08225212 08225036 08224597 08224292 08223232 08223175 '19/12/2008 01:04:08 7'I/07/2008 07:30:00 1'Ili1(2008 �1:52.34 1 V'I 1/2008 00:40'02 11/10/2008 OQ:1321 1'I/09/2008 233928 19/Q9/2008 0�:53:32 19 /092008 00:44:45 7'I/07/2008 14:40'12 11ID62008 '15:18:00 11/O6/2008 0632:03 11 /05/2008 23:10:06 11/05/2008 �0:46:49 11I04/2008 00:35:09 11/03/2008 20:46.00 17 /03/2008 00:35:00 11IO2f2008 20:51.00 71 /02(2008 '1322:10 �'Il02/2008 02:0126 11 /02/2008 01:49:00 �'I/02/2008 00:56:00 10/30/2008 0�:0'1:07 10/30l2008 OO:OO:D7 10/2812008 �7�00.00 "10/29/2008 01:29:08 10/28/2008 �4.08:58 '10/28I2008 04 14:39 10/26!2008 12:11:07 10;26/2008 09'S2.09 House No Incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 BURGLARY FORCED ENTRY, NIGHT, GOMMERCIAL 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 INVESTIGATE-AND A�L OTHER 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLtCE V(StT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VIS(T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 ALARMS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE ViSiT-PROACTIVE PO�10E VISiT 857 POLICE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE ViSIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 7HEFf-A�L O7HcR,UNDER $500 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTNe POLICE VISIT 857 POLIC� VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE V!SIT-PROACTIVE POLIC� VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV RR CAN ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV fnformaiion reou°sted oy (59c380) ° °nnt°d at04/20l201Q 12.14:09 ia�so Saint Paul Police Department Address/lntersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV incident date from 03l20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 08223055 10/26(2008 01:53:48 08222470 '1025/200810:05:19 08222326 '10/25/2008 01:59:'14 08221712 10/24/2008 1 D:46:00 08221588 10/24/2008 06:13:44 0822'1410 10/23/20D8 23:01:00 08220874 '10f23/2008 09:47:49 08220718 10/23/2008 01.'16:02 08220639 10/22/2008 2322:00 08220179 10l22/2008 10:30:37 08219519 10/21I2008 13:06:1'I 08215267 10121I2008 02:15:45 08219264 10/21/2008 02:0731 08219248 '10121l2008 01:4222 D8219243 10/21/2008 01:31:35 08218593 10/20/2008 04:02:15 08218235 '10/791200814:3'1:25 08217'131 '10/17/2008 23:19:00 08216533 10/77/2005 10:35:04 08215918 '10/16/200813:29:28 082'I5887 10/i 6/2008 12:48:16 082'15602 10/16/2008 02:24:00 082'14779 10/'I5/2008 07 2835 08214689 10/1412008 23:08�43 08214673 10/�4/2008 22'42:52 082142'17 10/14/2008 12.'16.22 08214'126 'ID!'IA/2008 �D 08213953 '10/14/20080t55'13 082'I 3443 10/ i 3/2008 � 2:1923 082�3300 '10/11/200809:03:00 08213127 'i 0112I2008 23.36:57 082'12772 '10/'12/200812:46:41 082'12666 10/12I2008 07.03:53 082�2501 'I0l"12/200800:17.17 082'12453 10I1'1/2008 23.00:16 HouseNo IncitlentType 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLfCE VY3{T-PROACTIVE POLiCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 TRAFFIC VIOLATION-OTHER PARKING VIOLATIONS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 THEF"f-FROM AUTO.UNDER $500 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVF POLICE ViS1T 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POUCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 857 POLICc VISIT-?ROACTNE POLICE VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV G1U9 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV TRF ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV InTOrrnaiior reauested by: (59E380j 10 Printed at:04/20/2010 12:1?:Og ia�so Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sectar 1, Grid 1a8) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08210980 10/10/2008 04.38:0'1 08210899 '10/10I2008 0'I :08:24 08210393 10/09/2008 12:54:30 08210143 10/09l2008 01:44:59 08210053 10108l2008 23:3925 08210048 10/OS/2008 23:36'00 08209572 10/08l2008 12:46:01 08209314 10/0812008 03:2236 08208551 10/07/2008 01:30:42 0820851'I 10/07/2008 0026:57 08207854 10/06/2008 10:06'52 08207724 10/06l2008 05.35'4"I 08207634 10/05/2008 23:55:02 08207115 10/O5/2008 �2:07�12 08207004 �01041200823:51:32 08206340 10/04/2008 03:18:54 08205342 '10/02/2008 23:19:19 08204'I 01 10/01 /2008 12.22:04 08203852 '10/09/200801:49:00 082038D6 10/01(2008 003334 08203078 09/30/2008 01:34:00 08202613 09/29/200813:34:07 08202454 09/2912008 09:30'41 08202290 09/29l2008Ot�19:09 D8202266 09/2912008 00:2926 08201907 09/28/2008 73:07:34 08201774 09/28/2008 0624�19 08201768 09/28/2008 05:55:49 0820'I'109 09/27/200813:08:05 OS200901 09/27/2008 03'58:52 08200785 09/27/2008 01 �03 40 08200670 09/26i2008 23:0822 08199901 09/26l2008 06 � t 14 08199896 09i26i2008 05:58:02 08199858 09/26/2008 03:04 09 OS'199752 09/26/2008 00:00.31 House No incidenf Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 857 POLfCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISI7 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISI7 857 TRAFFIC-STOP/ADVISE 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLiCE VI517-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 TRAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 TRAFFIGSTOP/ADVISE 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VIStT-PROACTIVE POLICE VtSIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICe VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTI� POLICF VISIT 857 POLICE V!SIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 POLICc VISI �-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICc VISI7 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV SNR ADV ADV ADV ADV Ia1U�l ADV ADV ADV AOV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I_1 H�1 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV iniorma'tion reauested by (59638D) 11 pnnted at04/20I2010 i214:09 10-780 Saint Paul Police Qepartment Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date 8 Time 08198964 09/25l2008 01:40:'19 08198867 09/24/2008 22:50:5'1 �8197393 �9l2212008 23:49:0� 08'1963'I 1 09l21 /2008 '1426:32 08195526 09/20l200814:1422 08194489 09/19/20081129:56 08'194'182 09/19/2008 01:43'40 06194180 09/19/2008 01:40:49 08194'153 09/19/2008 00:55:10 08193303 09/18/2008 01:57:13 08993293 09/18/20080128:38 08193288 09/1812008 0121:28 06191201 09/15/2008 73:02:45 0819'I103 09l15/20081025:04 OS'190947 09/15/2008 0'1:43:40 OB'190645 09/'14/2D0815:37:48 OS'190379 D9/14/2008 01:5228 08190262 09/13/2008 2328:00 08190003 09/13/200817'44:00 08189854 09/13l2008 12:00:00 08'189774 09/1312008'10:05:46 08189697 09/13/2008 04:46.3� 08'189613 09l13/200802:09:47 08189573 09/13/200801'10:'I6 08188914 09/121200810.39:22 08188682 09/12/2008 00:56:38 08188679 09/'12/2008 00:54:06 08'188230 09/'11/200814:1828 08987983 09/'I�/200804:0025 08'187942 09/�1120080�:54:06 08'187259 09/07l2008 22:00:00 08'1872?3 091'10�`200805:0°:52 08187102 09f0912008 2338'49 08'187094 09/09i2008 2328.44 Total Records:656 House No Incident Type Dispo Apt# 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE V!S!T-PROACT4VE PO�ICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 OTHERASSAULTS UNF 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 OBSTRUCTWGOBSTRUCTWG LEGAL RR PROCESS 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE,HIT tRR RUN 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 8�7 CRIMINA! DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RR (M{SDEMEAfVOR UNDER 55a�) 857 POLICE VISI--PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIV� POLIC� VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV information reauested by ;59E380) �2 Pnntec a::04i20/2010 i2:14:Q9 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148} Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08185102 09/06/2008 23.16:16 08184500 09lO6l2008 00:53:00 08180794 OS/31/200813:00:00 08'180745 08/31/2008 11:03:10 08179906 08/30/2008 0926:45 08178678 OS/28/200815:53:02 08'178291 O8l28/2008 00:28:14 08177913 OS/27/200814:30:45 08177777 08/27/200810:57�16 08977555 08/27I200600:56:45 08177099 08/26/200815:07:'IS 08176987 OS/26/2008 '12:41:58 081768'15 08/26/2008 06:57:52 08176760 OSl26/2008 022021 68176746 08/26(2008 01:55:27 08'1767� 1 08/26/2008 01:00'00 08976318 08125l2008'15:01:11 08176016 08/25/2008 04:45"11 0817595B OS/25/2008 01:26:11 08175918 08/25/2008 00:24.58 08175450 08f24/200811:47:05 08175'I 17 OSl23/2008 22:48:02 08'173806 08/22/200815:43:44 08'173758 08/22l200814:31 D8173503 08/22/2008 05:52:53 08173370 08/22/2008 00:14:18 08172923 OS/21/2008'14:02�57 08'172739 OSl2112008 09:52:32 08'172582 08/2'I/2005 0"1:32:00 08'172427 08l20l2008 2227.36 08�72027 08/20i20�8 73:17.05 08�71957 08i20/200811.3t10 08171578 O8/19/2005 2� �4'I 34 0817i340 08/�91200815:5929 0897�225 08/'19/200813i239 OS'170957 08/?9/20D803:19:05 House No Incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIV'c POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISiT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 657 ALARMS 857 POL4CE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POIICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE ViSIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 P�LICE VtSIT-PROACTNE P��ICE V4SIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE PO�ICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE V:SIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLIC� VISIT fl57 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLIC� VISIT-PROACTIV� POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTN� POLICE VISIT Total Records:656 Dispo Aptik � ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV CAN ADV �aU➢I I_t�Yl ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Information requested by: (596380) ?3 Printec at:04/20/201C 12:14:Q9 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04(20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & Time 08770851 08�59�2008 D0:10:16 08170470 08J18/20Q815:18:05 08170386 08/'18/200813:06:00 OS'17D180 08/18(2008 05:27:17 08170152 08/"1812008 03:12:0'1 OSM170141 OSl1 BI2008 02'.45:38 08170127 08/1812008 01:59:00 08170040 08l17/2008 23:36:00 08169702 08/17/200813:16:15 08'169478 OSl17I2008 01:53:54 08169425 OS(17I2008 0027:40 08169414 OS/17/2008 00:15:49 08'169395 08/16I2008 23:5422 08168689 08/16/2008 01:30:49 08167805 08J15/2008 01:19:28 08167690 08(l4l2008 23:17:26 08167326 OS/14l2008'15:02:03 08167�12 08/'14/2008 05'18:00 08'166698 08/'13/2008 20:12:'14 06166333 OS/13/200812:04:46 081fi6255 08l13I200810:5"127 08165859 OS/1212008 22:00:05 08165302 08112l2008 09:16:51 08165159 OS/12/2008 01:47:59 OS'164727 OS/11/200814:2424 08764670 08l11/200812:5425 08164534 OS/11/2008 09'46:46 08164420 08{1'I/2008 04:11:00 �8164298 08/'10/2008 23:47:00 08'163999 OS!'10/200815:3321 OS'1639"15 08/10/200811,46�4"I 08163854 08,"10l2008 08�45 48 08163808 08/t0i20�805.0720 OS�o3719 OS/�Oi200802.02�2 OS'163621 08/09(2008 23:57:00 08163070 08/0912008'12:19:59 House No Incident Type 857 P011CE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISfT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 TRAFFIC-STOPlADVISE 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POIICE VISIT 857 ASS-ASSIST fIREIAMBUTAPfCE 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI51T 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POtICE ViSlT-PROACTfVE POLICE V1SIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POIICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT B57 POLICE VIStT-PROACTIVE POLICE VtSIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VIS4T-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 657 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS17 857 POL(CE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE V:SI7 857 POLICE VISIT-°ROACTIVE °OLICc VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISI7 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VI517 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNc POLICE VISI7 Total Records:656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV qpV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ApV AOV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Iniormaiion reauested by: ;590380} 14 Princed a±:04/20/2010 i2:i4:0� 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time OB'162831 08/09/2008 02:19:26 DS'162768 08/09/2008 01:17:53 08162179 0810&200814:06�10 08162069 D8/08/200811:19:41 08'161863 OSl08/2006 01:3628 08161795 08961762 08160975 08160466 08160294 08160178 OS160008 08959159 08158589 08158448 08158224 08'158'163 �Y.SFfES{" 08157780 OS'157�50 08157019 08156774 08156159 08156006 08155915 08155795 08155617 08155356 08155288 08155009 08154940 08154769 08154400 08'�510"I5 08150924 08150164 OS/OSl2008 00:13:58 08/0712008 23:4027 08/07/2006 02:13:49 OSl06/2008 15:01:06 osrosnooa �o:as:ss 08/O6/2008 06:06:08 08/05/2008 23.13:'10 08/05/2008 08:57:02 08l04/2008 13:30:40 oa�oarzooa �o:n:» 08/04/2006 00:44:00 08/03/2008 23:1122 08/03/2008 1230:30 OS/03/2008 10:48:35 OS/02/2008 1322:47 08/02f2008 12:17:31 08IO2/2008 02:13'42 OS/0112008 13'44:15 08lOt/2008 09'46:01 08/01/2008 05:48:58 OS/01/2008 00'49:34 07/31/2008 2�:12.34 07/3'I/2008 15:3922 07/31 /2008 14:05.26 07/31i2008 05:01:38 07/3il2008 02:07:46 07/30/2008 22:4327 07r30/2008 75'49'�? 07/30;2008 02.'19:44 07/29/2008 2?:52:35 07(29l20�8 OS:52:37 HouseN In cidentTyp e 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 OTHERASSAULTS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE V�SIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VlSIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VfSIT-PROACTIVE POLVCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS17 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POIiCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-?ROACTIVE POLICc V;SI7 857 POLICE V;SIT-PROACTIVe POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE V;SIT-PROACTI� POLIC� VI�I i 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIV� POLICc VISIT 857 ?OL4Cc V4SIT-?ROACT(V-= POL4C° VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Aptil ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ItUD1 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I_1U�1 ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV Information reouested'by (59E380) ?5 Fnni°o at:04/20120'f012:i4:09 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/intersecfion Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04(20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compiaint # Occur Date & Time 08'150'I70 07/29/2008 01:46:08 08'150107 07/29/2008 01:37:09 08549579 07128I20081326:51 08'149483 07/28/20081'1:04:41 08149381 07l28/2008 08:31:23 081492'I2 07/28I2008 00:05:00 08149'154 07/27f2008 22:51:00 08148848 07/27/200814:52:35 08148800 07/27/200813:34'42 08'148449 07/27/2008 00:00:58 08'147863 07/26/200812:3'136 08147755 07/26l2008 09:19:45 08147627 07/26/2008 02:'18:D4 08'147490 07/26/2008 D0:04:37 08� 46931 07/25/2008 12:45:35 08146795 07l25/2008 08:50:49 OS'146794 07/25/2008 OS:5025 08146718 07/25/2008 04.20:18 08146640 07/25/2008 0'1:28:33 08146114 Q7/24l200814:4227 OS'145923 07/24l2008'ID2429 08145293 07/23/200814'43:14 08144489 07/22l200815:4929 08144238 07l22I200810:09:05 08143386 07/19l2008 00:30:00 08143280 07/21l2008 0131:00 08143252 07/21/200800:41:26 08143093 07/20/2008 20 47:46 08'142923 07/20/200816:59:17 08142781 07/20l2008 72:0425 08142752 07/20/2008'10:4922 08�4272 i 07/20/2008 D9�45:21 08�4260"1 07/20/2008 02.'14:00 08'142594 07/20/2008 02:03:32 08142522 07/20l2008 00.28.31 House No Incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POIICE VISIT-PftOACTIVE PO�ICE VISIT 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 TRAFFIC VIOLATION-OTHER PARKING VIOLATIONS 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISI7-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 FRAUD-FALSE INFORMATION 857 POGICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 DISTURBANCEDISORDcRLY CONDUCT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICc VISIT Total Records: 656 Dispo Apt# ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV I_1 H�1 G\U�/ ADV RR ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR ADV ADV Iniormation reauesied by: 1590380) 16 °rinted at04;20/2010 i21� 10 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GR4ND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08142447 07/19/2008 23:24:55 08i42040 07!'19l20081422:39 08142003 07/19/2008'1326:04 08141725 07/19/2008 02:20:11 08141702 07/19/2008 0'I:53.52 08141022 07/18/2008 �2:1527 D8140725 07l�8/200801:24:00 08140629 07/17/2008 23:40:00 08�40042 07/17/200811:55:49 08'13994'I 07/17/2008 09:43:01 08'139836 07/17/2008 06:3429 08139717 07/17/2008 00:52:55 08139640 07/16/2008 23:35:02 08'139491 07/16/2008 20:57:00 08'139057 07/161200811'02:43 08138752 07/15/2008 23:51:'15 08'138731 07/15/2008 23:26'43 08138715 07/"1512008 23 19.31 08138614 07�'15I20082�.3�29 08138324 07/15/2008'14:20:05 08138286 07/15i200813:25:39 08'138038 07l15/2008 01'34:16 0813790D 07114/20082�:46:03 08137666 07l'1412008 M15:41.37 08137577 07/14/200813:1524 08137403 07/'14/2008 08�55:'13 08137017 07/13l2008'18:20:30 08'136880 07/13/2008142623 08?36519 071'13/20080024'13 08?36292 07/'12/200827:'I9.20 08'136257 07/'12l2008 20:42�45 08�36212 07/i2l200819:50'47 08i35973 07(�2/20081C:0006 08'135853 07/i2/2008 "10:30.53 08'135"091 07i 12/2008 0210:02 Total Records: 656 House No Incitlent Type Dispo Apt# 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTS,ALL RR 857 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLiCE VISIT-PROACTiVE POLICE ViSiT ADV 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE,HIT 7ADV RUN 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POUCE VISiT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISiT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE ViSIT ADV 857 POUCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVE ?OLICr VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-°ROACTI� POLICc VISIT ADV 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV Information requ°st°d by. (596380? i7 Pnnced a±:04/20/201G i2�1��1C 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complaint # Occur Date & Time 08'135644 07/12/2008 01:02:17 08'135491 07/11/2008 22:'19:11 08135172 07/71/200815:00:32 08135002 07!'I1/200810:53:08 08134744 07l1012�a8 23:36:13 08'134293 07/10l200814:46:36 08134210 07/10/2008 72:3"1:44 08134'114 07/'10/2008 10:00:0'I 08133955 07/10/2008 02:10:59 08133923 07/10/2008 0124:19 08133766 07/09/2008 22:3839 08133685 07/D9/2008 20:58:02 08133463 07/09/2008 '1623:50 081333�4 07l�9/200812:53:51 08132971 07/09/2008 �'I'17:04 08132893 07/08/2008 23:45:21 08'132871 07/08/2008 23:23:4'I 08132824 07/08/2008 22:41:54 08132427 07/OS/200813:SS'43 08'I 32311 07/08/2008 11:23:08 08132077 07/08(2008 02:00:26 08'131934 07/07/2008 22�46:50 OS'I31890 07l07/2008 22:02:0� 08131707 07/07/2008 77:56:31 08731552 07l07/200814:19:25 08'131'139 07/O6/2008 23:53:03 08127677 07/03/2008 01.22:08 08126718 07/02l2008 01:10:18 08'I26560 07/01/200822:39:50 OS'125797 07/07/2008 0'1:57-50 08125780 07/0"I/20�8 01:29:39 08123728 06i2S/200815:00:40 081175?3 Oo";21f2008 06:07:12 08� i 3891 06/� 7/2008 02:51:00 08'i'I1501 06/�4l2008 02'14:00 08170726 06/13/2008 �9 SS27 House No Incident Type 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POUCE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISiT-PRDACTNE PaUCE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VIS17 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISiT-PROAC7IVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTNE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICc VISIT-PROACTIVc POLICE VISIT 857 ASS-ASSfST GTIZEN CALLS,ALL 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTI� POLICE VISIT 857 ASS-ASSIS7 FIRE/AMBULANCE 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 857 ASSAULT-OTHER ASSAULTS,ALL 857 911 HANGU° Total Records: 656 Dispo Apttk ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV ADV RR GOA Iniormafior reouesied by ;59n380) 18 °rinte� ai:04;20/201C 12 1�:10 10-780 Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersecfion Report Address Search 857 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Total Records: 656 Complaint # Occur Date & Time House No Incid Type Dispo Apt# 08'108072 06/'10l2008 0328:00 857 ALARMS RR 08'107734 06/0912D0819:34:24 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY GOA BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 08104965 06/06/2008 05:07:00 857 ALARMS RR 08101869 06/01/2008 22:45:17 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT CAN 08101867 D6/0'Il2008 22:44:35 857 DRUNKENNE55 DTX 08'107738 O6/01/200819:48:38 857 OTHERASSAULTS ADV 08098006 05/27/2008 23:00:00 857 THEFT-FROM AUTO,OVER $1000 RR 08096672 OS/26/2008 00:42:14 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CAN BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 08093137 OS/21l2008 13:35:03 857 TRAFFIC VIOLATION-OTHER PARKING TRF VIOLATIONS 08090864 05/78/2008 00:56:21 857 ASS-ASSIST FIRE/AMBULANCE ADV 08087835 O5/14/20087620:58 857 ANIMALCALLS-COMPLAINTS,NOTANIMA� OOC BITES 08080522 OS/04/2008 2034:30 857 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCE CALLS CAN 08074549 04/26/200814:59:00 857 DISTURBANCE-TRESPASSING RR 08074468 04/26/2008 10:13:08 857 ASS-ASSIST FIRE/AMBULANCE ADV OS071305 04/22l2008 03'40:00 857 ALARMS RR D8068499 04/18/2008 0527:00 857 ALARMS RR 08065834 04/14l2008 73:5201 857 LOST MISS PROP-LOST/MISSING PROPERTY ADV OS063691 04/11l2008 02:00:24 657 DRUNKENNESS ADV 080563'IA 03/31/200810'07.56 857 911 HANGUP CAN 08056067 03/30/2008 21:5431 857 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 08055883 03/30/2008 02:00�00 857 AUTO THEFT-TRUCKS RR 08055510 03/29/2008 22:19:52 857 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ADV ACGDENT 08054926 03/29/2008 00:50:56 857 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 08050881 03/22/2008 23:54:15 857 OTHER ASSAULTS SNR 08049280 03/20/2008 17:OT53 857 CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY CAN 08048853 03(20I200602:19:29 857 DfSTt}RSANCE-F{GtiTS GOA inrormaiion requested 'oy. (590380) 19 �nnted a±:04/20;201G i2:1�:10 a Saint Paul Police Department Address/fntersecfion Report , � ' k � cQ/ Address Search: 695 GRAND AV Incident date from 03(20/2008 to 04/20/2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Complalnt# OccurDate&Time '10076555 04/t4/201018:19:53 0927D892 09263945 09263894 09259513 09259036 09258500 09253936 09253007 09248389 12/23/20�9 22.25:17 12/14/2009 03:52:19 12/t 3/2009 232'I.00 '12/08/2009 08:12:05 12/O6/2009 22:39:57 12/OS/2009 23:53:03 'I'I /29/2009 22:47.34 11/28/2009 15:24:73 11l21/2009 11:15:00 09242979 �9242344 09240052 09217603 09297327 09195985 09185340 09173018 09156247 09143506 09137134 09'I'14823 09'I'14793 09102i74 09070656 09068730 09C54669 �904?993 09018652 09006i70 11/13l2009 22:27:11 1'tl13/2009 04:46'00 '11/1D/2009 00:16:50 � 0/10l2009 00:1 S:OD 10/09/2009 18:00:00 09/�2l2009 02:17:23 OS/29/2009 21:15:00 08/15/2009 01:59:07 07l26/2009 01:45:36 07/11 /2�09 01:49:58 07/�3/2009 22.08:54 06/07/2009 18:47:19 06/07/2009 17:57:01 OS/22/2009 22:00:00 04/14/2009 00:38:�7 04/1'I/2D09 00�42:58 03/2'I /2009 23:09'45 03,'12;2009 13 i5:00 0i/?8/2�0� 19:G�:�3 0'I /10/2009 OP i 3:15 io-�so ATTACHMENT C Total Records: 48 HouseNo incidentType Dispo Apt# 695 TRAFFIC VIOLATION-0THER PARKWG TRF VIOLATIONS 695 PREVIOUS CN PCN 695 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER ADV 695 ALARMS RR 695 THEFT EXCEPT AUTO THEFf ADV 695 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VI517 ADV 695 PREVIOUS CN PCN 695 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 695 POLICE VI51T-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT ADV 695 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE,HIT [RR RUN 695 PREVIOUS CN PCN 695 BURGLARY FORCED ENTRY, NIGHT, RR COMMERCIAL 695 INVESTIGATE-AND ALLOTHER ADV 695 DISTURBANCE-DISOR�ERLY CONDUC7 RR 695 TRAF'rIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE RR ACCIDENT 695 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY CAN BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 695 INVESTIGATE-AND ALL OTHER RR 695 DOMESTICS CAN 695 CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY GOA 695 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY ADV BOYS.GIRLS,PERSONS 695 PREVIOUS CN PCN 695 DRUNKENNESS CAN 695 DRUNKENNESS DTX 6°5 THEFT-ALL OTHER.UND°_R 5500 RR 695 DISTURBANCE-DISTURBANCc CALLS CAN 695 DISTURBANCE-D:STURBANCE CALLS ADV 63� DISTURoANCE-0;SORD°_RLY vOA BOYS.viRLSPER50NS "c°5 T�!== i-FRON AU-O UNDEP. 5500 RR 695 ASS-ASS:ST RRE/AMBUiP,NC� DTX 695 D;STURBANCc-D:SORD=RLY DTX BOYS GIRLS.°EP,SONS ;nformatio:^. r�auesiec o�� ;53c380; �� °rmt�.,� a::0412u/201G .2.�.3� i Saint Paul Police Department Address/Intersection Report Address Search: 695 GRAND AV Incident date from 03/20/2008 to 04/20l2010 (Sector 1, Grid 148) Compfaint # Occur Date & Time 09003283 0"IlO6/2009 04:55:04 09001870 0'I/03/200922.35.42 08267058 08263892 08263713 OS259805 08242929 082084'14 OS'190485 OS'186309 08180419 08116489 08115660 O8'I'12253 08096609 �8093037 08077061 12l2612008 22:55:00 "12/21(2008 'I°:22.00 '1212'U2008 '15:08:11 12/16l2008 06:16:52 1'1/22/2008 D9:�4:50 10/O6l2008 22:25:00 09/'14/2008 07:35:13 �9(08l2008 22:50:11 OS(30/2008 23'05:59 06/20/2008 D1:5620 0611912008 02:44:55 06/14/2008 23'46:52 05/25l2008 23:07:02 OS/21/2008 09:OD:00 04f3012D08 0223:52 osonoso 04/30l2008 0222'47 House No incident Type 695 CHECK WELFARE 695 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 695 FAMILY/CHILDREN-VIOLATION OF RESTRAINING ORDER 695 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 695 POLICE VISIT-PROACTIVE POLICE VISIT 695 ALARMS 695 THEFT-FROM AUTO 695 ROBBERY-HIGHWAY,S7RONGARM 695 ALARMS 695 ALARMS 695 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 695 DISTURBANCE-FIREWORKS 695 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 695 DISTURBANCE-FIGHTS 695 ALARMS 695 THEFT-FROM AUTO,UNDER $500 695 DfSTURBANCE-DfSOftDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS 695 DISTURBANCE-DISORDERLY BOYS,GIRLS,PERSONS l O-/OO Total Records: 48 Dispo Apt# ADV 33 GOA RR ADV ADV CAN ADV RR CAN CAN ADV ADV DTX GOA CAN RR DUP DTX P irror�:�anon re....este� ��: ,�9�380' 2 �rmce. a_:OC120,201^ ,_ ...�c rs °' STAMP - Activities S'�/�►NIP - Activities New Search Run 06lfl8/10 05:54 Date: PM 788 House#: Street Grand Name: Help usina this re�ort SorS by Most Recent Date Folder Type: All Folder Types Polder Count: 135 10-780 Page 1 of 10 — ATTACHMENT D WILD ONI6N E-mail Service Desk Starting Date: Ending Date: :�hrn�v;all same P1N�adcttess�s :.:=.� Click on address link to access Click on ID# link below to wew 6etail GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Address In Date ID # Status Type Description 7S8 Grand Ave - Parking Lot - Wild Onion OS/28/10 10 491695 Open RE - Real Estate Owner: Grand American Real Assessments Estate Co 788 Grand Ave - The Wild Onion OS/28/10 10 491696 Open D3j24/10 10 12664i Scheduled 03/03/10 09 201124 History 02/26/10 10 113618 Closed RE - Real Estate Owner: Grand American Real Assessments Estate Co RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion Nigh Risk - Routine Inspection LC - DSI Env Health Complaint - Health-Safety- Environment Complainant was there on 2/21/10 at 1130 and ate chopped salad w/ bluecheese,lettuce, avocado, grilled chix and bloody mary drink. Got sick with diarrhea, vomiting and cramps on 2/21/10 at 1500. Complaint was refered from MDH for follow up, [fl7. 11/30/09 09 Z60393 Active/ISSUed XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: )oseph Schaefer The Entertainment - Gambling Wild Onion - ECLIPS ucense# Location 19990002357 07/14/09 09 086839 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection 06/11/09 09 069905 History RS - Restaurant Inspedion - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspedion 06/O1/09 07 093172 Expired CT - Certificate of Insurance Business Owner: The Wild Onion - Awning - Insurance OS/14/09 09 054812 Pending XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: loseph Schaefer The - Liquor-Outdoor Service Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# Area (Patio) 19990002357 OS/12/09 OS 055631 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection 04/24/09 09 061246 Open GT - General Adivity Tracking - License 788 Grand Ave - Parkina Lot - Wild Onion 10/14/OS 08 175945 Resoived CS - CSO Complaint - Zoning Dumpsters are not covered which - Complaint is possibly causing rat problem in the neighborhood SO/07/08 08 17393� Resolved CS - C50 Complaint - Garbage overflows, area is not Extenor - Complamt mamtained. Ammal control is http://sparc. ci. stpauLmn.us,�STAMPProperty/Acrivity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNc=... 6/8!20l 0 STAMP - Activities 10-780 Page 2 of 10 788 Grand Ave - The Witd Onion 07/24/08 08 120468 Finaled baiting sewers. E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: ] N K Electric Inc & Circuits - Commercial Repair/Alter 07J14/08 08 114315 Ctosed 07/14/08 OS 114314 Pending 06f25/�8 �8 1�05�5 Resolved 06/23/08 OS 098335 Finaled 06/17/OS OS 094956 Canceied RF - Referral - C of O Owner: Grand American Real Estate Co - Follow up o� C of O folder aQproved with corrections. CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Grand - Assem6ly American Real Estate Corp, - 022823420051 CS - CSO Complaint - License - FYI - No Response Required Smce the Wdd Onwn bought the property there has been a real change in the noise level in ghe front of my house late at night. Young people, who by there behaviour appear to have had a great deal to drink, walk down the street to their cars,shouting and yelling. Instead of getting into their cars which should not be parked there anyway , they stand and yell some more. I live on the opposite side of the street away from the bar which in the summer has the windows open. This use to be one of the most quiet areas . Now with the noise level at night and increased truck tra�c on Lincoln during the day the whole atmosphere has changed. FN - Fence Permit - Fence Contractor: Thomas Reis Custom Permit - Commercial Fence - THE WILD ONION EG - Fire Engineering - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit - Existing Building - Alter Systems 06/17/OS 08 094963 Fi�aled EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: Grand American Real Speciai Extinguishing System Estate Co - REMOVE APPROX 4 - Existing Buifding - Alter SPRINKLER HEADS FROM HOOD Systems Owner: Grand American Real Estate Co - REMOVING APPROX 4 SPRINKLER HEADS FROM HOOD OS/Z1J08 08 079339 Finaled EG - Pire Engineering - Owner. Grand Amencan Real Special Extinguishing System Estate Co - INSTALL ATION OF - Ewsting Buildmg - New UL300 WET CHEMICAI PROTEX Systems COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OS/14/OS OS 037018 Actroe/Issued XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: ]oseph SchaeferThe Restaurant (5) - 151 and Witd Onion - ECLIPS Ucense# Over 19990002357 OS/14J08 08 037101 AdiveJIssued XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: loseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - 181-290 Wild Onion - ECLIPS �cense# Seats 19990002357 04/09/OS 07 06Z997 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection 03(ll/OS 08 043028 In Cl. - Compliance Checks - Licensee: ]oseph Schaefer The Compliance Liquor Compliance Check Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 19990002357 03/17/OS 08 042996 In CL - Compliance Checks � Comphance Liquor Compliance Check 03/12/08 08 041037 Closed LC - DSI Env Health Licensee: ]oseph SChaefer The Wiid Onion - ECLIPS License� 19990002357 There was a bloody mary bar set- http://sparc.cistpauLmn.us/STAMPProperty/Activiry_ReRoute.jsp?txtPinNo=&�tHouse� o=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries 10-780 Page 5 of 10 09/13/OS O5 156733 Closed CS - CSO ComplainT - Last night Sept. 12th at closing the License - Complaint noise from the Wild Onion woke up the neighbors. A mail box was broken again and it's clear to tell people leaving have been over served Ol/04/OS OS O45068 Canceled EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: Grand American Real Special 6ctmgwshing System Estate Co - INSTALL PIRAHNA WET - Existing Building - Alter CHEM SYSTEM Systems 11/18/04 04 195397 Closed CS - CSO Compiaint - Zoning The Wild Onion has expanded their - Complaint patio area to the east into three parking spots. 07/02/04 04 114325 History 06/30/04 04 S1Z9Z0 Finaled CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Grand - Assembly Amencan Real Estate Corp. - 02Z823420081 B- Building Permit - Contractor: Heaver Design Constr Commercial - Repair Inc OS/14/04 03 376994 History 11/17/03 03 397459 Closed SO/20/03 03 369300 History 10/14/03 03 375857 Closed 10/03/03 03 369295 Closed 10/02/03 03 252389 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection CS - C50 Complaint License - Complaint RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection LC - DSI Em Health Compiaint - Health-Safety- Environment LC - DSI Env Health Complaint - Health-Safety- Envvortment Between 2am-2:30am on 11/16/03, 54 year oid female was forced out by manager of Wild Onion who threw her glass on floor. Three bouncers were waiting outside & one said to leave after complainant was outside. He assaulted complainant causing her to fall & getting hurt. Someone yelled that police were called. Everyone left except for bouncer and complainant & her husband. The bouncer told police she fell. Establishment: The Wild Onion Complainant called and stated that she was there and found hair in her food. Appreciate if someone would Iook into this matter, 10/14/03 [fl] TALKED TO MANAGER-CASEY JENSEN. HE SAID ALL COOKS WEAR EITHER HAIR RESTRAINTS OR HAT. SERVERS ARE REQUIRED TO PUT THEIR HAIR BACK UNTIL THEY ARE DONE SERVING AT THE END OF THE DAY WHEN THEY ARE ALLOWED TO LETTHEIR HAIR DO W N. Complainant stated he was there on 9/19/03 and ate burger stuffed w/cheese, onion, pickte, tomato, mayo and martini at 1900. Got sick with vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and fever on 9/19/03 at 2130. Complaint refered from MDH and instructed to be logged into database only, 10/3/03 [fl] RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute jsp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Acfivities 10-780 Page 6 of 10 08/06/03 03 392547 Active/Issued XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - 2 AM Wild Onion - ECLiPS License# Closing 19990002357 OS/14/03 99 002357 Active/ISSUed XF- ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Restaurant (D) - Add-on (Bar Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# Only) 19990002357 01/29/03 02 067671 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspect�on 08/14/02 02 205735 History CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Grand - Assembly American Real Estate Corp. - 02Z823420081 OS/08/02 02 203735 Closed CS - CSO Complaint - Extensive comp about the Wiltl License - Complaint O�ion, mainly from the amount of noise and parking. Comp feared for his safety from patrons who he approched at Sam letter on file in C50 07/19/02 02 003575 Canceled XA - ECLIPS License - Licensee: 7om Williams - ECLIPS Animals - Animal Permits License# 20020003575 (Exotic) 06/26/02 02 134927 Closed BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Kirk Vanblaircom - Commercial New Pyramid Sign Ltd - COPY TO READ: WILD ONION. Closed without final approval OS/22/02 OZ Z04927 Pro�ect PV - Project Facilitator Project Applicant: Ms Linda Completed Review Schaffer Linda Schaffer / Wild Onion - Request to extend liquor service to patio. OS/08/02 OS 23392$ History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection SY/26/OS 01 236982 Closed without Approval 11/26/O1 D1 236983 Closed 11/21/O1 OS Z36762 Closed 11/06/O1 Ol 217612 History 10/31/01 O1 232782 Closed PL - Plumbing & Gas Fitting (OLDj - Plumbing (ALL) - Commercial Repair/Alter WU - Water Utility - Water Utility - Commercial Repair/Alter CS - C50 Complaint - License - Complaint RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - RouEfne Inspection LC - DSI Env Health Complaint - Health-Safety- Environment Contractor: Linda Richie F Richie Plumbing Inc - 08-Aug-2003: FOLDER CLOSED BY SYSTEM DUE TO NO ACTIVITY IN ONE YEAR. . Ciosed without final approval Contractor. Linda Richie F Richre Plumbing Inc - 27-OCt-2005: Folder closed by system due to no activity in one year . Closed without final approval The Wild Onion on Tuesday Nov.21 was way over capacity, comp said it was just packed, people ali over the piace. Establishment: The Wild Onion Complainant ate here on 10/28/O1 at 9:15PM. He became ill at Z:00 AM on 10/29/OS. He believes he became ill from the food at this restaurant. See FBI report. [roy] 09/19/O1 01 22438H Finaled M- Mechanical Permit - Gas Contractor: Rick Binder Binder - Commercial Replace Heati�g & A/C Inc 09/19/Ol OS 224390 Rnaled W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Rick Binder Binder General Sheet - Warm Air Heating & A/C Inc Only - Commerciai Replace 09/19/O1 01 224391 Finaled M- Mechanical Permit - Contractor: Rick Binder Binder Refrigeration - Commercial Heatmg & A/C Inc � Replace http://sparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperiy/Activiry_ReRoute.jsp?�tPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8; 2010 STAMP - Activities 08/23/Ol Ol 220481 Finaled 07/31/O1 00 136825 History 07/27/OS 01 216374 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Collins Electrical Electrical - Commercial Construction CO Repair/Alter OS/18/OS OS 203627 Active PS - Pre-Fire Survey - Owner: Grand American Real Business Estate CO 03/13/O1 OS 01938Z History CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Grand - Assembly American Real Estate Corp. - 022823420081 E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Thermatech Service & & Circuits - Commercial Engineering, Inc. Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection 10-780 Page 7 of 10 07/21/00 99 004136 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/11/00 00 126404 Expired E- Elettrical Permit - Service Contractor: Fleury Electric Inc & Circuits - Commercial Repair/Alter 09/13/99 99 000881 Closed 09/13/99 99 020294 History EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) One person ate at lpm and had a chicken taco with cheese, salsa and veggie dip. Became ill 6 hours later with vommitting, nausea, chills and headache. . Establishment: The Wild Onion RS - Restaurant Inspectio� High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/14/99 99 002357 Active/Issued XS - ECLIPS License - Miscellaneous - Cigarette/TObacco OS/14/99 99 002357 Active/ISSUed XF - ECLIPS Food Related Sidewalk Cafe QS/14/99 99 002357 A[troe/ISSUed XE - ECLIPS License - Entertainment - Entertainment (B) Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 19990002357 Licensee: Joseph SchaeferThe Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 19990002357 Licensee: Joseph SchaeferTrie Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 19990002357 OS/14/99 99 002357 Canceled XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Restaurant (B) - more than Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 12 seats 19990002357 OS/14/99 99 002357 Active/ISSUed XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 19990002357 OS/14/99 99 002357 Canceled 03/OS/99 99 000050 Pending XL - ECLiPS License - Liquor Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# seats(B) 19990002357 EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) 1Z/21/98 98 011867 History From Mayor's Complaint Offlce. Complainant said that on 2/28/99 she called Police at 10:45p.m. with noise complaint, and was told they could do nothing about the music. There is an open complaint in the system about the noise. She said iYs getting to a point where some of her neighbors are going to have to move because this place disturbs their sleep. Asked if something could be done since she doesn't want to move. kko RS - RestauranY Inspect�on - EsYablishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection http: //sparc. ci. stpauLmn.us/S TAMPProp erty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo—&txtHouseN o=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities 12/21/98 99 006369 Ciosed 12/OS/98 98 000004 Pending 08/25/98 98 022876 Withdrawn D8/15/98 97 013450 History 08/15/98 99 001909 Closed OS/OS/98 98 013278 History EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 seats (A) EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) - No Risk - Routine Inspedion EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) RS - RestaurantInspection High Risk - Routine Inspedion 10-780 Page 8 of 10 AT NIGHT THEREI IS NO "NO SMOKING AREA". . FROM 10:00 PM TO 1:00 AM ON WED. THUR SAT. LOUD MUSIC COMMING FROM THIS ESTABLISHMENTIS DISTURBING NEIGHBORS. POLICE HAVE BEEN CALLED AND WHEN POLICE COME THE NOISE QUITES DOWN. Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# OOZZ876 From Mayors Complaint Office, 12/4/97. Complainant says this bar has really loud music every night from 9:30p.m. to 1:30a.m. Can this be checked to make sure they are not violating any noise level ordinance because it is really loud. kko Establishment: The Wild Onion 08/OS/98 99 001243 Closed EC - Environmental WINDOWS AND DOORS IN THE Complaint History (DC) RESTAURANT WERE OPEN. THERE WERE MANY FLIES IN THE RESTAURANT.. 02/12/98 98 133279 Closed E- Electricai Permit - Contractor: J N K Electric Inc - without Electri[al - Commercial Closed without final approval Approval Repair/Alter 11/26/97 97 025681 H�story RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Routine Inspection O5/22/97 97 T55814 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: The Wild Onion - ECLIPS Temporary - Liquor- License# OOT55814 Extension of Service Area OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled OS/14/97 97 022876 Canceled 04/08/97 94 004974 History XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: ]oseph SchaeferThe Sidewalk Cafe Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 0022876 XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Entertainment - Wild Onion - ECLiPS License# Entertainment (B) OOZZ876 XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Restaurant (B) - more than Wiid Onion - ECLIPS License# 12 seats 0022876 XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Wild Onion - ECLIPS License# 0022876 XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The Miscellaneous - Wild Onion - ECLIPS License� Cigarette/TObacco 0022876 XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Joseph Schaefer The - Liquor On Sale - Over S00 Wild Onion - ECLIPS Licenset seats (B) 0022876 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion High Risk - Plan Review Inspedion OS/29/96 96 T19? 99 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPFroperty/Activity_ReRoute.jsp?txtFinlvo=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8/201 G STAMP - Activiries 10-780 Page 9 of 10 Temporary - Liquor- Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 6ctension of Service Area OOT19199 OS/19/95 95 T19013 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Temporary - Liquor- Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# E�ension of Service Area OOT19013 OS/19/95 95 T19013 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Temporary - Entertainment - Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# Temporary OOT19013 OS/16/94 94 T81409 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Temporary - Liquor- Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# Extension of Service Area OOT81409 02/15/94 99 017898 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Routine Inspection 11/22/93 99 002874 Closed EC - Ernironmen[al CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 11/2Z/93 99 017844 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Routine Inspection 06/ZS/93 99 017860 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Routine Inspection 06/06/93 93 056967 Canceled XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Temporary - Liquor- Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# Extension of Service Area 0056967 09/13/92 99 017810 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Routine Inspection Ol/07/92 99 017877 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wiid Onion No Risk - Routine Inspection 06/12/91 91 054443 Canceled OS/10/91 99 017841 History 03/29/91 99 017874 History XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Miscelianeous - Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# Cigarette/TObacco 0054443 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Plan Review Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Plan Review Inspedion 03/OS/91 91 020252 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Uquor Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's - Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# seats (B) OOZ0252 03/Ol/91 91 020252 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 0020252 03/O1/91 91 020252 Canceled XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Restaurent (B) - more than Pub ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 12 seats o020252 03/O1/91 91 OZ0252 Canceled XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Miscellaneous - Pub ON Grand - ECLiPS License� Cigarette/Tobacco 0020252 03/OS/91 91_020252 Canceled XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lyon's Pub Inc Lyon's Entertainment - Pub ON Grand - ECLZPS Licensek Entertainment (B) 0020252 Ol/31/91 99 017823 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: The Wild Onion No Risk - Plan Review Inspection 12/11/89 89 016375 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: G M& H Inc Sneakers - - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 ECLIPS Licensef 0016375 seats (A) 12/11/89 89 016375 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: G M& H Inc Sneakers - - Liquor On Sale - Sunday ECLIPS License� 0016375 03/11/69 69 OD4923 History CO - Certifcate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Grand - Assembly Amencan Real Estate Corp. - http://sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activiry_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinN o=RktxtHouse?v o=... 6/8/2010 a � t A1v1r - acnviues ; ;. New Search Run 06/08/10 05:57 Date: PM 857 House#: Helo using this report Sort by Most Recent Date Foider Type: All Folder Types Street Grand Name: Folder Count: Z83 10-780 ATTACHNiENT E BILLYS E-mail Service Desk Starting Dake: ■ Ending Date: ' Shpw all5ame RfN addresses `� Click on address link to access Click on ID# link beVow to view detail GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Address In Date ID # Status 857 Grand Ave 06/17/SO 10 307019 Pending 06/O8/10 SO 503416 Scheduled OS/28/10 10 491611 Open rage i ui io Type Description XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Steele Smiley Steele Water/Health - Health/Sport Fitness Inc - EC�IPS License# Club 20100001375 SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Sceele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection RE - Real Estate Owner: East Mall Associates Assessments OS/26/10 10 503414 Amend SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection OS/25/10 SO 503404 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection OS/19/10 10 324930 Rnaled B- Building Permit - Contractor: Michaei Crowe Crowe Commercial - Repair Construction - Storefront. OS/19/SO SO 503396 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection OS/18(10 10 323582 Finaled PG - Contractor: James Aeshiiman Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Aeshliman Plumbing Inc Water Piping - Gasfitting Only - Commercial Replace OS/18/SO 10 32396Z Ready to BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Craig Simensen Issue/Approved- Commer[ial New Advanced Design Inc - STEELE OS/12/SO 10 320801 Scheduled RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/12/10 10 503385 History SZ - Sports and Health Ciub Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspedion OS/il/10 08 147931 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/11/10 SO 503372 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection OS/OS/10 10 503338 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection OS/03/SO SO 503317 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection 04/23/SO SO 50335 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Estabiishment: Steele Fitness Inc http://spara ci. stpaul.mn.us,'STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseN o=... 6/8/2010 � S'1'AMY - Actnnhes 10-780 Yage Z oi 16 - Low Risk - Routine Inspedion 04/22/SO 10 503291 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspedion 04/21/SO SO 309353 Finaled W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Gregory Dustin Fore General Sheet - Warm Air & Mechanical Inc Ventilation - Commercial Replace 04/21/10 10 503290 History SZ - Sports and Health Club Estabiishment: Steele Fitness Inc - Low Risk - Routine Inspection 04/20/10 10 308517 Finaled 04/2D/ S O 10.3086Z4 Inspected 04/19/10 10 503288 History 04/15/10 10 503280 History 04/12/10 SO 503273 History 04/09/10 10 410413 History Owner: East Mall Assoaates - ADD 11 PENDENT HEADS, MOVE 4 PENDENT HEADS, ADD 7 UPRIGHT HEADS, MOVE 4 UPRIGHT HEADS, DEMO 7 HEADS EG - Fire Engineering - Sprinkler/ Standpipe Permit - Existing Building - Alter Systems E- Ele[tri[al Permit - Contractor: Dickson Electric Inc Service & Circuits - Commercial Repair/Alter SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: - Low Risk - Routine Inspedion SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: - Low Risk - Routine Inspection SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: - Low Risk - Routine Inspection SZ - Sports and Health Club Establishment: - Low Risk - Routine Inspection 04108/1D 10 218893 Finaled 04/06/SO SO 217507 Closed 03/31/10 10 130385 Finaled 03/24/SO SO 126809Inspected 03/Z4/ 10 10 126814 Inspected 03/23/10 SO 126087 Finaied 02(OS(10 07 2115�3 History 02/O1/SO SO 016546I�spected Steele Fitness Inc Steele Fitness Inc Steele Fitness Inc Steele Fitness Inc Contractor: ]ames Aeshliman Aeshliman Plumbing Inc Contractor: Mr VIRGIL THOMAS Michael 7 Crowe Inc - 03/31/10- 04/06/10 DEMO OF A STORE FRONT PG - Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Alter GT - Generel Actiwty Tracking - Zoning RW - PW Right of Way Permit - Obstruction - Sidewalk Contractor: Michael Crowe Crowe Construction Management Services Contractor: Michael Crowe Crowe Construction Management Services - N/A. Contractor: Harris Mechanical B - Buildmg Permit - Commeraal - Remodel B - Building Permit - Commercial - Repair Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Company ContracTOr: Richard Fischer North Star Plbg & Htg Co Inc W - Warm Air, Ventilation & General Sheet - Ventilation Only - Commercial Replace RS - Restaurant Inspection Low Risk - Routine Inspection PG - Piumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Repface O1/25/10 10 Oi2696 Active/ISSUed B- Building Permit Contractor. Crawford Merz http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseN o=... 6/8/2010 . � i arvir - ticnviues ra�c � vi i� 10-780 01/18/10 10 00790Z Active/Issued OS/08/SO SO 003937 Inspected Ol/OS/10 10 001654ISSUed 12/O1/09 09 331712 Adive/Issued Commercial - Repair Anderson Construction CO - N/A. E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Complete Electric, Electrical - Commeraal LLC Repair/Alter W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Elmer Wedel Allan Generei Sheet - Ventilation Mechanical, Inc. Only - Commercial Repair/Alter EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: East Mall Associates - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit RELOCATE (3-4) HEADS FOR - Existing Building - Alter REMODEL Systems B- Building Permit - Contractor: Jwn Inc Commercial - Remodel 06/13/09 OS 141892 Active Pending XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren - Liquor On Sale - 291 or ECLIPS License# 00185Z6 more Seats 04/06/09 09 Q52008 Resolved CS - CSO Complaint - Permit Patio furniture at starbucks at - Complaint victoria and grand avenue impedes pedestrians from walkmg on the sidewalk. Request for removal or sufficient room to walk on the sidewalk 12/29/OS 08 240Z28 Scheduled MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Juut Salonspa MC Routine Inspection 12/29/08 07 214902 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Juut Salonspa MC Routine Inspection 12/OS/08 08 216634 Resolved CS - CSO Complaint - Exterior - Complaint 10/29/08 08 185123 Finaled BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Rick Palmateer - Commercial Replace Universal Sign CO - COPY TO READ: "BILLY'S ON GRAND NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL" 10/13/08 08 175737 Pending CO - Certificate of Responsibie Party: East Mall Occupancy - Assembly Assoc/Bill Wengler - 022823420125 09/09/08 08_506866 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Biliy'S ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection 09/03/08 08 1440Z1 Resolved CS - CSO Compiaint - Garbage overflowing Exterior - Complaint 09/02/O8 O8 143086 Finaled W- �Narm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Elmer Wedel Allan Generai Sheet - Ventilation Mechanical, Inc. Only - Commercial Repair/Alter 09/OS/OS OS 141893 Pending CL - Compliance Checks - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Liquor Compliance Check ECLIPS License� 0018526 08/18/08 OS 134083 Finaled PG - Contrador: Douglas Waller Oak Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Grove Mechanical Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Alter O8/07/08 O8 128718 Finaled EG - Fire Engmeering - Owner: East Mall Associates - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit REVICE EXISTING SPRINKLER - Existing Building - Alter SYSTEM FOR TENANT REMODEL. Sy5t2fn5 RELOCA7E (4) SPRINKLERS. 08/06/08 08 128140 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Complete Electric, Electncal - Commercial LLC Repair/Alter 07/30/08 08_123790 Finaled B- Buiiding Permit - Contractor: 7wn Inc Commercial - Remodel http:/i sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.jsp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities 07/22/08 08 Y19Y07 Closed LC - DSI Env Health Complaint - Health-Safety- Environment 07/22/08 08 119106 In Compliance CS - C50 Complaint - License - Complaint Yage 4 of 16 10-780 Hosing down the inside of the bar and patio causing drainage to the street drain and a horrible stinch that is left to sit in the drain. This horrible stinch stays in our neighborhood. 7/25/08 horrible stench emanating from the property. When sitting at Starbucks or walking by one cannot help but be overwhelmed by the stench. I know it has something to do with their drain on the patio. Something needs to be done. Hosing down the inside of the bar and patio causing drainage to the street drain and a horrible stinch that is left to sit in the drain. This horrible stinch stays in our neighborhood. 7/ZS/08 horrible stench emanating from the property. When sitting at Starbucks or walking by one cannot help but be overwhelmed by the stench. I know it has something to do with their drain on the patio. Something needs to be done. 07/OS/OS 07 053072 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grend High Risk - Routine Inspection 06/13/OS OS 057181 Active Pending XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren Restaurant (5) - 151 and ECLIPS License# 0018526 Over 06/13/08 08 057342 Canceled 06/06/08 OS 089622 Active/Issued 04/14/08 OS 057343 Closed 04/14/O8 OS 057326 Pending 04/14/08 04/14/08 O1/16/08 O8 057305 Pending O8 057242In Compliance O8 009936 Finaled 01/01/08 07 198955 Delinquent 12/21/07 07 223600 Pending 12/20/07 07 222806 Closed XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - - Liquor On Sale - 181-290 ECLIPS License# 0018526 Seats XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Ulises Zarate Ulises J Water/Health - Massage Zarate - ECLIPS License# Practitioner 20080001967 CL - Compliance Checks - Liquor Compliance Check CL - Compliance Checks - Liquor Compliance Check CL - Compliance Checks - Liquor Compliance Check CL - Comphance Checks - Liquor Compliance Check EG - Fire Engineering - Sprinkler/ STandpipe Permit - Existing Building - Alter Systems XW - ECLiPS License - Water/Health - Massage Practitioner PV - Project Facilitator Review LC - DSI Env Health Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 0018526 Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 0018526 Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 0018526 Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License# 0018526 Owner: East Mall Associates - VICTORIA CROSSING EAST - REPLACE 9 HEADS OVER FRYER, Licensee: Lisa Keathly Lisa G Keathly - ECLiPS License;. 20070004742 Project Applicant Tou Vang - Previous use of space for retail (clothing/gifts). Space @1360 sq. ft. Per ]eff Hawkins no available parking to permit change in use under zoning code requirement for this part of Grand Ave. Allowing pets into the Star Bucks http://sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPi�N o=&�tHouseN o=... 6/8i 2010 � 1a1v1r - activiues Complaint - Health-Safety- Environment - Env Health - Food 10-780 rage � oz i o and in the Mall they are leaving dogs in the mali. 12/20/07 07 Z2Z805In Compliance CS - C50 Complaint - License - Complaint 12/07/07 07 121764 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine Inspection 12/03/07 D6 064713 History RS - Restaurant Inspection Low Risk - Routine Inspedion 10/04/07 07 168186 Closed 07/25/07 07 121757 History 07/25/07 07 113401 History 07/10/07 99 000726 History 07/OS/07 07 111432 Canceled 06/14/07 07 096302 Finaled 06/02/07 07 089207 Attive/Issued O5/30/07 07 087008 Billing 03/27/07 OS 200814 History Ol/31/07 07 016486 Closed 11/03/06 06 263001 In Compliance Allowing pets into the Star Bucks and in the Mall they are leavmg dogs in the mall. Establishment: Juut Salonspa MC Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Company RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: East Mall Associates - Complaint VICTORIA CROSSING EAST - VARIOUS SPRINKLER DEFICIENCIES PER VIKING REPORT MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Juut Salonspa MC Routine Inspection MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: 7uut Salonspa MC Routine Inspection MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons, Inc. XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Sophie Lopez - ECLIPS Water/Health - Massage License# 2007000Z890 Practitioner E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Sandy Groschen Electrical - Commercial Redlin Electric, Inc. Repair/Alter CT - Certifcate of Insurance Business Owner. Starbucks - Awning - Insurance Corporation CO - Certificate of Responsible Party: East Mall Occupancy - Assembly Assoc/Bill Wengler - 022823420125 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: East Mali Associates - Complaint SMOKING IN TENTS CL - Compiiance Checks - Licensee: Billy's ON Grend - Tobacco Compliance Check ECLiPS License# 0018526 il/03/06 06 262425 Closed CL - Compiiance Checks - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Liquor Gompliance Check ECLIPS License# 0018526 10/16/06 06 Z44707 Expired B- Building Permit - Contractor: Jwn Inc - Jerry has Commercial - Remodei plan and permit. Need site plan and construction plans. JAC SO/16/06 11/02/06, contrador is getting back to the owner to reconsider this whole idea -- there are engineering concernsthat hadn't been considered - - application and plans with Frank, fb 3/5/07, no word smce our mee[ing here at LIEP on 01/16/07, okayed concept, waiting on engmeenng, fb 10/ll/2007: Automatically closed by system due to no activity in one year. 5/20/O8, reviewed statis with area inspector (]on Hegner), awnings had been instalied without permit, Jon had reviewed http://spara ci stpaul.rnn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities 07/26/06 06 114908 Closed 07/Z6/06 06 114907 Closed 04/07/06 06 064099 History 04/07/06 06 063973 Finaled 04/06/06 06 062178 History 04/06/06 06 063515 Finaled 04/04/06 OS 158058 History 02/17/06 06 023694 Finaled 02/17/06 06 023154 Finaled 11/16/O5 04 044223 History 09/22/OS OS 161008 Finaled 09/14/OS 03 255643 History 07/28/OS OS 138063 Closed 07/28/OS OS 137867 Closed Page 6 of 16 10-780 LC - DSI Env Health Complaint - Health-Safety- Environment - Env Health � Food CS - CSO Complaint - License - Complaint RS - Restaurant Inspection - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection E - Electrical Permit - Service & Orcuits - Commercial Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection PG - Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection how the awnings are opereted, with the owner, on site, he thinks well over a year ago. City employee(POlice com center) was at Billy's on Grand last n�ght and a large black mouse dropped from the ceili�g, 3 other people with her saw it also. City employee(Police com center) was at Billy's on Grand last night and a large black mouse dropped from the ceiling, 3 other people with her saw it also. Contractor. Fraser Morris Electric Company Contractor: George Albers Albers Mechanical Services SS - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor: Frank Anderson Storm - New Mueller Pipeliners Inc 55 - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor: AI Webster Jr Webster Storm - New Co Inc RS - Restaurant Inspection - High Risk - Routine Inspection B - Building Permit - Commeraal - Remodel RS - Restaurant Inspection - Low Risk - Routine Inspection CS - CSO Complaint - Tree - Compiaint CS - CSO Complamt - Sidewalk - Complaint Establishment: Billy's ON Grand Contractor: Crawford Merz Anderson Construction CO Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Company Tree on public sidewalk with heaved bricks in front of Starbucks on Grand @ Victoria. Complainants have seen many people trip on bricks. NOTE: I&C sending compiaint to Parks & Rec Maintenance & Forestry and Public Works Sidewalks Tree on pubiic sidewalk with heaved bricks in front of Starbucks on Grand @ Victoria. Complainants have seen many people Yrip on bricks. NOTE: I&C sending complainY to Parks & Rec Maintenance & Forestry and Public Works Sidewaiks 07/28/OS OS 137866 Closed CS - CSO Complaint - Tree on pubhc sdewalk with Park/Playground - Complaint heaved bricks in front of Starbucks on Grand @ Victona. Complainants have seen many people trip on http:/isparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries Page7of16 10-780 bricks. NOTE: I&C sending complaint to Parks & Rec Maintenance & Forestry and Public Works Sidewalks 04/14/OS OS 089008 Closed CS - CSO Complaint - misc. boarding and securing Vacant Building Addtl Info - Compiaint 11/17/04 04 194331 Finaled BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Laura Alexander - Commeraal Repair/Alter Nordquist Sign Co Inc. - REFACE �EXISTING SIGN WITH COPY70 READ: ]UUT AVEDA 09/23/04 04 150093 Certified 07/19/04 04 120733 Finaled - No Inspection 06/23/04 04 109379 Closed 02/18/04 03 299996 History CO - Certificate of Responsible Party: East Mall Occupancy - Assembly Assoc/Bill Wengler - 022823420125 EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: East Mall Associates - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit ADD ONE HEAD OVER DEEP - Existing Building - Alter FRYER Systems CS - C50 Complaint - Noise Grand Ave resident living by Billy's - FYI - No Response Bar says the motorcycle's are so Required loud they disturb them when they arrive which is thru the night and when they Ieave late at night they warm up their bikes and wakes up the residents around the bar RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: Billy's ON Grand - High Risk - Routine WALL-AROUND HANDSINK AND Inspection DISH AREA MISSING TILES. COOKLiNE-CHICKEN TEMP=47.8 NO SANI DETECTED IN DM. LIGHT SHIELDS. BAR: HOLSTERS. NO SANI ON CLOTHS AND GLA55 MACHINE. CUPS.BACKBAR:POP HOLSTER SOILED.CAFE BAR-POP HOLSTERS. MICHAEL DAVIS FM:12481 OSR7/03 03 345207 Closed RF - Referral - Form 4 Owner. East Mall Associates - VICTORIA CROSSING EAST — PLASTIC PROTECTIVE CAP FOR SPRINKLER FDC IS BROKEN AND SHOULD BE REPLACED. 08/25/03 03 344055 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Sandy Groschen Service & Circuits - Redlin Electric, Inc. Commercial Repair/Alter 08/06/03 03 392559 Active Pending XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren - Liquor On Saie - 2 AM ECLiPS License# 0018526 Closing 08/O1/03 03 335100 Finaied PG - Contractor: David Smith St Paul Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Plbg & Htg CO Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside WaYer (All) - Residential Repav 07/17/03 03 328Z35 Canceled XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Practitioner 07/10/03 03 325106 Finaled B- Building Permit - Commercial - Remodel 06/13/03 03 260531 Adive Pending XF - ECLIPS Food Related Ren Restaurant (D)- Add-on (Bar Only) 06/13/03 03 333009 Activ= Pending XF - ECLIPS Food Related Licensee: Jayson Fultz ]ayson 0 Fultz - ECLIPS Licenseh Z0030003022 Contractor: ] W N Inc Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS Licenser 0018526 Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - http:/isparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activify_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Ren OS/12/03 03 285405 History OS/07/03 03 296646 Finaled - No Inspettion OS/Ol/03 03 291587 Canceled 04/24/03 03 289997 Finaled 04/18/03 03 286771 Finaled 04/15/03 03 285394 Closed 04/15/03 03 285393 Closed 04/14/03 02 138357 History 04/04/03 03 277575 Finaied 03/26/03 03 272738 Finaled 02/14/03 00 146Z88 History SO/07/02 02 228912 History 10/03/02 02 004911 Canceled 07/12/02 02 125361 History OS/20/02 02 1Z4767 History OS/14/02 Oi 219081 HiStory 03/29/02 02 001435 Canceled 03/15/02 99 OC�204 History Page 8 of 16 10-780 Restaurant (E) - Er2ension ECLiPS License# 0018526 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: East Mall Assoaates - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit RELOCATE 2 HEADS IN - Existing Building - Alter BATHROOMS Systems XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Melanie Rae Nugent - Water/Health - Massage ECLIPS License# 20030001687 Practitioner E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Egan Company Service & Circuits - Commeraal Repair/Alter E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Sandy Groschen Service & Circuits - Redlin Electric, Inc. Commercial Repair/Alter LC - DSI Env Health Neighbors next to restaurant are Complaint - Health-Safety- tired of listening to the Environment motorcycles in the parking lot everynight now that it's getting mce out CS - CSO Complaint - Noise Neighbors next to restaurant are - Complaint tired of listening to the motorcycles in the parking lot everynight now that iYs getting nice out RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection PG - Contractor: David Smith St Paul Piumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Plbg & Htg CO Water Piping - Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Replace B- Building Permit - Contractor: J W N Inc Commercial - Remodel RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Low Risk - Routine Company Inspection CO - Certificate of Occupancy - Assembly Responsible Party: East Mall Assoc/Bill Wengler - 022823420125 XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Prectitioner RS - RestauranfInspection High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection High RiSk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection XW - ECLiPS License - Water/Health - Massage Praditioner MT - Massage - Low Risk - Licensee: Candace Eck Candace 7 Eck - ECLIPS License# 20020004911 Establ�shment: Billy's ON Grend - 6-14-02 I STOPPED IN. SCOTT IS ON VACATION UN7IL 6-21-02. LEFT CARD FOR BILLY TO CALL ME. S]0 Establishment: Billy's ON Grand Estabiishment: Billy's ON Grand Licensee: Lisa Hawkinson Lisa M Hawkinson - EClIPS Licensen Z0020001435 Establishment: David Wagner http: //sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseN o=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries 03/12/02 02 104215 Finaled - No Inspection 02/25/OZ 02 101336 Closed 02/11/02 99 005000 History 02/11/02 99 005722 History 02/08/02 99 000774 History 02/Ol/02 02 000158 Canceled SO/04/O1 OS Z27441 Closed 07/31/OS OS 211215 History 07/11/01 01 219078 History 07/06/Ol Ol Z17453 History 06/19/OS 00 149023 History OS/18/O1 Ol 204184 Active 04/11/O1 99 006181 Canceled Yage 9 of 16 10-780 Routine Inspection Salons,Inc(HOrst)-Trea - no lic, closing folder, jb 3j15j02 EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: East Mall Associates - Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit VICfORIA CROSSING EAST MALL - Repair - DURING INSPECTION THE FLOW SWITCH ON HOOD DID NOT SHUT OFF THE GAS. REPLACED SWITCH TO CORRECT PROBLEM. RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: East Mall Associates - Complaint From Viking report dated 1-21-02 - Flow on hood did not trip gas. MT - Massage - Low Risk - Estabiishment: Horst Salon(David Routine Inspection Wagner)-M.Nugent - Nona Trealoff-License cancelled, closing folder, jmb 2/11/02 MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Horst-Kellie Routine Inspection Myers - License cancelled, closing folder, jmb 2/11/02 MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Kay Hansen - Routine Inspection License Canceled, closing folder. ptk 2/8/02 XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Abigail Fisher Sexuai Entertainment - Gambiing Violence Center - ECLIPS License# Manager 20020000158 RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: East Mall Associates - Complaint Sprinkler inspection report RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant I�spection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspecbon PS - Pre-Fire Survey - Owner: East Mall Associates Business XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Robert Biebl - ECLIPS Water/Health - Massage License# 19990006181 Praditioner 03/13/O1 Ol 024710 History CO - Certificate of Responsible Party: East Mall Occupancy - Assembly AssocjSill Wengler - 022823420125 02/OS/Ol Ol 000425 Canceled XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Christine Grussendorf Water/Health - Massage Christine M Grussendorf- ECLIPS Practitioner License� 20010000425 11/16/00 00 005452 Canceled XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Catherine Henderson Water/Health - Massage Catherine G Henderson - ECLiPS Practitioner Licensen 20000005452 11/03(00 00 149007 Closed 11/02/00 00 i36800 History LC - DSI Env Health AN ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTANT Complaint - Health-Safety- SAID HE/SHE ATE THE COLESLAW Environment AND BECAME ILL THE DATE WAS UNCERTAIN-AROUND NOVEMBER 17TH.�mc RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Complaint Inspection SO/09/00 99 0028p5 History RS - R=staurant Inspection - Establishment Starbucks Coffee http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/A ctivity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseN o=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Page 10 of 16 10-780 Low Risk - Routine Company Inspection 09/Ol/00 00 003851 Canceled XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Gail Emerson Sexual Entertainment - Gambling Violence Center - ECLIPS License# Manager 20000003851 07/24/00 00 136749 Ciosed LC - DSI Env Health COMPLAINANT ATE AT Complaint - Health-Safety- ESTABLISHMENT 7/13/00 AND Environment WAS ILL WITH HEADACHE, CHILLS, DIARHEA, VOMITING, SWEATS. (SEE FILED MDH REPORT). jmc 07/18/00 00 135886 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Complaint Inspection 07/12/00 00 132754 History 06/16/00 99 004962 History 03/02/00 00 120036 Closed Ol/14/00 00 116986 Finaled 11/12/99 99 006420 Canceled 10/12/99 99 006181 Withdrawn 08/23/99 99 000224 Closed 08/OS/99 99 005175 History OS/17/99 49 004720 Closed OS/17/99 99 008496 History 04/09/99 99 007745 History 03/22/99 99 OOi792 Actrve/ISSUed Ol/15/99 98 02395_ History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Biliy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Biliy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspedion FS - Fire Suppression Contractor: Rich Poole Viking Systems - Other Fire Automatic Sprinkler Company - Extinguishing Systems - Ol/02/2001: All FS permits Commercial Repair/Alter transferred from LIEP to Fire.. Closed withoutfinalapproval B- Building Permit - Contractor: Primera Construction Commercial - Remodei CO XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Madelyn Broadus Entertainment - Gambling Sexual Viofence Center - ECLIPS Manager License# 19990006420 XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Robert Biebl - ECLIPS Water/Health - Massage License# 19990006181 Practitioner BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Laura Alexander - Commercial Repair/Alter Nordqwst Sign Co Inc. - 16-NOV- 2005: Folder closed by system due to no activity in one year . Closed without flnal approval MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Saions;Juut; C. Lang EC - Environmental Complainant's group there Complaint History (DC) 5/11/99, at noon. The ceiling fans were filthy. Complainant ate half of her lettuce salad, then found a one-inch long still aiive cockroa[h. The staff person told them they did not want to have cheesecake for dessert because it was moldy. KKO 5/12/99 Second complaint from another person who was in the group. KKO . RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspedion MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons,Inc(Horst)-Bieb XW - ECLiPS License - Licensee: Christine Ruth Lang Water/Heaith - Massage Christine R Lang - ECLiPS Practitioner Licenser 19990001792 MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspedion Salons,Inc(Horst)-Trea http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperiy/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseN o=... 6/8/20l 0 STAMP - Activities Page 11 of 16 10-780 01/07/99 96 005187 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estab�ishment: Starbucks Coffee Low Risk - Routine Company Inspedion Ol/07/99 98 004532 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - High Risk - Routine Inspection 10/Z2/98 99 002303 Canceied XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Tanning Facility 07(08/98 98 143312 Closed without W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Approval General Sheet- General Sheet Metal - Commercial Repair/Alter 06/27/98 98 142513 Closed without E- Electrical Permit - Approval Electrical - Commercial Repair/Alter OS/ZS/98 98 000223 Closed FS - Fire Suppression Systems - Limited Use Limited Access - Commercial Repair/Alter 02/11/98 99 014189 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine Inspection O1/02/98 98 000003 Canceled XE - ECLIPS License - Entertainment - Gambling Manager 12/17/97 98 000840 Canceled XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Practitioner 12/SO/97 96 006089 History il/24/97 96 019533 History 09/17/97 97 000734 Pinaled 09/09/97 97 126702 Finaled OS/21/97 97 T54821 Complete OS/17/97 97 T31275 Complete OS/09/97 97 042835 Canceled 04/11/97 97 025700 History 04/10/97 97 025632 History 03/12/97 97 033186 Canceled 03/11/97 97 077742 Canceled 02/Zl/97 96 005794 History 02/21/97 97 023939 History Establishment: 8illy's ON Grand Licensee: Marie Forsell Hawaiian Tan - ECLtPS License# 19990002303 Contractor. Mark Miesen Miesen Roofing Inc - Closed without final approval Contractor: Weber Electric Inc - Closed without final approval Contractor: Billy's On Grand - Closed withoutfinalapproval Establishment: Horst Salon(David Wagner)-M.Nugent Licensee: Barbara Dotty Sexual Violence Center/Billy's ON Grand - ECLiPS License# 19980000003 Licensee: Nell Rueckl - ECLIPS License# 19980000840 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: Horst Salon(David Routine Inspection Wagner)-M.Nugent BS - Bilfboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Universal Sign CO - COmmerCidl New E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Marel Forsell Eiectrical - Commercial Repair(Alter XP - ECLIPS License - Litensee: Biliy's ON Grand - Temporary - Liquor- ECLIPS License# OOT54821 Extension of Service Area XP - EC�IPS License - Temporary - Speaal Event Food Sales - 1 to 3 Days XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Praditioner MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine Inspection MT - Massage - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Prectitioner Licensee: Starbuck's Coffee CO Starbuck's Coffee - ECLIPS License# OOT31275 Licensee: Melanie Nugent Melanie R Nugent - ECLiPS License# 0042835 Establishment: Horst-Kellie Myers Estabiishment: Horst-Kellie Myers Licensee: Kay Hansen Kay L Hansen - ECLIPS License;: 0033186 XW - ECLIPS License - Water/Health - Massage Practitioner MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine I�spedion MT - Massage - Low Risk - Licensee: Keliie Myers - ECLIPS Licenset 0077742 Establishment: Kay Hansen EsTabiishment: David Wagner http:/i sparc.cistpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Act�vity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Page 12 of 16 10-780 Routi�e Inspection Salons, Inc. 11/22(96 96 097012 Closed without E- Electrical Permit - Contrac[or: David L Morford Dlm Approval Electrical - Commercial Electric - Closed without final Repair/Alter approval SO/Ol/96 96 026471 Canceled XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lois Dirksen Sexual Entertainment - Gambling Violence Center/Billy's ON Grand - Manager ECLtPS License# 0026471 SO/OS/96 96 034166 Canceled XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Bilco Inc Billy's On Entertainment - Gambiing Grand/Sexual Violence Center - Location (Class A) ECLIPS License# OQ34166 07/il/96 97 002047 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Estabiishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons,Inc(HOrst)-Trea 06/28/96 96 002136 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Plan Review Inspection Salons,Inc(HOrst)-Trea 06/28/96 96 01178Z History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons, Inc. 06/28/96 96 042601 Adive Pending XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: David Wagner Juut Ren Water/Health - Massage Salonspa (Juut Holdings Inc) - Center - A(Commercial) ECLtPS License# 0042601 06/25/96 96 000265 Finaled BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Laura Alexander - Commercial New Nordquist Sign Co Inc. 06/20/96 96 005432 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons, Inc. 06/20/96 96 018478 Canceled XW - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Nona Bock Nona Water/Health - Massage Trealoff Bock - ECLIPS License# Praditioner 0018478 06(OS(96 96. 018063 History MT - Massage - Low Risk - Establishment: David Wagner Routine Inspection Salons, Inc. OS/30/96 96 007058 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/30/96 99 003138 Closed EC - Environmental From Mayor's Compl. Office, Complamt History (DC) 5/24/96, Complainant says while OS/28/96 96 T58993 Complete OS/22/96 96 018014 History OSj22{96 96 iD0971 Flnafed OS/09/96 96 087946 Finaled OS/02/96 96 1009i3 Finaled XP - ECLIPS License - Temporary - Liquor- Extension of Service Area MT - Massage - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection PL - Plumbing & Gas Fitting (OLD) - Plumbing (ALL) - Residential Replace W - Warm Air, Ventilation & Generai Sheet - Warm Air & Ventilation - Commercial Install PL - Plumbing & Gas Fitting in restaurant recently, observed that bartender continued to serve alcoholto veryintoxicated patron who had small puppy with her the entire time she sat in bar which is against City ordinance regarding animals in restaurants. Animal seemed to be in distress and Complainant told bartender who said he could not do anything about this as patron was the owner's friend. Complainant called 911-nothing could be done because woman in bar not causing disturbance. KKO . Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License: OOT58993 Establishment: David Wagner Salons, Inc. Contractor: Oak Grove Mechanical ConTractor: ]ohn Matthews Air Conditioning Assoc., Inc. Contractor: Oak Grove Mechanical http:/isparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo—... 6/8!2010 STAMP - Activities Yage 1S oi 16 10-780 (OLD) - Plumbing (ALL) - Residential Replace 04/22/96 96 087167 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: David L Morford Dlm Electncal - Commercial Electr�c Repair/Alter OS/19/96 95 003433 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection 11/21/95 96 017451 History RS - Restaurant Tnspection - Establishment: Billy'S ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection YO/13/95 96 0183Z3 History 10/09/95 95 011045 History 09/27/95 95 009096 History 09/27/95 99 006323 Closed 09/26/95 95 079714 Finaled 09/OS/95 95 003182 History 09/OS/95 99 001454 Closed 07/12/95 95 001152 History OS/23/95 95 T36711 Complete 04/21/95 95 072363 Finaled 02/22/95 95 115650 Finaled 12/13/94 94 113486 Finaled 10/22/94 94 055822 Active/Issued 10/22/94 94 055822 Canceled 10/18/94 94 110814 Finaled RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - RestaurantInspection High Risk - Routine Inspection Establishment: Billy's ON Grand Establishment: Billy's ON Grand RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commercial Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) RS - RestaurantInspection Medium Risk - Routine Inspection XP - ECLIPS License - Temporary - Liquor- Extension of Service Area E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commercial Repair/Alter E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commeraai Repair/Alter E - Electrical Permit - Electrical XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Restaurant (L) - Limited XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Sidewalk Cafe W - Warm Air, Ventilation & On 2/27/95 at 7:30 p.m. Complainants went for dinner and asked for �on-smoking area. They were told that restaurant does not have a non-smoking area. They were to seat themselves. Taken by Diane Olson, 3/2/95. . . Contractor: East Mall Associates Establishment: Billy's ON Grand On 2/27/95 at 7:30 p.m. Complainants went for dinner and asked for non-smoking area. They were told that restaurant does not have a non-smoking area. They were to seat themselves. Taken by Diane Olson, 3/2/95. . Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Company Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License# OOT36711 Contractor: Odeguard Books Contrector. William Kunsler Contractor: Odegard Books Licensee: License Coordinator Starbuck's Coffee t278 - ECLiPS License= 0055822 License=: License Coordmator Starbuck's Coffee r278 - ECLIPS Licenser 0055822 Contractor. Starbucks Coffee http:/i sparc.ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&tz:tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Page 14 of 16 10-780 General Sheet - Warm Air & Ventilation - Commercial Repair/Alter 09/26/94 94 000141 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Medium Risk - Routine Company Inspection 09/22/94 94 109197 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Doug Humphrey Electrical - Commercial Electric Sign And Lighting, Inc. Repair/Alter 09/20/94 95 023560 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection 09/20/94 99 003537 Closed 09/13/94 94 000505 Finaled 09/12/94 94 009903 History 09/07/94 94 025004 History 09/06/94 94 000486 Finaled OS/26/94 94 013693 History 08/25/94 94 016639 History EC - Environmental Odors from exhaust system or old Complaint History (DC) barrels of grease, coming from restaurant. Complainant has to shut his windows at night due to the smell. 9/13/94 DO. . BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Laura Alexander - Commerciai New Nordquist Sign Co Inc. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Medium Risk - Routine Company Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Medium Risk - Routine Company Inspection BS - Billboard / Sign - Contractor: Laura Alexander Portabie Signs - Commercial Nordquist Sign Co Inc. New RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Medium Risk - Routine Company Inspection 08/15/94 94 018069 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Medium Risk - Routine Company Inspection 08/10/94 94 106661 Pinaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor. Starbucks Coffee Electrical - Commercial Repair/Alter 08/SO/94 94 106673 Closed without W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Andrew Rice Approvai General Sheet - Warm Air & Cronstroms Htg & A/C, Inc - Ventilation - Commercial Ciosed without finai approval Instali 07/26/94 94 004334 History 07/OS/94 94 005904 History 06/27/94 94 005900 History 06/24/94 94 104486 Flnaled OS/24/94 94 T18874 Complete 12/30/93 99 004?94 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Low Risk - Routine Company Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: Low Risk - Plan Review Company Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Low Risk - Plan Review Inspection E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commeraal Repair/Alter XP - ECLIPS License - Temporary - Liquor- Extension of Service Area RS - Restaurant Inspection - No Risk - Routin= Inspedion Starbucks Coffee Starbucks Coffee Establishment: Starbucks Coffee Company Contractor: Bill Wangler Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - ECLIPS License= OOT18874 Establishment: Biily's ON Grand bttp://sparc.ci.sfpauLmn.us/STAMPProperty/Acrivity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities rage t� oi io 10-780 11/16/93 99 004554 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grend No Risk - Routine Inspection 11/O5/93 99 004514 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspedion il/OS/93 99 005613 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 11/OS/93 99 005645 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 09/22/93 99 004547 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspedion 09/22/93 99 005636 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARR4TIVE. 08/10/93 99 004474 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Biliy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 06/06/93 43 019804 Canceled OS/20/93 99 005177 History 09/15/92 99 005134 Histary XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Temporary - Liquor- ECLIPS License# 0019804 Extension of Service Area RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspedion 03/27/92 99 005172 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 03/20/9Z 99 005093 History RS - ResYaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 12/11/91 99 005192 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection SO/15/91 99 005129 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection SO/07/91 99 005149 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 08/21/91 99 005107 History RS - Restaurant Inspettion - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection OS/Zl/91 99 005579 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Comptaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 04/SO/91 99 005185 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 04/10/91 99 005603 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRA7IVE. 04/10/91 99 005651 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 04/01/91 91 052744 Canceled XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Miscellaneous - ECLIPS License# 0052744 Cigarette/Tobacco 02/28/91 99 005141 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Billy's ON Grand No Risk - Routine Inspection 10/Ol/90 99 006174 Closed EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. 06/13/90 90 018526 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Biiiy's ON Grand - - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 ECLiPS Licenset 0018526 S2dt5 (A) 06/13/90 90 018526 Active Pending XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren - Liquor On Sale - Sunday ECLiPS License= 0018526 06/13/90 90 018526 Canceled XF - ECLIPS Food Reiated - Licensee: Biliy`s ON Grend - Restaurant (B) - more than ECLiPS Licenser 0018526 12 seats 06/13/90 90 018526 Active Pending XE - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren Entertainment - ECLIPS License= 0018526 http:/� sparaci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 • STAMP - Activities Page 16 of 16 10-780 Entertainment (B) 06/13/90 90 OSS526 Active Pending XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren Catering - Add On ECLiPS License# 0018526 06/13/90 90 018526 Active Pending XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren Miscellaneous - ECLIPS License# 0018526 Cigarette/TObacco 06/13/90 90 018526 Active Pending XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Ren - Liquor-Outdoor Service ECLIPS License# 0018526 Area (PaYio) 06/13/90 90 OSSSZ6 Canceled XE - ECLiPS License - Licensee: Billy's ON Grand - Entertainment - Gambling ECLIPS License# 0018526 Location 12/il/89 89 016186 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: R B S Inc Billy's ON - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 Grand - ECLIPS License# 0016186 seats (A) 12/11/89 89 016186 Canceled XE - ECLSPS License - Licensee: R B S Inc Billy's ON Entertainment - Grand - ECLIPS License# 0016186 Entertainment (B) 12/11/89 89 016186 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: R B S Inc Billy'S ON - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Grand - ECLIPS License# 0016186 OS/07/85 85 006537 History CO - Certificate of Responsible Party: East Mall Occupancy - Assembly Assoc/Bill Wengler - 02Z823420125 O1/07/SS 85 016531 History CO - Certificate of Responsible Party: East Mali Occupancy - Assembly Assoc/Bilf Wengier - 022823420125 94 001234 Closed ZH - Zonetrack History Applicant: Starbucks Coffee 99 000299 Open ZH - Zonetrack History - Applicant: East Mail Associates 99 000832 Open 99 001316 Scheduled 99 002435 Scheduled Ma�or Vanance ZH - Zonetrack History - Major Variance MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine Inspection MT - Massage - Low Risk - Routine Inspedion Applicant: East Mall Associates Establishment: David Wagner Salons,Inc( Horst)-Bieb Establishment: David Wagner Salons;Juut; C. Lang http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities ����� - �CtIV6t1@� New Search Run 06/08/10 05:56 Date: PM 695 House#: Street Grend Name: Helo using this report Sort by Most Recent Date Pofder Type: Ali Foltler Types Folder Count: Z52 10-780 pa�e 1 of 16 " ATTACHMENT F DIXIES E-mail Service oesK Starting Date: � Ending Date: ', ,. �::�haw..allesals+e PkTJ addresses .; �� Click on address link to access Ciick on ID# link below to view deYail GISmo, MapIT, and Ramsey County Info Address In Date ID # Status 695 Grand Ave - Dixies / Saji-Ya Restaurants OS/28/10 10 492275 Open OS/2�/10 10 413663 Finaled 03/19/10 10 124509 Scheduled D3/18/SO SO 118403 History 03/OS/10 SO 004689 History Type Description RE - Real Estate Owner: St Albans Crossing Assessments Ii/Peter Kenefick E- Electncal Permit - Contractor: 7im Deeg HuM Electric Electrical - Commercial Corporation Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspedion - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 02/02/10 10 011138 Schedufed RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection OS/19/10 SO 008322 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection Ol/15/10 08 180595 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection OS/11/10 10 004662 Closed LC - DSI Env Health 1/8/SO FBI FROM MDH- SOF 6 Complaint - Health-Safety- PEOPLE MAY HAVE BECOME SICK Environment AFTER EATING HERE ON 1(3(10. SEE ATTACHMENT FOR SPECIFIC INFO. D�0 Ol/08/10 09 086810 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 10/14/09 09 298912 Pending CO - Certificate of Occupancy Respo�sible Party: Dixies/ Saji - Assembly Ya - 022823410160 06/11/09 09 076053 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 06/11/09 09 08608G Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contrador: Jim Deeg Hunt Electnc Electrical - Commercial Corporation Repair/Aiter O5/27/09 09 077568 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: ]im Deeg Hu�t Electric Electrical - Commercial Corporation Repair/Aiter OS/21/09 09 055864 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine http://sparc.cl.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity ReRoute.jsp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=_. 6/R/��1� STAIv1P - Activifies 10-780 Page 2 of 16 Inspection OS/07/09 07 093169 Active/ISSUed CT - Certificate of Insurance Business Owner: St Albans - Sign - Insurance Crossing Ii 04/13/09 07 148514 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 12/OZ/08 08 213349 Finaled RW - PW Right of Way PermitCOntractor: Randy Dewitz Or Beth - Obstruction - Special Pinkney Saint Paul Festival And Events Heritage Foundation - WINTER CARNIVAL-BUTTON BASH 2O08- 100F'f PARKING LANE, NORTH SIDE OF GRAND, WEST OF ST ALBANS FOR (4) VULCAN FIRE TRUCKS- 10/20/08 07 044190 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - EstablisBment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 06/20/OS 08 096933 Inactive M- Mechanical Permit - Contractor: Cindy McKoskey Factory Buiit Fireplace - Horwitz Inc - 06/25/2009: Commeraal Repair/Alter Automatically closed by system due to no activity in one year. 06/19/08 OS 096561 Resolved 06j10J08 08 091010 Finaled OS/30/O8 08 084322 Finaled OS/Z8/08 08 082210 Finaled OS/13/08 08 074375 Finaled CS - CSO Complaint - Noise Complaint B - Building Permit - Commercial - Remodel E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commercial New E - Electrical Permit - Electncal - Commeraal Repair/Alter PG - Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping - Gasfitting Only - Commercial Replace Air compressor is being used at around midnight for about an hour. The Police have came out, told them to stop, but they turned it back on once they left. Contractor: E Z Masonry Inc - DIXIES / SAJI-YA RESTAURANTS Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric CorporeYion Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric Corporation OS/01/08 08 031836 Adive/ISSUed XF- ECLIPS Food Related - Restaurant (5) - 151 and Over OS/OS/OS 08 031861 Active/Issued XL - ECLiPS License - Liquor - Liquor On Sale - 291 or more Seats 04/22/08 OS 062266 Finaled 04/17/08 08 060057 Resolved SK - PW Sidewalk Permit CS - CSO Complaint License - Complaint 03/03/OS 08 035631 In CL - Compl�ance Checks - Compliance Liquor Compliance Check 03/03/08 D8 035511 Pending CL - Compiiance Checks - Liquor Compliance Check Contractor: David Smith St Paul Plbg & Htg CO Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grili / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 Contractor: Kevin Ramirez E Z Masonry Inc - (On Grand Ave. - Constr. 200 sq. ft. of 8" dw & constr. 4' of stnd. curb & On 5. St. Albans St. - Remove 80 lin. ft. of 8" dw & constr. 32' of stnd. curb) Dixie's Parking Lot Business cleaned out their parking lot by blowing all the dirt and leaves into the alley. Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License� 20020001517 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - http://sparc.cistpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Acrivity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Ac6viries 03/�3/OS 08 035402 Pending 02/26/08 O8 031862 Pending 02/21/08 OS 029909 Approved O1/31/OS 08 019384 Closed 12/18/07 07 220741 Closed il/15/07 07 200104 Closed 11/06/07 07 193100 Withdrawn 09/17/07 06 254336 History 07/11/07 07 114004 Pending 06/28/07 07 106513 Certified 06/28/07 07 106514 Closed 06/27/07 07 105744 Finaled OS/30(07 07 086946 Finated 03/30/07 07 053701 Closed 03/12/07 06 050234 History 12/28/06 06 292278 Expired 10-780 Page 3 of 16 ECLiPS License# 200200015ll CL - Compliance Checks - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Liquor Compliance Check Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 CL - Compliance Checks - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Liquor Compliance Check Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 SR - Site Plan Review - OtherApplicant: Monkey Boys, Int. Site Work - Commercial Dixie's on Grend RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Complaint Peter Kenefick - sprinkler report RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Compiaint Peter Kenefick - KITCHEN HOOD DEFICIENCY PR NORTHLAND REPORT DATED 11/6/07 LC - DSI Env Health 11/9/07 PERSON ATE HERE Complaint- Health-Safety- ON11/7/07 AND HAD SPICYTUNA Environment ROLLS WITH MUSHROOMS, TWISTED FISH, SAKI AND LALIF ROLLS. ATE AT 7PM AND BECAME ILL AT ZAM THE FOLLOWING MORNING WITH DIARRHEA AND VOMMITTtNG. SEE FBI FORM IN PAPER FILE. DLO B- Building Permit - Contractor: E Z Masonry Inc - Commercial - Remodel 6/13/2008 DUPLICATE - WITHDREW PER Ken E./zl Plan with Tom Beach Zoning, Licensing (must go to council) per Christine Rozek, additional SAC required, must get original seating count at patio.KE RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection LC - DSI Env Health MDH reported foodborne illness Complaint - Health-Safety- complaint from an individual who Environment - Env Health - ate food from Dixie's Restaurant at Food the ]azz Festival. CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Dixies/ Saji - Assembly Ya - 022823410160 RF - Referral - C of 0 Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Peter Kenefick - Follow up on C of 0 folder approved with corrections. E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: ]im Deeg Hunt Electric Electrical - Commercial Corporation Repair/Alter E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: }�m Deeg Hu�t Efectric Electrical - Commercial New Corporation RF - Referrel - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Complaint Peter Kenefick - SPRINKLER VIOLATIONS - PER REPORT DATED 11/06 RS - Restaurent Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Plan Review Smokehouse Grill Inspection B- Building Permit - Contractor: Kevin Ramirez E Z Commerciai - Remodel Masonry Inc - 12-25-06 PERMIT APPLICATION AND PLANS WITH MR BLOOM http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8i 2010 STAMP - Activities 12/11/06 06 284212 Closed il/03/06 06 Z62150 Closed 10/26/06 06 223173 History 09/20/06 D6 222587 Closed 10-780 Page 4 of 16 12/31/2007: Automatically ciosed by system due to no activity in one year. RF - Referrel - Form 4 Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Peter Kenefick - DIXIES ON GRAND - Frozen Sprinkler head (back dock area) system was taken down. CL - Compliance Checks - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Liquor Compliance Check Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Complaint Inspection LC - DSI Env Health 1 OF 2 PEOPLE BECAME ILL AFfER Complaint - Health-Safety- EATING AT SAJI YA ON GRAND ON Environment - Env Health - 9/17/06. Food MEAL EATEN AT 18:30. MEAL CONSISTED OF: SAMPLER PLATE OF SUSHI (SUSHINI & NAGRONI), VEGGIE TEMPURA, TAP BEER, AND WATER. 09/20/06 06 085987 History OS/31/06 06 090439 Finaled OS/18/06 OS 052061 History 04/SO/06 06 064630 Closed 03/17/06 06 055042 Finaled 02/2S/06 06 018475 History 02/17/06 06 034706 Finaled ONSEf OF VOMITING AT 01:00 ON 9/18. RECOVERY AT 04:00 ON 9/18. ONSET OF DIARRHEA AT 02:00 ON 9/18. RECOVERY AT 10:00 ON 9/18. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Complaint Inspection E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric Electrical - Commercial Corporation Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Complaint Peter Kenefck - Dixies & Sushi Bar - Sprinkler coverage. EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit Peter Kenefick - RELOCATE 3 - Existing Building - Alter HEADS FOR COVERAGE IN SUSHI Systems BAR. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Plan Rev�ew Smokehouse Grili Inspect�on 55 - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor: Lynn Bishop Northern Sanitary - Repair Air Corp - LOTS 25 THRU LOT 30 BLK 6 02/17/06 06 031894 Finaled SS - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor: Frank Anderson Sanitary - Repair Mueller Pipeliners Inc - LOTS ZS THRU LOT 30 BLK 6 02/ll(06 06 031895 Finaled SS - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor. Frank Anderson Sanitary - Repair Muelier Pipeliners Inc - LOTS 25 THRU LOT 30 BLK 6 02/17/06 06 030402 Finaled 55 - PW Sewer Permit - Contractor: Frank Anderson Storm - Repair Mueller Pipeliners Inc - LOTS 25 THRU LOT 30 BLK 6 http://sparacistpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Acfiviries 10-780 Page 5 of 16 02/08/06 OS 197195 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Plan Review Smokehouse Grill Inspection 02/06/06 D6 016588 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Muska Electric & Gr[uits - Commeraal Company - 04/09/2007: Repair/Alter Automatically closed by system due to no attivity in one year. Ol/11/06 06 005102 Closed RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Complaint Peter Kenefick - SUMMIT SPRINKLER REPORT OF INSPECTION Ol/06/06 06 002234 Finaled 12/30/OS OS 224886 Finaled 11/10/OS OS 197200 Scheduled 11/08/OS 02 124930 History 11/OS/OS OS 140415 History EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit Peter Kenefick - OVER BAR AREA - Existing Building - Alter REMOVE 5 HEADS. Systems BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Kirk Vanblaircom - Commercial New Pyramid Sign L[d - COPY TO READ: DIXIES ETC. AS DRAWING/TN/0 SIDED NEON SIGN REPLACES EXISTING PROJECTING SIGN. FH - Food Vehicle - Low Risk Establishment: Dixies Bar & - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill FH - Food Vehicle - Low Risk Establishment: Dixies Bar & - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grili RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 08/19/OS OS 147683 Finaled W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Lynn Bishop Northern General Sheet - Ventilation Air Corp Onty - Commercial Repair/Alter O8/15/OS O5 145283 Inactive PG - Contractor: Lynn Bishop Northern Plumbing/Gasftting/Inside Air Corp - 02/07/2007: Water Piping - Automaticaliy closed by system Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - due to no activity in one year. Commercial Alter 08/02/O5 OS 135762 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 07/25/OS 04 110513 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 07/07/OS OS 128767 History CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Dixies/ Saji - Assembly Ya - 022823410160 07/06/OS OS 128245 Finaled B- Building Permit - Contractor: Monkey Boys Inc - 7- Commercial - Remodel 12-OS PERM17 APPLICATION AND PLAN WITH MR. BLOOM jps 06/17/OS OS 120081 Active/Issued XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Z AM Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Closing Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS Licensei� 200200015ll 06/16/OS OS 118879 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric 03/30/OS OS 081815 Closed 02/14/OS OS 065015 Closed O1/28/OS OS 056188 Finaled & Circuits - Commerciai Corporation Repair/Alter CS - CSO Complaint - Dumpsters not big enough, every Exterior - Complaint week trash overFlowing and blowing around neighborhood CF - CSO Information Graffiti in bathroom. Police report Request - Information - Mail � 05027437 02/11/2005 08:54 E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Muska Electric & Cirw2s - Commercial Company http://sparc. ci stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Ol/14/OS 04 213782 History OS/11/OS OS O49578 Closed 12/20/04 04 175265 History 10-780 Page 6 of 16 Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection LC - DSI Env Health Complainant was there on Complaint - Health-Safety- 12/31/04 at 2000 and ate spicy Environment tuna roll, salmon, shrimp tempora, chix terriyaki, pop and choc. dessert. Got sick with vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and headathe at 2130. Report is referred from MDH [Fl7. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Plan Review Inspection il/ll/04 04_ 194316 Rnaled BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contrector. Kirk Vanblaircom - Commercial Replace Pyramid Sign Ltd - Copy to read: DIXIES BAR & SMOKEHOUSE GRILL SAJI-YA 10/21/04 04 165185 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya 10/OS/04 04 163841 History 10/06/04 04 153359 History 10/Ol/04 04 102130 History 09/29/04 04 152116 Finaled 07/29/04 04 125892 Finaled 07/23/04 04 123715 Finaled 06/28/04 04 111302 Ciosed without Approval 06/23/04 04 043790 History 06/15/04 04 102594 Finaled 06/14/04 04 053142 HiStory High Risk - Plan Review Inspedion RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Plan Review Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Plan Review Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Plan Review Inspection E- Electrical Permit - Service Contrector: Lillehaug Electric, Inc. & Circuits - Commercial Repair/Alter EG - Fire Engmeering - Alarm Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Permit - Existing Building - Peter Kenefck New Systems E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Muska Electric & Circuits - Commercial Company Repair/Alter PG - Contredor: Lynn Bishop Northern Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside Air Corp - 27-Oct-2005: Folder Water Piping - tlosed by system due to no activity Plumbing/Inside Water (All) - in one year Commercial Alter . Closed without final approval RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill - Inspection E- Eiectrical Permit - Contractor: Electro Watchman, Electrical - Commercial Inc. Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Plan Review Inspection OS/01/04 03 301907 Canceled XF - ECLiPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Grill (Saji- Restaurant (D) - Add-on Ya) - ECLIPS License� 20030002109 OS/OS/04 03 301908 Canceled XP - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Grill (Saji- Restaurant (D) - Add-on (Bar Ya Bar) - ECLIPS License� Only) 20030002110 OS/Ol/04 03 311116 Active/Issued XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & http: //sparc.ci. stpaul.mn.us!STAMPProperty/Acrivity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&ixtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities Restaurant (D) - Add-on (Bar Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Only) Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 10-780 Page 7 of 16 OS/O1/04 03 311117 Adive/ISSUed XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Restaurant (D) - Add-on Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 03/OS/04 04 052358 History 03/OS/04 04 052359 Finaled 03/02/04 03 357126 History 02/04/04 04 038826 Closed RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Plan Review Inspection B - Building Permit - Commercial - Remodel RS - Restaurant Inspectiqn High Risk - Routi�e Inspection RF - Referral - Citizen Complaint Establishment: Saji-Ya Contractor: Monkey Boys Inc Establishment: Saji-Ya - Corrected problem. Compiaint inspection was entered here for DIXIES BAR & SMOKEHOUSE GRILL by mistake. Deleted inspection results from this folder and moved to DIXIES (ID857623)ptk 2/18/04 Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Peter Kenefick - Deficiencies noted on Northland report dated 1/15/04. 09/ZS/03 03 313904 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Complaint Smokehouse Grill - Corrected Inspection problem. Complaint inspection was entered for 695 GRAND AVE - SA7I-YA by mistake. ptk 2/18/04 09/25/03 03 357327 Closed 09/24/03 02 245243 History RF - Referral - Citizen Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Complaint Peter Kenefick - Provide make up air shutdown upon Suppression system activation. For both Dixies and Saji Ya restaurants. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya - JOHN High Risk - Routine SIEVERS-SHEF. THERE IS NO Inspection OTHER COMPLAINT AND NO ILL EMPLOYEES THAT HE IS AWARE OF. TURKEY ARE SMOKED TEN POUND AT A TIME FOR 4 HOURS THEN CHILL. TAKE OUT FROM COOLER AND SLICE THEN SERVE COLD. LETTUCE IN SALAD CAME PRE-WASHED. SERVED KEY LARGO SALAD TO ABOUT FIFfEEN PEOPLE THAT DAY. 09/24/03 03 356915 Closed LC - DSI Env Health Complainant was there on 9/20/03 Complaint - Health-Safety- @ 1230 and ate key largo salad, Environment ice tea w/turkey, feta cheese, tomatoes and basalmic dressing. Got sick with vomiting, fever and chills. Complaint was forwarded from MDH. OS/06/03 03 336911 History CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: St Albans - Assembly Crossing Ii - 022823410160 07/24/03 03 331774 Closed M- Mechanical Permit - Gas Contractor. Curtis Brekke without - Residential Repair/Alter Thermex Corp - 12-Oct-2005: Approval Folder closed by system due to no activity in one year . Closed without final approval 07/07/03 03 323543 Finaled - No EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ti/C/O Inspection Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit Peter Kenefick - MODIFY 6 HEADS - Existing Building - Alter IN BATHROOM Systems 07/02/03 03 322406 Finaled PG - Contrador. Chad Wetzel Max http://spara ci. stpaul.mn.us/S TAMPProperty/Acrivity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&tstHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities 10-780 Page 8 of 16 Plumbing/Gasfitting/Inside MechanicalInc Water Piping - Plumbmg/Inside Water (All) - Commercial Repair O6/23/03 03 318112 Fi�aled E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Muska Electric & Circuits - Commercial Company Repair/Alter 06/06/03 03 311371 Closed BW - Building Warning - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Double/Penalty Fee Peter Kenefick 06/03/03 03 309317 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Contractor: ]im Deeg Hunt Electric Electrical - Commerciai Corporation Repair/Alter 06/02/03 03 308229 Finaled W - Warm Air, Ventilation & General Sheet - Ventilation Only - Commercial Repair/Alter Contractor: Lynn &shop Northern Air Corp OS/O1/03 02 001517 Canceled OS/OS/03 02 OO15ll Canceled 04/17/03 03 286272 Finaled 04/15/03 01 242674 History XF - ECL.TPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Restaurant (D) - Add-on Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# Z0020001517 XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Restaurant (D) - Add-on (Bar Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Only) Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 B - Build�ng Permit - Commeraal - Remodel Contractor: Monkey Boys Inc RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Lnspection Establishment: Dixies Bar & Smokehouse Grill - 10-17-02 PER SRR, THEY HAVE PERMISSION TO MAKE SOUPS AND SHIP THE SOUPS HOT TO ANOTHER RESTAURANT (MUST HAVE PROPER LICENSE) UNDERTHE CATERING LICENSE. WE WILL BE CHANGING THE REQUIREMENT TO A MANUFACTURING LICENSE. S70 04/07/03 D3 278105 Finaled EG - Fire Engineenng - Owner. St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Speaal Extinguishing System Peter Kenefick - DIXIES - REPLACE - Existing Building - Alter EXISTING SYSTEM WITH ANSUL Systems R102 U300 SYSTEM 04/07/03 03 278106 Finaled EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Special Extinguishing System Peter Keneflck - SA7I YA - REPLACE - Existing Buildi�g - Alter EXISTING SYSTEM WITH ANSUL Systems R102 UL300 SYSTEM 12/12/OZ 02 119590 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection li/30(02 99 �04838 History FH - Food Vehide - Law Risk Establishment: Dixies Bar & - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grili 07/03/02 02 001517 Active/Issued XE - ECLiPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Entertainment - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Entertainment (A) Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLiPS License# 200200015ll 06/11/02 02 130898 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Unit Table Only - Commercial Repair/Alter 04(30/02 02 001517 Active/Issued XF - EC�IPS Food Related - Food Vehide Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric Gorporation Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill I Saji-Ya - ECLIPS Licenset 20Q20001517 04/30/02 02 001517 Actrve/Issued XF - ECLTPS Food Related - �icensee: Dixie's Bar & Catering - Add On Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & http://sparc.ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries 10-780 Page 9 of 16 Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 04/30/02 02 001517 Active/ISSUed XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLiPS License# 20020001517 04/30/02 02 001517 Canceled 04/30/02 02 001517 Canceled XL - ECLiPS License - Liquor - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 seats (A) Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 200200015ll Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20020001517 Establishment: Saji-Ya XS - ECLiPS License Miscellaneous - Cigarette/TObacco 04/30/OZ 02 001517 Active/Issued XL - ECLiPS License - Liquor - Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) 04/30/02 02 001517 Canceled 04/19/02 02 113185 History 04/16/02 00 132771 History 02/07/02 02 099095 Withdrewn 12/31/O1 O1 004046 Canceled 12/31/O1 O1 004046 Canceled 12/20/Ol O1 217428 History 07/31/O1 Ol 215108 History 06/26/O1 00 149336 History 06/20/O1 01 211166 Finaled OS/31/OS OS 208147 Ciosed XP - ECLiPS Food Related - Restaurent (B) - more than SZ seats RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection Establishment: Saji-Ya BZ - Board of Zoning Appeals Applicant: lohn Wolf DBA Dixies Cases - Major Variance - Bar & Smokekouse Grili - A Commercial variance of the off-street parking requirement in order to obtain an entertainment license for the ex�sting restaurant. Adding entertainment would require an additional 70 parking spaces and no additional spaces are available, for a variance of 70 spaces. XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Food Vehide XF- ECLIPS Food Related Catering - Add On RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurent Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection High Risk - Routine Inspection E - Electrical Permit - Electrical - Commercial Repair/Alter RF - Referral - C of O Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20010004046 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLiPS License# 2001D004046 Establishment: Dixies Bar & Smokehouse Grill EstablishmenT: Dixies Bar & Smokehouse Grill Establishment: Dixies Bar & Smokehouse Grill Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric Corporation Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Peter Kenefick - Follow up on C of O folder approved with corrections. OS/31/OS 01 208? 46 History CO - Certificate of Oaupancy Responsible Party: St Albans http://sparc. ci.stpauLmn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinN o=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activities OS/18/O1 Ol 204961 Active 04/30/OS OS 004046 Canceled 04/30/O1 O1 004046 Canceled 10-780 page 10 of 16 - Assembly Crossing Ii - 022823410160 PS - Pre-Fire Survey - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/0 Business Peter Kenefick XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & seats (A) Smokehouse Grill J Saji-Ya - ECLiPS License# 20010004046 XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Restaurant (B) - more than Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & 12 seats Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20010004046 04/30/01 OS 004046 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor-Outdoor Service Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Area (PaYio) Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20010004046 04/30/O1 Ol 004046 Ganceled XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Miscellaneous - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Cigarette/TObacco Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20010004046 04/30/O1 OS 004D46 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 20010004046 04/19/OS OS 186742 Finaled FN - Fence Permit - Fence Contractor: Premier Fence Inc Permit - Commercial 03/29J01 Ol 184450 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Pleury Efectric Inc & Circuits - Commercial Repair/Alter 03/14/Ol OS 182723 Finaled M- Mechanical Permit - Contractor: Custom Refrigeration Refrigeration - Commerciai Incorporated Replace OS/30/OS Ol 122886 Finaled EG - Fire Engineering - Owner: St Albans Crossing Ii/C/O Sprinkler / Standpipe Permit Peter Kenefck - ADD THREE - Existing Buiiding - Alter HEADS IN BACK STORAGE ROOMS Systems OFF EXISTING SYSTEM. Ol/Z9/Ol Ol 122858 Closed BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Kirk Vanblaircom - Commercial New Pyremid Sign Ltd - DIXIE'S Grand. Closed withoutFnal approval 11/03/00 00 148291 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabhshment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 1D/27/00 00 147780 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 10/23/00 00 138621 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspedion 09/13/00 00 143323 Finaled M- Mechanical Permit - Gas Contractor: Centraire Heating & - Commercial Repair/Alter Air Conditioning Inc 09/13/00 00 143324 Finaled M- Mechanical Permit - Contractor: Centraire Heating & Refrigeration - Commercial Air Conditionmg Inc Repair/Alter 09/13/00 00 143325 Finaled W- Warm Air, Ventilation & Contractor: Centraire Heating & General Sheet - Ventilation Air Conditioning Inc Only - Commeraal Repair/Alter 08/04/00 99 001652 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspedion 08/O1/00 00 137640 Finaled FN - Fence Permit - Fence Contractor: Premier Fence Inc Permii - Commeraal http:/i sparc. ci stpaul.mn.us/STAMPPropertyil�ctiviry_ReRoute. j sp?txtPinNo=&tYtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activifies 10-780 Page 11 of 16 07/19/00 00 136Z85 Finaled E- Electrical Permit - Servi[e Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric & Circuits - Commercial Corporetion RepairyAlter 06/19/00 00 128289 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/30/00 00 1266�3 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection OS/il/00 00 125218 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 04/26/00 99 005030 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspedion 11/19/99 99 116867 Fnaled E- Electrical Permit - Service Contractor: Jim Deeg Hunt Electric & Circuits - Commercial Corporation Repair/Alter 11/03/99 99 000290 Closed BS - Billboard / Sign - Signs Contractor: Edward R Spear Acme - Commercial New Awning Co. - 16-NOV-2005: Folder closed by system due to no activity m one year . Ciosed without final approval 09/14/99 99 001041 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 09/14/99 99 002057 Closed EC - Environmental Caller says that after wating at this Complaint History (DC) resturant Friday evening he became ill. Caller ate steak and mashed potatoes. Suspects it was the potatoes that made him ill because he had the same ill feeling a few months ago when he ate their mashed potatoes. Caller also stated he was in the kitchen at one time and thought it was not clean. 06/02/99 99 003974 Ciosed 06J02J99 99 013149 History EC - Environmental From Minnesota Department of Complaint History (DC) Health, Acute Disease Epidemiology Section: Complainant ate chicken ceasar salad on Sunday, 5-30-99 at 2000hrs. Iliness onset was on Monday at 2000hrs. Symptoms included headache, cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. . RS - Restaura�t Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehou5e Grill Inspection 04/27/99 99 017340 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 03/16/99 99 105491 Closed PL - Plumbing & Gas Fitting Contractor: Duane lahn Twin without (OLD) - Sprinkler Head- Cities Plbg & Htg Inc - Closed Approval Stand Pipe-Fire Pump - without final approval Repair 11/04/98 98 019366 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspedion 10/15/98 98_151081 Closed M- Mechanicai Permit - Gas Contractor: Bill Dickinson Palen without - Commercial Repair/Alter Kimball LLC - Closed without final Approval approval http://sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPin?v o=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Acrivities 10/14/98 98 000447 Closed 09/10/98 98 007175 History 10-780 page 12 of 16 FS - Fire Suppression Contractor: Saji Ya - Closed Systems - Other Fire without final approval Extinguishing Systems - Commercial Repair/Alter RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 09/10/98 99 004015 Closed EC - Environmental Liquid from dumpsters Flowing into Complaint History (DC) aliey. Smells very bad and dumpster is overtlowing. . OS/20/98 94 020232 History FH - Food Vehicle - Low Risk Establishment: Dixies Bar & - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill 03/13/98 98 013197 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection il/15/97 98 012231 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 10/20/97 95 004998 History FE - Food Speaal Event - No Establishment: Dixies Bar & Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill 10/20/97 97 014293 Canceled XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Monkey Boys Inc Dixie's Catering Bar & Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License# 0014293 SO/20/97 97 014293 Canceled XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Licensee: Monkey Boys Inc Dixie's Food Vehicle Bar & Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License# 0014293 10/08/97 97 026354 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: John Sievers High Risk - Management Review 09/22/97 96 016918 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 09/17/97 97 100489 Closed SP - Stucco/Plaster - Contrector: Scandia Stucco CO - Stucco/Plaster Group II - Closed without flnal approval Commercial Repair/Alter 09/10/97 98 004734 History RS - Restaurent Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection 09/10/97 99 003804 Closed 06/OS/97 98 012939 History 06/OS/97 99 001420 Closed EC - Environmental SUSPECT FOODBORNE ILLNE55 Complaint History (DC) COMPLAINT - ATE AT SUNDAY BUFFET 10-5-97 : 2 PARENTS, 2 CHILDREN FROM ONE FAMILY; 2 PARENTS, 2 CHILDREN FROM ANOTHER FAMILY, ONE SINGLE PERSON(FRIEND OF FAMILIES)- 10 PERSONS TOTAL, SEE SUSPECT FOODBORNEILLNESS REPORT. BAMS. . RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection EC - Environmental Comp., Male, age 48 & female Complaint History (DC) friend ate at 10:00p.m., 5/29/97. She had vegetarian meal-black bean nachos/tomatoes. Did not get sick. He had buffaio chicken wings/hot sauce, blUe cheese, celery, mashed potatoes, ca�un bioody mary/olive & hot pepper, beer snit. At 11:30p.m. had stomach cramps & gas. Diarrhea started 12:30a.m. 5/30/97,for3 http://sparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity ReRoufe.jsp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries 10-780 Page 13 of 16 hours. Still sick 5/30 at 1:OOp.m. On 5/29 a.m., had homemade yogurt drink, toast & coffee. See FBI form. kko . 04/24/97 97 T15304 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Liquor- Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Extension o4 Service Area Smokehouse Gril1 - ECLIPS License# OOT15304 04/24/97 97 T15304 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Entertainment - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Temporary Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License# OOT15304 04/08/97 99 002821 Ciosed EC - Environmental From Mayor's Complaint O�ce, Complai�t Hrstory (DC) 4/7/97. Complainant said when they throw the glass liquor bottles into the dumpster it makes quite a bit of noise. Complainant called the Manager (John Wolf� and his reply was thank you for calling. kko 03/OS/97 96 019751 History 02/18/97 97 016356 Canteled RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection XF - ECLIPS Food Related - Restaurant (6) - more than 12 seats Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 0016356 02/18/97 97 016356 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Sunday Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 0016356 02/18/97 97 016356 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor Licensee: Dixie's Bar & - Liquor On Sale - Over 200 Smokehouse Dix�e's Bar & seats (A) Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 0016356 02/18/97 97 016356 Canceled XL - ECLIPS License - Liquor - Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) Lice�see: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill J Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 0016356 02/18/97 97 016356 Canceled 12/15/96 97 002328 History 12/15/96 99 005267 Closed XS - ECLIPS License Miscellaneous - Cigarette/Tobacco EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) - No Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLIPS License# 0016356 From Mayor's Complaint Office, 1/2/97. Complainant sa�d the blowers from the bar are very loud. Can hear them from 6AM-12 midnight inside apartment. 12/23/96-Additionalinfo: Complainant called again to say she watched the inspector check the noise level on the ground & wanted to know if the instrument used wouid be abie to tell the level on the top of the building where the noise is coming from. She said it is still just as bad. kko OS/28/96 96 T55567 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Entertainment - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Temporary Smokehouse Grill - ECtSPS License� 00T55567 http://sparc. ci. stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinN o=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/20l 0 STAMP - Activities 10-780 Page 14 of 16 OS/Z8/96 96 T55567 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Liquor- Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Extension of Service Area Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License# OOT55567 OS/21/96 96 026439 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection 12/06j95 94 011613 History RS - Restaurant lnspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspedion 11/06/95 96 OZ2636 History 10/27/95 96 024Z64 History 10/27/95 99 003367 Closed RS - RestaUrant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection Nigh Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmentai Complaint History (DC) 10/19/95 95 022978 History 07/26/95 95 014331 History 07/26/95 99 005246 Closed Establishment: Dixies Bar & Smokehouse GriN Three of six people from a bowiing team from Midway Probowl ate chicken fried steak at 9:45pm and became ill before they left at about 10:30pm. Complainant was experiencing shortness of breath before she left. She had projectile vomiting and nausea, chills and a fever last night, diarrhea today. One member of the party is a lab tech and she took a sample to analyze, she suspects the pathogen could be E. Coli. . RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High Risk - Routine Smokehouse Grill Inspection EC - Environmental Complaiot History (DC) Complainant ate here 6/21/95 at noon. Party of 3 people. Complainant & friend had Caesar Salad; one with chicken, one without. 3rd person had other type of saiad. Complainant had key lime pie for dessert. Other people had other types of dessert. Complainant & friend got sick 3 hours later with diarrhea (no vomiting) which lasted about 3 hours. 3rd person is unknown whether he got sick or not. Nothing to drink except water. No common eating within the last 3 days before incident. 6/27/95 KKO. . OS/26/95 95 T10955 Complete XP - EC�IPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Entertainment - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Temporary Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License� OOT10955 OS/26/95 95 T10955 Complete XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Temporary - Liquor- Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Extension of Service Area Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License� OOT10955 O1/ll/95 940?4547History OS/17/95 99 003210 Closed RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & High R�sk - Routine Smokehouse Gri11 Inspection EC - Environmental THE PORK IS NOT BEING COOKED httpJ/sparaci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/.4ctivity_ReRoute.j sp?�tPinlQo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STAMP - Activiries OS/09/94 94 T10235 Complete OS/09/94 94 T97907 Complete 04/26/94 94 012646 History 04/26/94 99 003692 Closed 04/25/94 94 015765 History 04/25/94 99 002621 Closed 03/07/94 99 021813 History 02/14/94 99 021779 History 02(10f94 99 015533 Histary 02/10/94 99 OZ1803 History 06/21/93 99 015482 History Complaint History (DC) XP - ECLIPS License - Temporery - Entertainment - Temporary XP - ECLiPS License - Temporary - Liquor- Extension of Service Area 10-780 page 15 of 16 ALLTHE WAY. HIS PORKCHOP WAS STILL VERY PINK IN THE MIDDLE. WOULD LIKE INSPECTOR TO MAKE SURE THEY KNOW THE PROPER COOKING PROCEDURES FOR PORK. . Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill - ECLiPS License# OOT10235 Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Smokehouse Grill - ECLIPS License# OOT97907 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmental Complaint History (DC) On 4/15/94 at 7:00 p.m., 4 people ate dinner. All had soup and salad, & shrimp appetizers. Vincent King, age 40, Complainant's husband, had scaliop entree (about 20 scallops). Complainant ate one or two, but did not get ill. About 9:OOp.m., Mr. King started having constant sharp abdominal pains, and by S:OOp.m. on 4/16/94, was aiso dizzy, nauseated, had vomiting & cramps. Dr's office had him faken to llnited Hospital emergency room by ambulance. Dr. there said he believes symptoms to be some type of F.B.I. . . RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya High Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmentai Complaint History (DC) On 4/15/94 at 7:00 p.m., 4 people ate dinner. All had soup and salad, & shrimp appetizers. Vincent King, age 40, ComplainanYs husband, had scallop entree (about 20 scallops). Complainant ate one or two, but did not get ill. About 9:OOp.m., Mr. King started having constant sharp abdominal pains, and by S:OOp.m. on 4/16/94, was also dizzy, nauseated, had vomiting & cremps. Dr's o�ce had him taken to United Hospital emergency room by ambulance. Dr. there said he believes symptoms to be some type of F.B.I. . RS - Restaurent Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspedion RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Es[ablishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill http://sparc.ci.stpaul.mn.us/STAMPProperty/Activity ReRoute.jsp?�iPinNo=&�tHouseNo=... 6/S/2010 STAMP - Acfivifles 10-780 Page 16 of 16 06/Zl/93 99 021745 History 06/06{93 93 095945 Cancefed 02/10/93 99 015529 History 12/04/92 99 021825 History 09/29/92 99 015436 History 08/13/92 99 001930 Closed 08/13/92 99 015548 History 04/28/92 04/28/92 03/25/92 03{03/92 08/30/91 08/28/91 06/17/91 Ol/16/91 O1/16/91 07/06/90 OS/15/90 OS/02/90 08/OS/86 99 002546 Closed 99 015477 History 99 021769 History 99 020489 History 99 015503 History 99 015455 History 99 020431 History 99 015542 History 99 020515 History 99 002474 Closed 99 OOZ613 Cbsed 99 002533 Closed 86 023565 Canceled 04/29/86 86 013909 Canceled 03/23/81 81 004589 History 03/23/81 81 014588 History RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection XP - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Dixie`s Bar & Temporary - Liquor- Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Extension of Service Area Smokehouse Grill / SajrYa - ECLIPS License# 0095945 RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspectio� RS - Restaurent Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Estabiishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection RS - Restaurent Inspection - Establishment: Dixies Bar & No Risk - Routine Inspection Smokehouse Grill RS - Restaurant Inspection - Establishment: Saji-Ya No Risk - Routine Inspection EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRAITVE. EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. EC - Environmental CONVERTED FROM PARADOX Complaint History (DC) SYSTEM. NO NARRATIVE. XS - ECLIPS License - Licensee: Lisa Dodd Saji Ya Miscellaneous - Restaurant - ECI1P5 License# Ggarette/Tobacco 0023565 XS - ECLIPS Li[ense - Licensee: Dixie's Bar & Miscellaneous - Smokehouse Dixie's Bar & Cigarette/Tobacco Smokehouse Grill / Saji-Ya - ECLiPS License# 0013909 CO - Certificate of Occupancy Responsible Party: Peter - Assembly Kenefick - OZ28Z3410160 CO - Certificate of Occupancy 022823410160 - Assembly http:/i sparc. ci.stpaui.mn.uslSTAMPProperty/Activity_ReRoute.j sp?txtPinNo=&txtHouseNo=... 6/8/2010 STATEMENT OF Ro�ert DeBeliis�l A '{ 15 2010 �0_�80 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 Pi� , Legisfative Hearing, �id Onion Liquor License Extension � e Everything I am about to say I believe to be true and presented to this forum in the spirit of open community debate. Introduction We are gathered here today to discuss the Wild Onion`s request for an extension of its liquor license to serve alcoho( on the patio. 42 owners of �ronertv that they occupy as their primary residence signed individual petitions in opposition to the Wild Onion's request. Please refer to the Big Map & Exhibirts 1 and 2 While it is recognized that renters are important stakeholders in the community, they represent a more transient population with a significant{y smailer and a shorter term commitment than the owner-occupied popufation. In other words they can vote with their feet at little or no expense. Historv The Wild Onion under its present name and ownership, namely lav Salmen and JQe Schaefer, in the neighbors opinion, have been the prime violators of the nei9hborhood's right to quiet and peaceful enjoyment afmost from the start. And after many years of specia� neighborhood meetings facifitated by the Summit Hiil Rssociation, it is the general impression expressed by many that violations of their quiet and peaceful enjoyment are escalating. The Summit Hill Association can document the many meetings over the years to address these problems, and by their own admission the inability to solve it. Position The grant+ng of any license is viewed as a privilege, as opposed to a right, that comes with certain obfigations and responsibilities. It is the general view that the Wild Onion has not iived up to its obiigations and responsibilities in its present ficense in regards to the neighborhood by offering a venue that does not clash with the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the neighborhood or at the very lea�t require= them� te take proactive steps tc significantly mitigate the impac� of their patrons. This is evidenced by the "rdct that a significant portion of "the deal" brokered by the Summit Hiil Association addresses this issue. [Type text] 10-780 The owners of the Wild Onion have stated that the issue of the fiquor license extension and the problems after 9:OOPM — Closing are separate issues. We disagree; why give the Wild Onion additional privileges, obfigations and responsibilities when in the opinion of many it clearly cannot handle the ones presently in place? Summit Hifl Association The Summit Hill Rssociation is acEing in good faith and feels they are trying to soive a long-running probfem. The Wiid Onion`s behavior has improved; thus the Summit Hiil Association feels these are reasons enough to enter into "the deal". Summit Hill Association bases the improved behavior on the facts fike two assaults at the Wild Onion in the past year compared to twelve the year prior. The Zoning and Land Use Committee of the Summit Hill Association afso related that police cails are lower but it was stated by one member that there are still twice as many calls to the Wild Onion address then the address of any of the Wild Onion`s peers on Grand Avenue. It is the sentiment af those living around the Wild Onion that upon exiting the patrons need to act in a more responsibie manner. The Land Use and Zoning Committee and the Board of the Summit Hill Association ignored the pleas of the neighbors not to recommend approval, again thinking they can solve the prob�em. Many board members said, "we know how you feel and know what you are going through" which the neighbors respectFully feel iliustrates the boards lack of appreciation of the history in this situation and demonstrated how uninformed the members are. Refer to Euhibit 3 The Wiid Onian The Wild Onion`s owners have stated on a number of occasions they there is no probiem or the problems are caused by patrons from other estabiishments; never once taking full respons;bility. Their �g fine to thvse claims of innocence; it cannot be proven that these are the patrons of the Wifd Onion. At midnight on most weekend nights the Lexington is closed as is ' ico Brasa, Punch and La Cucaracha. There are a few patrons (less tf�en 20) in Salut, Bonfire, �xi`s S'i- Ya and Grand Tavern. While it varies, most o the G� and Avenue estabiishments that sell aicohol are closed before 1:OOAM. Bil! ` ' ' open � t+ll 2:OOAM with crowds at Bil4v`s it has b�en observeci ��c�;aliy o�inc�sharply after 1:DOAM. Or� Tuesday, rriday and Saturday nights the Wild Onion is usually � crowded right up to closing that starts at 2:OOAM. It appears that the owners o` Wild Onion are asking us to suspend or ignore reafiry [TyPe text] 10-780 Conclusion So why woufd 42 owners of owner-occupied residences sign the petition? These people are successful professionais who live in homes ranging in price from $250.000 to over $1,500,000. They inciude doctors, senior business managers, professors, fawyers, architects, scientists, business owners and retirees. These are reasonable peopie that want only one thing. That one thing is: to enjoy their homes in relative peace, free from the afmost constant nuisance eaused by the Wild Onion. We are all aware that living near a commercial street may sometimes be challenging but not every Tuesday (birthday night), Friday and Saturday nights. Those nuisances include: the grouping of twenty or more people gathered in the smoking area that acts as a megaphone into the surrounding area when some patrons enthusiasticaliy engage in debate or revelry creating a high volume of noise; in the parking lot and in the neighborhood the yelling, the yelling of profanity, the litter and vandalism that has caused people to live at night in the front or back of their houses away from the disruption of the Wild Onion; the times that highfy inebriated individuals bang on front doors demanding entry because they are very confused or the moments of personal intimacy that are occasionaliy on dispfay and witnessed. These pattern of behavior should not have to be toferated anywhere in St. Paul. Some remember when the Wifd Onion served alcohol o� the patio when it did not have a license to do so, ignoring the law, which they fear it may do again. Refer to Exhibit 6 Many of the signers are motivated to sign because they feei this maybe one of the last chances they have to be heard on this issue. Many are concerned that once the license extension is granted that the Wild Onion will fight to keep it na matter what and that it is easier to stop now then it will be later. Comments from Signers As can be imagined many comments were made in the process of colfecting the signatures. Four are listed below. � � There are owners in the condos at the corner of Grand and Grotto that have had ; to replace their windows with expensive sound proof windou��s because of the �� \Wild Onion. �v It wouid be nice if smokers were not allowed to tdk drink f�=� +-� the patio after 9:30PM. The patio should be patrolled by saff for excessive noise. [T>'P° text] ia�so Refer to Exhibit 4 Over the years I have heard or observed these owners being told exactly what they shouid do. The late Nick Mancini, who attended a special neighborhood meeting faciiitated by the Summit Hiil Association years ago, listened to the complaints of the meeting participants and told Jay Safinen to listen and take care of the neighbors. In what seemed to be an endless skream of ineetings, some local luminaries have attended; incfuding the Western Area Commander of the St. Paui Police Department and then head of DSI for St. Paul and others, all feading up to today. The Wiid Onion has been cited on three occasions in the last several years for liquor iicense violations and found guilty in two of the three cases. The Wild Onion owners are now stating that their estabfishment is being discriminated against, witnessed by the fact that Brasa and Punch have outdoor beer and wine privileges and the Wiid Onion does not. The owners have threatened to sue the city if denied a license. The owners of the �Id Onion claim that their estabiishment is no different than any other establishment on Grand Avenue with a Liquor License but there are many differences. Below are listed the three most important. 1. The owners of the Wild Onion have claimed they are the only restaurant 2. 3. � � �� � � � � east of Lexington on Grand Avenue that does not have an outdoor liquor �� license. This is not the case; Grand Tavern, Bonfire, Cafe Latte and the Lexington do not have outdoor liquor licenses; in fact there is no outside � seating at any of these establishments. The four estabfishments that have full iiquor ficenses and the others that serve beer and wine are oriented differently and do not interface the adjacent residential area in the same manner that the Wiid Onion`s physical plant does. All Wild Onion outdoor spaces for patrons and parking face directiy to the south into the adjacent residential area. In most cases the other restaurant`s own building acts as a block for noise into the adjoining neighbors' property. All but one close much earfier than the Wild Onion. Refer to Exhibit 5 The average age of the patrons at the Wifd Onion is probabiy identical to any restau�ant on Grand Avenue throughout the course of the day until about 9:OOPM. After 9:OOPM the average age drops to college age youth and younger working adults. The atmosphere has b�n described from S:00 or 10:00PM until the crowd comp{etely disperses j�st around or before 2:25RM, as resembfing the warehouse district ir� N�inneapoiis. The Wild.Onion promotes itself as a birthday, bacheior and bacheiorette venue attracting a more youthful and less aicohol-experienced customers {ater in the night. [Tyne text] 10-780 The owners of the Wild Onion are profiting at the expense of their neighbors by / not properfy policing their business. /j � I just wish it would stop. [Type text; 10-780 »> "Robert Debellis" <robertstarCo�comcast.net> 3/Z/2010 9:18 AM »> SHA Zoning & Land Use Committee: I am Boti DeBellis; I live at 781 Lincoln Avenue directly behind The Wild Onion. You have probably read my wife Fay's email concerning this subject and I agree whole heartedly with her views and then some. I am not going to rehash what she said but bring emphasis to a real concern I have about The Wild Onion's effort to gain a license to serve alcohol on their patio. It is my belief that Joe Schaefer and 7ay Salman view dealing with the complaints about their establishment from the neighbors and dealing with the Summit Hill Association as a nuisance and a cost of doing business. As long as they are making money they really do not care about their place in the community and they will provide lip service, make promises and in the end do as little as possible to improve the situation. On Wednesday night before the Zoning & Land Use Committee they will tell you anything in order to gain permission to serve alcohol on the patio from a year long trial, to limits on the hour of operation. A reasonable person might agree because well if they are willing to do a test or put limits on the hour of operation that is, well reasonable. I would agree with this idea but I have dealt with Joe and Jay for a long time and know they do not keep their word. I fear that any opportunity to serve alcohoi outside is going to be taken advantage of and exacerbate the problems that already exist. I urge you to turn down their application completely and below is why. * Some years back, 5 or 6 year maybe longer, The Wild Onion first applied to open the patio for food and liquor service. The application was approved for food service but not liquor service. Joe and )ay's response was to sell alcohol on the patio anyway in violation of the permit. The serving of alcohol only stopped when a couple of years after they started engaging in this illegal activity they were reported to the city. Some would say they made an innocent mistake but Joe Schaefer has been in the bai business a long time and knows very well what the rules are. No this was a calculated risk they were willing to take and one the suspected would not have too great a consequence. They were warned and stopped, they were correct in their assumption about consequences * Joe and Jay have claimed that they do not allow party bus passengers to disembark in front of T1�e Wild Onion and if they do they are not allowed admittance in their estabiishment. Again not true, I have witnessed on numerous occasion buses outside The Wild Onion's front door and people flowing out of the bus into The Wild Onion. We also have suffered from the noise and distraction ofi the buses parking in front of out house many times on the side o` the street that does not allow parking. x Joe Schaefer has claimed after we complained that the garbage trucks never show up before 7:OOAM in the morning. The reason he is so confident; the GPS on the trucks always show that they are never their before 7:OOAM. Well Joe, what are those big trucks that are yellow, sometimes white with NITTI SANITATION painted on the side doing in The Wild Onion parking lot at io-�so �ust after 6:OOAM at least once a week? * )ay Salman has stated on many occasions and he probably will Wednesday night before the committee that he is wiliing and wants to work with the neighbors. Joe and Jay informed the SHA a couple of years back that they will no longer attend meetings that concern their establishment. Again displaying the attitude we will do what we want a�d do care about the ramifications of their actions. Last year The Wild Onion attempted to get enough residents to sign a petition to allow out alcohol sales. They were received less then 15% of the signatures necessary, as I recall the neighbors have spoken. * Joe Schaefer said that he would hire a company to sweep the alley, neverhappened. * The Wild Onion claims that they patrol the parking lot at closing in an effort to get patrons to leave quickly and quietly. The Wild Onion was sighted recently for not properly policing the parking lot and found guilty of that violation. The Wild Onion claims that they walk the neighborhood after closing to pick up garbage and other litter left by their patrons. I frequently pick up cans and bottle thrown over the fence. How do I know; I have witnessed it happen from my o�ce window that overlooks 80% of the parking lot and cleaned up the broken glass that has a break pattern that indicates it came from over the fence. * On the subject of violations; the parking lot policing violation is one of three issued to The Wild Onion over the last four years or so. The first violation concerned the over serving of a customer. The other violation that The Wild Onion was found guilty of involved the service to a minor. * Over the last 12 months The Wild Onion has had 332 police calls that have been documented by the St. Paul Police Department. The 332 do not include the numerous calls to police from the neighbors concerning noise and ruckus behavior by overly excited and quite possibly over served patrons of The Wild Onion. * If The Wild Onion is �ust a fun place that desires to fit into the neighborhood why are police patrol cars stationed in the parking lot across the street at closing on many Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights. This goes to a bigger issue; how much of the St Paul's limited resources are )oe and Jay willing to expend to quell the bad behavior of their Wild Onion patrons. The police have better things to do then ensure that these, for the most part, younger people, do not hurt themselves, others and disrupt the neighborhood. * Joe and Jay claim that The Wild Onion does not promote drinking in excess. Go to The Wild Onion website www.wild-onion.net <htto�Uwww wild-onion.net/> and read about the Birthday House and the Bachelorette Headquarters and the "Complimentary Beverage" which in the past talked about it being filled all night. I have witnessed at closing time people walking out of The Wild Onion that have a hard time not falling down, maybe they are very tired. I have witnessed patrons of The Wild Onion be sick upon leaving the bar, maybe they have the flu. * Joe and Jay claim to be responsible owners. I do not agree. My wife and I have supported 2 establishments being granted an outdoor liquor licenses in the past two years. We support the neighborhood's locai businesses at every opportuniry. We do not patronize The Wiid Onion. I have lived here through four owner of space that The Wild Onion now occupies. i cannot wait for them to sell out. 10-780 On Wednesday night there will be many people who have witnessed many of the things I have. They have been at many of the SHA meeting where Joe and Jay said what I have written above. I ihink I can confidenily say tnat we do not have a vendetta against Joe Schaefer and ]oe Salman, we just want them to control their empioyees and patrons so that their presents is not a burden or nuisance to their neighbors. Unfortunately, they do not understand or probably better put "don't give a damn". So until their actions change dramatically; meaning no 332 police calls, no screaming yelling kids disturbing the night, no violations and keeping their word - NO PATIO LIQUOR LICENSE. Questions/concerns call me at 612 840 4522. 10-780 »> "Robert Debellis" <robertstar(o�comcast.net> 3/10/ZO10 7:14 AM »> Friends in the "ITS TIME TO PEEL THE ONION "CAMPAIGN: We need to make noise. One of the tactics of the enemy is to wear us and SHA down by repeatedly attempting approval, fabrications and meetings. Tomorrow night. 3/il/10, the full SHA Board will discuss and vote on the recommendation of the Zoning and Land Use Committee. If this approval should indeed make it to the city wide levei we must demonstrate our steadfast determination to oppose and eventually defeat the approval to our city fathers. I highly encourage you to be Chere. If you cannot attend please send me your prory or email the Summit Hili Association. You can even send the email you sent last time and say you still feel the same if not stronger about the opposition. Yet Again, another call to action! BOB 612 840 4522 From: Robert Debellis jmailto•robertstarCa�comcast.netl Sent: Monday, March O8, 2010 7:55 PM To: 'Robert Debellis'; 'DeBellis, Fay M'; 'Tom Richardson'; 'Susan Gillette'; 'Rich Laffin'; 'margaret gadient'; Turner, Betsy E'; 'summithillC�visi.com'; 'Silberhom, Susan'; 'Diane Hilden'; 'Merritt Clapp-Smith'; 'McCall Don'; 'Pat Lindgren'; 'Margaret E.T. Johnson'; 'Pesek, Bill'; 'Jeff Young'; 'Mark Sutheriand'; 'Maureen Flahaven'; 'Christine Rozek'; 'Sandy Duvander'; 'Michael Carroll'; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBellis'; 'DaveThuneC�ci stqaul mn us'; 'leqislativehearinqs(alci stoaul mn.us'; 'patricia lindqrenCa�cistpaul.mn.us'; 'cpcsummithiliCa�visi com'; 'nebaridocCa�vahoo.com'; 'amvteresareidCalvahoo.com' Subject: RE: Wild Onion Patio License to Serve Alcohol Friends in the "ITS TIME TO PEEL THE ONION" CAMPAIGN: Thursday night 3/11/10 the full board of the Summit Hill Association will vote on the recommendation of tne Zoning and Land Use Committee. Time 7:OOPM at Linwood. 15 minutes for and opposed vie��s will be heard. We can possibly stop the enemy in their tracks. ia�so WE AGAIN MUST RALLY THE TROOPS SO OUR OPPOSITIOfV IS KNOWN�. As I guess you have gathered by now, I am very much opposed a patio liquor license in any way, shape or form. NO WAY, NO HOW! If you cannot be present send me your proay so when I say I speak for more then myself against the enemy, it cannot be challenged. This time from Shakespeare's Henry V, Act III "Once more into the breach dear friends, once more ........" As always in these matters, your servant, Bob DeBeilis Mobile 612 840 4522 Home 292 0369 From: Robert Debellis [mailto�robertstarCa�comcast.netl Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 7:37 AM To: 'DeBellis, Fay M'; Tom Richardson'; 'Susan Gillette'; 'Rich Laffin'; 'margaret gadient'; 'Turner, Betsy E'; 'summithiilCalvisi.com'; 'Silberhorn, Susan'; 'Diane Hilden'; 'Merritt Clapp-Smith'; 'McCall Don'; 'Pat Lindgren'; 'Margaret E.T. Johnson'; 'Pesek, Bill'; 'Jeff Young'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Maureen Flahaven'; 'Christine Rozek'; 'Sandy Duvander'; 'Michaei Carroll'; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBellis'; 'Dave ThuneC�ci.stoaul.mn.us'; 'IeqislativehearinqsCa�ci stpaul mn us'; '�atricia lindctrenCalci stoaul mn us'; 'cpcsummithillCa�visi com'; 'nebaridocCa�vahoo.com ; 'amvteresareidCa�yahoo.com' Subject: RE: Wild Onion Patio License to Serve Alcohol Take heart my friends, as Winston Churchill said: "We shall not flag or fail. "We shail go on to the end, we shall fight in Summit Hill, we shail fight on the lawns and sidewalks, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in our neighborhood, we shall defend our right for quiet enjoyment whatever the cost my be, we shall fight on the beaches (alieys), we shall fght on the grounds, we shall fght in the felds and in the streets, we shall fght in the hilis; we shall never surrender -----" We are a good bunch of people that have worked hard to contribute to the revival of this neighborhood and rightfully deserve better treatment. If others cannot appreciate our claims they must be forced to. Using their tadics of evasion, shading the truth, obscuring responsibility and misrepresentations these two little people think they can push us around. io-�so Well its time to stand up to them in the same manner as England did it its hour of need 70 years ago against the . Let our blazing shiny sword of righteousness come down on these serpents' necks. Our rally cry will be, "1T5 TIME TO PEEL THE ONION" Some of us eat guys like this for lunch everyday. Some of us know peopie that can come to our aid. Some can organize rings around anything. Other have talents they have not called on for years, that are so fair superior to anything our enemy can muster, the problem might be eliminated in a flash. It is time to focus our intellects, our talents and our resources on straightening these guys out once and for all. If we do not take decisive action now, we will be doomed to suffer for years to come. This is our neighborhood, we live here; the enemy comes to profit at our expense. Its time to return the favor and be as monstrously unreasonable in our demands as the enemy is. "IT'S TIME TO PEEL THE ONION!" The first order of business is to enlist and raliy our neighbors to our cause. Lets make a special attempt to reach out to kindred suffering souls in the high-rise condo on Grand. Lets search out the like minded souls in the apartments on the corner. Careful here, some residents think the idea is "cool". I would like in less then a fortnight to present to Yhe "task force" a petition that demonstrates overwheiming opposition to the patio and the Onion. This is only the first step; other things are in the works. I will keep you advised. I appreciate that most of you do not suffer the same high degree of disruption that I do living directly behind the enemy. But I do know, from talking with many of you, that you are impacted and are not happy about it and certainly adamantly opposed to any escalation in disruptive behavior. I predict that if the enemy gets their way, the escalation is inevitable. The fact that a license is required for alcoho� service on the patio indicated that this activity has responsibilities and privileges attached to it by our city government. Its time to take it to the city level, not so much for them to act but to keep them in the loop and prepare them if it should reach that level. The enemy wants to take all the privileges but none of the responsibility. From my bunker overlooking the Wild Onion. More to follow. Bob DeBellis 612-840-45ZZ 10-780 From: Robert Debe4lis [mailto•sobertstar(acomcast.netl Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:01 PM To: 'Robert Debellis'; 'DeBeliis, Fay M'; Tom Richardson'; 'Susan Giliette'; 'Rich La�n'; 'margaret gadien['; 'Turner, Betsy E'; 'summithill(a�visi.com'; 'Silberhorn, Susan'; 'Diane Hilden'; 'Merritt Clapp-Smith'; 'McCall Don'; 'Pat Lindgren'; 'Margaret E.T. Johnson'; 'Pesek, Bill'; 'Jeff Young'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Maureen Flahaven'; 'Christine Rozek'; 'Sandy Duvander'; 'Michael Carroll'; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBelfis'; 'Dave ThuneCa�ci st�aul.mn.us'; 'IeqisiativehearinasCa�ci stpaul mn us'; 'patricia lindqren(a�ci stoaui mn us'; 'cpcsummithillCo�visi.com'; 'nebaridocCalyahoo.com' Subjed: RE: Wild Onion Patio License to Serve Alcohol 7W0 CORRECTIONS: 1. Jay Salman should be spelled Salmen. 2. The Wild Onion garnered less then 33% of the necessary signatures or that is threshold established for the process we are now engaged in. For some reason I remember getting 15%, either way, The Wild Onion didn't come close by a big margin. From: Robert Debellis fmailto•robertstarCa�comcast.netl Sent: Tuesday, �larch 02, 2010 9:19 AM To: 'DeBellis, Fay M'; Tom Richardson'; 'Robert Debellis'; 'Susan Gillette'; 'Rich Laffin'; 'margaret gadient'; Turner, Betsy E'; 'summithiliC�visi.com';'Silberhorn, Susan';'Diane Hiiden`;'Merritt Clapp-Smith'; 'McCail Don'; 'Pat Lindgren'; 'Margaret E.T. )ohnson'; 'Pesek, Bill'; 'Jeff Young'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Maureen Flahaven'; 'Christine Rozek'; 'Sandy Duvander'; 'Michael Carroll'; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBeilis'; 'Dzve ThuneCo�cist�aul.mn.us'; 'Ieqisfativ�hearinasCa>cistoaul.mn.us'; 'patricia lindarenCalci stoau( mn.us'; ' co�sum m ithi I I Ca�visi.com' Subject: Wild Onion Patio License to Serve Alcohol SHA Zoning & Land Use Committee: io-�so I am Bob DeBellis; I live at 781 Lincoln Avenue directly behind The Wild Onion. You have probably read my wife Fay's email concerning this subject and I agree whole heartedly with her views and then some. I am not going to rehash what she said but bring emphasis to a real concern I have about The W ild Onio�'s effort to gain a lice�se to serve alcohol on their patio. It is my belief that Joe Schaefer and Jay Salman view dealing with the complaints about their establishment from the neighbors and dealing with the Summit Hill Association as a nuisance and a cost of doing business. As long as they are making money they really do not care about their place in the community and they will provide lip service, make promises and in the end do as Iittle as possible to improve the situation. On Wednesday night before the Zoning & Land Use Committee they will tell you anything in order to gain permission to serve aicohoi on the patio from a year long trial, to limits on the hour of operation. A reasonable person might agree because well if they are willing to do a test or put limits on the hour of operation that is, well reasonable. I wouid agree with this idea but I have dealt with Joe and ]ay for a long time and know they do not keep their word. I fear that any opportunity to serve alcohol outside is going to be taken advantage of and exacerbate the problems that already exist. I urge you to turn down their application completely and below is why. * Some years back, 5 or 6 year maybe longer, The Wiid Onion first applied to open the patio for food and liquor service. The application was approved for food service but not liquor service. Joe and Jay's response was to sell alcohol on the patio any�vay in violation of the permit. The serving of alcohol only stopped when a couple of years after they started engaging in this illegal activity they were reported to the city. Some would say they made an innocent mistake but Joe Schaefer has been in the bar business a tong time and knows very well what the rules are. No this was a calculated risk they were willing to take and one the suspected would not have too great a consequence. They were warned and stopped, they were correct in their assumption about consequences * Joe and Jay have claimed that they do not allow party bus passengers to disembark in front of The Wild Onion and if they do they are not allowed admittance in their establishment. Again not true, I have witnessed on numerous occasion buses outside The Wild Onion's front door and people flowing out of the bus into The Wild Onion. We also have suffered from the noise and distraction of the buses parking in front of out house many times on the side of the street that does not allow parking. * Joe Schaefer has claimed after we complained that the garbage trucks never show up before 7:OOAM in the morning. The reason he is so confident; the GPS on the trucks always show that they are never their before 7:OOAM. Well ]oe, what are those big trucks that are yellow, sometimes white with NI7TI SANIfATION pamted on the side doing in The Wiid Onion parking lot at just after 6:DOAM at least once a week? * Jay Sa4man has stated on many occasions and he Qrobably will Wednesday night before the committee that he is willing and wan+s to work with the neighbors. Joe and 3ay informed the SHA a couple of years back that they will no longer attend meetings that concern their establishment. Again displaying the attitude we will do what we want and do care about the ramifcations of their actions. Last year The Wild Onion attempted to get enough residents to sign a petition to allow out alcohol sales. They were received less then 15% of the signatures necessary, as I recall the neighbors have spoken. io-�so * Joe Schaefer said that he would hire a company to sweep the alley, neverhappened. * The Wild Onion claims that they patrol the parking lot at closing in an effort to get patrons to Ieave quickly and quietly. The Wild Onion was sighted recently for not properly policing the parking lot and found guilty of that violation. The Wild Onion claims that they walk the neighborhood after closing to pick up garbage and other litter left by their patrons. I frequently pick up cans and bottle thrown over the fence. How do I know; I have witnessed it happen from my office window that overlooks 80% of the parking lot and cleaned up the broken glass that has a break pattern that indicates it came from over the fence. * On the subject of violations; the parking lot policing violation is one of three issued to The Wild Onion over the last four years or so. The first violation concerned the over serving of a customer. The other violation that The Wild Onion was found guilty of involved the service to a minor. * Over the last 1Z months The Wild Onion has had 332 police calls that have been documented by the St. Paul Police Department. The 332 do not inciude the numerous calis to police from the neighbors concerning noise and ruckus behavior by overly excited and quite possibly over served patrons of The Wild Onion. * If The Wild Onion is just a fun place that desires to fit into the neighborhood why are police patrol cars stationed in the parking lot across the street at closing on many Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights. This goes to a bigger issue; how much of the St Paul's limited resources are Joe and Jay wiiling to expend to quell the bad behavior of their Wild Onion patrons. The police have better things to do then ensure that these, for the most part, younger people, do not hurt themselves, others and disrupt the neighborhood. * 7oe and Jay claim that The Wild Onion does not promote drinking in excess. Go to The Wild Onion website www.wild-onion.net <http�//www wild-onion.neth and read about the Birthday House and the Bachelorette Headquarters and the "Complimentary Beverage" which in the past talked about it being filled all night. I have witnessed at closing time peopie walking out of The Wild Onion that have a hard time not falling down, maybe they are very tired. I have witnessed patrons of The Wild Onion be sick upon leaving the bar, maybe they have the flu. * Joe and Jay claim to be responsible owners. I do not agree. My wife and I have supported 2 establishments being granted an outdoor liquor licenses in the past two years. We support the neighborhood's local businesses at every opportunity. We do not patronize The Wild Onion. I have lived here through four owner of space that The Wild Onion now occupies. I cannot wait for them to sell out. On Wednesday night there wiil be many people who have witnessed many of the things I have. They have been at many of the SHA meeting where Joe and Jay said what I have written above. I think I can confidently say that we do not have a vendetta against Joe Schaeier and ]oe Salman, w° just want them to controi their employees and patrons so that their presents is not a burden or nuisance to their neighbors. Unfortunately, they do not understand or probably better put "don't give a damn". So until their actions change dramatically; meaning no 332 police calis, no screaming yelling kids disturbing the night, no violations and keeping their word - NO PATIO LIQUOR LICENSE. 10-780 Questions/concerns call me at 612 840 4522. ia�so »> margaret gadient <marqaretqadientC�msn com> 3/2/2010 4:28 PM »> Tom, Here are the answers to the questions that I had. I asked Jeff if he could answer them for me. When I asked if I could forward them to the neighbors,as you suggested, he verified with Christine Roxek questions 1,2,3,6. He did not address 4& 5 with her. I will try to make the meeting on Wednesday evening. We had a party bus parked in front of our house last Saturday evening when we arrived home at about 11:30. We also had a young man banging on our door and ringing our bell at about 4 a.m. September of last year. The police were called and they picked this young man up and took him away. They said that they often have calls like this, but they are usualiy in the University of St. Thomas neighborhood. The young man was hard to understand, but it sounded like he fell asleep outside somewhere and was very disoriented. The next morning we discovered the porch carpet had been vomited on - it was not salvageable after trying to hose it down. We could not identify where the young man had been over served, but the situation was both startling and disconcerting. Activity may be getting worse, rather than better in the neighborhood. I cannot identify the Wild Onion as having served this young man, 6ut they are the first establishment I think of due to proximity, reputation, and attitude. Margaret 1. What is the current time for closing of the patio service? G� Jeff said he thought that the time for closing service was around dusk (Would that be around 10 p.m.?) 2. How would they °nforce no liquor on the back smoking patio? io-�ao Jeff said enforcement of " no liquor " in the smoking area in back would have to be worked out if the liquor license for the patio was approved. Currently they have someone who is monitoring the back door to the smoking area, so no one brings alcohol outside. 3. How much more dining area could they move up to the front of the building ? Jeff said they currently have the ability to serve food on the sidewalk area without removing any of the current outdoor dining if they choose to use the sidewalk cafe license. 4. What could be put in the back area if the smoking was moved to the front door? Jeff said Don't know (perhaps more dining?) 5. Would they want to work with the neighbors to move activity from the back of the establishment to the front? Jeff said I have no idea on this, they haven't indicated their plans at this point. -(How does that affect the Grand Ave Condo residents?) 6. How often can they make these requests? Jeri said as often as they want, from the sounds of it. 10-780 From: tomrichardsonCa�ens.net To: gillette8178Calmsn com; richC�rlaffinarch.com; marqaretqadientCo>msn.com; Betsv E TurnerCo�HealthPartners.Com; summithillCo�visi.com; silberhornsC�comcast.net; cpcsummithillC�visi.com; fav debellisCo�morqanstanlev.com; robertstarCa>comcast.net; merrittclaqnsmithCalqmail.com DonCaIliC�ens.net Patricia LindqrenC�ci stoaul mn.us; mPti745Calhotmail.com; BiII PesekCa�cistpaul.mn.us; JSYCo�oobox.com; markhsutherlandCa�aol.com; mcFlahavenC�aol.com; Christine RozekCa�ci.stoaul.mn.us; slduvand776C�yahoo.com; MACARROLLKWC�Comcast.net; caroleshaC�aoi.com; dcharlestCa�qmail.com Subjed: Wild Onion Patio Liquor License Request Date: Sun, Zl Feb 2010 16:12:46 -0600 Dear Neighbors: As you probably know by now the Wiid Onion has again applied for a license to serve liquor outdoors on their patio. A letter from the City and postcard hearing notice from the Summit Hill Association (SHA) have gone out to neighbors. SHA will consider the appiication at 2 meetings as follows: Zoning & Land Use Committee Hearing - Wednesday, March 3, 7 PM, Linwood Rec Center SHA Board Meeting - Thursday, March 11. The March 3 meeting is very important as this is where the application will be discussed in detail, testimony will be taken from the applicant and neighbors, and a position wiil be formulated for the SHA Board to consider. As the Wild Onion does not intend to seek a majority of neighbor's approval, they wiil need SHA approval to go forward for consideration by the City. Their application dies without SHA approval. I've had discussiors with the SHA Board Chairman and Exec Director as weil as Christine Rozek of the City regarding the application. The Wild Onion is also meeting and discussing the application with them to see if some common ground can be found. If approval is recommended and/or occurs, it can be done with condicions designed to address specific concerns. Ideas that are currently 10-780 out'there that I'm aware of include: If approval is considered, City Staff recommends a condition that the patio be closed and cleared by 9:30 PM By condition, liquor service can be limited to just the seating area, with liquor disallowed on the smoking patio at ali times. The license can be approved on a 1 year trial basis. Eliminating the smoking area in back and requiring smokers to use the sidewalk in front is being discussed. Moving the outdoor dining area to the front of the building has been discussed. It is possible to place a condition on the license which allows liquor service only to folks who have ordered food, however, enforcement of such a condition can be di�cult. The City Code requires that conditions be agreeable to the Wild Onion. In my mind the SHA still has control however as it can disapprove the application if the Wild Onion will not agree. Personally, Don and I are trying to keep an open mind on the application. In theory we don't have a problem with outdoor food service that includes a drink similar to Braza or Punch Pizza. We are very concerned that if the patio has a"bar atmosphere" it will greatly impact our quality of Iife. The Wild Onion does not have a good track record and has been the cause of ongoing disturbance in the past. Eliminating the smoking patio in back of the Wild Onion would give folks on Lincoln quite a bit of relief from noise but may cause more problems on Grand Avenue. It is important that all neighbors voice their opinions and concerns on this. If you can, please attend the Summit Hiil Association meetings. Also, please submit your opinion in writing. I'd recommend sending it to all of the following: Summit Hill Assoaation: Jeff Roy - summithill�visi.com Diane 10-780 Hilden - cpcsummithiilCa�visi.com City Councii: dave thuneCalci stpaui mn us patricia lind4renCa�ci stpaul mn us tegislative Heasing O�cer: IeaislativehearinqsCa�ci stoaul mn us City Staff: Christine RozekC�clstpaul.mn.us I've included several neighbors on this e-mail but it is only a fraction of the folks close to the Wild Onion. Please pass the word to your neighbors, especially the folks in the nearby condominiums. Don and I will not be able to attend on March 3 and will submit a letter. Tom Richardson Don McCall 786 Lincoln Avenue 10-780 Flahaven'<mailto•mcflahavenCa�aol.com> ; 'Christine Rozek'<mailto•Christine.RozekC�cistpaul.mn.us> ; 'Sandy Duvander'<maiito•sldwand776Ca�vahoo.com> ; 'Michael Carroll'<mailto:MACARROLLKVV(o�Comcast.net> ; 'Pesek Carole'<mailto:caroieshaCalaol.com> ; 'Doug Taylor`<mailto:dcharlest mail.com> ; '8ob DeBelfis'<mailto•rdebe4{fsCalenduranceamerica.com> ; Dave.ThuneCa�cistpaul.mn.us<mailto•Dave ThuneCa�cistpaul mn.us> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:30 PM Subjed; RE: Wild Onion Patio Liquor License Request Bob & I both will respond in writing to the folks listed below. To share with you alI our general thoughts and to encourage everyone to respond; let me share some of our thoughts. As the folks that live directly behind the Wild Onion we experience the noise beyond any acceptab{e levels all too frequently. I can only imagine alcohol on the back patio at anytime making matters much worse. I fear the summer! What is the Wild Onion? It's drunk, over-served, unsupervised young men fighting and yelling in the parking lot and the street. IYs the party buses on our street. IYs the garbage at 6am. It's the home of the famous power hour for the local college kids. A kid died in Mankato last year from power hour. Will one die this year at the Onion? Its Tuesday Birthday night: come drink free all night long if you bring paying friends. Its damage to our properiy. Splat balis on our homes. Ouf American Flag sto4e�. Our pots in the summer stolen or broken and our children's pumpkins smashed. Its drunk loud trespassers on our porch at 2am. It's always something. It's never nothing. The owners of the Onion have proven to us all time and time again that they are unwiliing to honestly participate in finding a place for us to all co-exist happily. They have lied over and over again about what they would do. These aren't stand up guys. One has been sued for sexual harassment. Then his lawyer got sued for the same thing at the same bar, the Moose. Tfie other owner was Petter's {awyer for a time. That same "gentleman" did a veiled threat of ine through my former boss. The other almost punched out my husband at the courthouse after a hearing last year. This is who we are dealing with. There is no compromise with men of no morals. Conditions on a license? Garbage after 7am? Not happening. Adequate patrol of their parking lots? Not happening. Patrol of the neighborhood? I have been yelled at by their bouncers at 2am. Who are those guys patroliing? Party buses not allowed? They must park in fronY of our house so their riders have to sober up on their way back from Billys. We have seen the police reports that substantiate over-serving, fighting and sometimes under-aged served kids. Note these kids get in cars and drive away in our neighborhood. We'll get more recent police reports for the meetings coming up. By the way that fence they so kindly put up: Was that for us? Or, was it to hide their parking lot? It doesn't work for noise abatement so I think it was to block the view since one of the sanctions they received iast year was due to a police o�cer being able to see through he focmer iron fence bars into the parking lot. So, that is our experience and our view. We'd appreciate anyone taking the time to respond to the appropriate folks below. Fay From: Tom Rlchardson �mailto•zomrichardsonC�ens.netl Sent: Sunday, February Zl, 2010 4:13 PM To: Susan Gillette; Rich Laffn; margaret gadient; Tumer, Betsy E; summithill(o�visi.com; Silberhorn, Susan; Diane Hilden; Debellis, Fay; BOB DEBELLIS; Merritt Ciapp-Smith; McCall Don; Pat Lindgren; Margaret E.T. Johnson; Pes°k, Biil; Jeff Young; Mark Sutherland; Maureen Flahaven; Christine Rozek; Sandy Duvander; Michael Carroll; Pesek Carole; Doug Taylor Subjed: Wild Onion Paiio Liquor License Request D�ar Neighbors: 10-780 As you probably know by now the Wild Onion has again applied for a license to serve liquor outdoors on their patio. A letter from the City and postcard hearing notice from the Summit Hill Association (SNA) have gone out to neighbors. SHA will consider the application at 2 meetings as follows: * Zoning & tand Use Committee Hearing - Wednesday, March 3, 7 PM, Linwood Rec Center * SHA Board Meeting - Thursday, March 11. The March 3 meeting is very important as this is where the application will be discussed in detail, testimony will be taken from the applicant and neighbors, and a position will be formulated for the SHA Board to consider. As the Wild Onion does not intend to seek a majority of neighbor's approval, they will need SHA approval to go forward for consideration by the City. Their application dies without SHA approval. I've had discussions with the SHA Board Chairman and Exec Director as well as Christine Rozek of the City regarding the appiication. The Wild Onion is aiso meeting and discussing the application with them to see if some common ground can be found. If approval is recommended and/or occurs, it can be done with conditions designed to address specific concerns. Ideas that are currently out there that I'm aware of inciude: * If approva� is considered, City Staff recommends a condiCion that the patio be closed and cleared by 9:30 PM * By condition, liquor service can be limited to just the seating area, with liquor disallowed on the smoking patio at all times. * The license can be approved on a 1 year trial basis. * Eliminating the smoking area in back and requiring smokers to use the sidewalk in front is being discussed. * Moving the outdoor dining area to the front of the building has been discussed. * It is possible to piace a condition on the license which aliows liquor service only to folks who have ordered food, however, enforcement of such a condition can be difficult. The City Code requires that conditions be agreeable to the Wild Onion. In my mind the SHA still has control however as it can disapprove the application if the Wild Onion will not agree. Personally, Don and I are trying to keep an open mind on the application. In theory we don't have a problem with outdoor food service that includes a drink similar to Braza or Punch Pizza. We are very concerned that if the patio has a"bar atmosphere" it will greatly impact our quality of life. The Wild Onion does not have a good track record and has been the cause of ongoing disturbance in the past. Eliminating the smoking patio in back of the Wild Onion would give folks on Lincoln quite a bit of relief from noise but may cause more problems on Grand Avenue. It is important that all neighbors voice their opinions and concerns on this. If you can, please attend the Summit Hill Association meetings. Also, please submit your opinion in writing. I'd recommend sending it to all of the following: Summit Hill Association: Jeff Roy - summithillCa�visi.com<mailto summithillCa�visi.com> Diane Hilden - cocsummithill�visi.com<mailto•wcsummithillCa�visi.com> City Council: dave.th u nena ci stoa u I. m n. us < ma ilto • dave.thu ne;�ci. st�a u I. m n. us oatricia.lindaren'�ci.stoaul.mn.us<mailtc•oatricia lindarenCa�ci stoaul.mn.us> 10-780 Legislative Hearing O�cer: le4islativehearinqsna ci stpaul mn us<maiito•IeqislativehearinqsCaci stoaul mn us> City Staff: Christine RozekCa�ci stpaul mn.us<mailto•Christine RozekCo�ci.stpaul.mn.us> I've included several neighbors on this e-mail but it is only a fraction of the foiks close to the Wild Onion. Please pass the word to your neighbors, especially the folks in the nearby condominiums. Don and I will not be able to attend on March 3 and will submit a letter. Tom Richardson Don McCall 786 Lincoln Avenue Important Notice to Recipients: It is important that you do �ot use e-mail to request, authorize or effect the purchase or sale of any security or commodity, to send fund transfer instructions, or to effect any other transactions. Any such request, orders, or instructions that you send will not be accepted and will not be processed by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. The Global Wealth Management Group of Morgan Staniey & Co. Incorporated and the Smith Barney division of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. have combined into Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, a new investment adviser and broker-dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The sender of this email is an employee of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Important discfosures regarding the relationship between the companies that are the subject of Morgan Stanley & Co.Incorporated or CitiInvestment Research & Analysis research reports and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC and its affiliates are available on the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney disclosure website at htto�liwww moraanstanlevsmithbarnev com/researchdisclosures If received in error, please destroy and notify sender. Sender does not intend to waive confidentiality or privilege. Use of this email is prohibited when received in error. We may monitor and store emails to the extent permitted by applicable law. ia�so From: Patricia Lindgren To: Vang, Nhia Date: 3(1(ZO10 3:I5 PM Subject: Fwd: RE: Formal response to Wild Onion Liquor License Request Funny »> "DeBellis, Fay M° <Fav Debellis(�morqanstanlevsmithbarnev com> 3/1/2010 11:46 AM »> Amendment - 788 Grand Avenue not 78 t�incoln Avenue. My apo�ogies to the residents at 788 Lincoln. Fay M. DeBellis CFP(r) Senior Vice President Wealth Advisor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Z25 South 6th Street, Suite 5100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 W) 612-340-6746 C) 612-963-0833 Fax 612-340-1773 toll free 800-786-6770 fav debellisCo�morqanstanley.com<mailto•fay debellisCalmorqanstanlev.com> See our family's mission at www debe{lismartinioartv.us<http�//www debellismartinipastv.us!> * If you want to visit my Wealth Advisor Homepage, please click here<htto Uwww morqanstanlevindividual com/customerservice/fahomeoaqefdefault asq�FA=/fa/fav deb eilis>.� Investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, member SIPC. From: DeBellis, Fay M(Branch 364) Sent: Monday, March 01, ZO10 11:36 AM To: Tom Richardson; Robert Debellis; 'Susan Gi�{ette'; 'Stich La�n'; 'margaret gadient'; 'Turner, Betsy E'; summithill(a�visi.com; 'Silberhorn, Susan'; 'Diane Hilden'; 'Merritt Clapp-Smith'; 'McCali Don'; 'Pat Linogren'; 'Margaret E.T. Johnson'; 'Pesek, Bill'; 7eff Young ;'Mark Sutherland'; 'Maureen Flahaven'; 'Christine Rozek'; 'Sandy Dwander; 'Michael Carroll'; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBellis'; Dave.ThunenocLstoaul.mn.us; IeaislativehearinqsCaci stoaul.mn us; patricia lindorennacistoaul.mn.us; c�csummithillCa�visi.com Subject: Formal response to Wild Onion Liquor License Request Attached please find my response to the Wild Onion's request for a liquor license for their outside patio. Thank you for your consideration. 10-780 Fay M. DeBeilis CFP(r) Senior Vice President Wealth Advisor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney ZZS South 6th Street, Suite 5100 Minneapolis, MN 55402 W) 61Z-340-6746 C)61Z-963-0833 Fax 612-340-1773 tollfree 800-786-6770 f� debellisC�morqanstanlev.com<mailto•fav debellisCa�morqanstanlev.com> See our family's mission at www.debeliismartini�arty.us<h�'//www debellismartinioar[v.us/> * If you want to visit my Wealth Advisor Homepage, please click here<htto //www mor4anstanlekndividual com/customerservice/fahomepaqe/default asp�FA=/fa/fav deb ellis>. Investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, member SIPC. From: Tom Richardson (maiito:tomrichardsonC�ens.netl Sent: Monday, February zz, ZO10 7:15 PM To: Robert Debellis; 'Susan Gillette'; 'Rich Laffin'; 'margaret gadient'; 'Turner, Betsy E'; summithill visi.com; 'Silberhorn, Susan'; 'Diane Hilden'; DeBellis, Fay M(Branch 364); 'Merritt Clapp- Smith'; 'McCall Don'; 'Pat Lindgren'; 'Margaret E.T. Johnson'; 'Pesek, Biil'; 'Jeff Young'; 'Mark Sutherland'; 'Maureen P4ahaven'; 'Chnstine Rozek'; 'Sandy Duvander'; 'Michael CarrolP; 'Pesek Carole'; 'Doug Taylor'; 'Bob DeBellis'; Dave.ThuneCalci stpaul.mn.us Subjed: Re: Wild Onion Patio Liquor License Request Thanks Fay. Replying to all on these e-maiis is a great way for us to have a forum among the neighbors and share our thoughts, concerns, questions about the Wild Onions application. I hope this continues. Tom Richardson ----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Debellis<mailto•robertstarCa�comcast.net> To: 'Tom Richardson'<mailto�tomrichardson(olens.net> ; 'Susan Gillette'<mailto�aillette8178C�msn.com> 'Rich Laffin'<mailto�richCo�rla�narch.com> ; 'margaret gadient'<mailto•maraaretqadientna msn.com> ; Turner, Betsy E'<mailto•Betsv ETurnzrCa�HealthPartners.Com> ; summithill;�visi.com ; 'Silberhorn, Susan'< maiito:silberhoms(acomcast.net > ; 'Diane Hilden'<maiito:cocsummithill�visi.com> ; 'Debellis, Fay'<mailio•fav dAb=Ilisla�moraanstan{ev.com> ; 'Merritt Clapp- Smith'<mailio•merritt daoosmith�4mail.com> ; 'McCall Don'<mailio:DonCalllla ; 'Pat Lindgren'<rrailto•Patricia Lindar�n!^ci stoaul.mn.us> ; `Margaret E.T. Johnson'<mailto•meti745 ahotrrail.com> ; 'Pesek, BiIP<mailto:Bill.Pesek,a�cistoaul.mn.us> ; 7eff Young'<maltoJSYCa;0000x.com> ; 'Mark Sutnerland'<rnailto:markhsutnerlandea�aol.com> ; 'Maureen 10-780 »> 'Turner, Betsy E" <Betsv.E Turner(a�heaithpartners.com> 2/12/ZO10 2:Q4 PM »> From: Turner, Betsy E Sent: Friday, February 12, ZO10 7:56 AM To: 'I�isiativeheannasC�cLstoaui.mn.us' Subject: FW: Wild Onion's license patio appiication Importance: High By mistake, I wrote Grand and 4ale, instead of Grand and AVON in the below letter..., a total mistype, sorry !! From: ��f�ar, �etsy f � Sent: Thursday, F.eb�uary 11, 2070�1:00 PM To: 'Ieaislativehearin�C�cistqaul mn.us' Subjed: Wild Onion's license patio application I can't believe that I'm having to write once again about my objections to the Wild Onion getting a liquor license for their patio area. It is Winter now, and so, the commotion is a lot less than in the Summertime, but we on Grand and Avon are still bothered ( even at this time of year) by party buses and the occasional beer bottle and can dropped on our property. Since November, there have been Iimos and party buses on i1J7, 11/14,11J 28,12/22,1J31, and 2J5 idiing at Grand and Dale (with exhaust going into our window and vibrating our windows, ruckus noise waking me up, and litter) in a NO PARIQNG zone, and those are just the ones that I've been around to observe. in addition to that, since November, there have been beer botties and cans left on our property on 11/7,11/25 (smashed low ball glass),11/28( smashed beer bottle),11/29( throw-up left on our sidewalk), and on 1/8, In my opinion, The Wild Onion does not deserve to be granted this license, for we, who live nearby, are the victims of tfieir patrons causing nothing but tsoubie for us. Encouraging drinking on their patio wil( certainly not serve the long suffering neighbors in any way. I do not believe that The Wild Onion should be rewarded for running an establishment which certainly doesn't discourage extreme behavior. In spite of any efforts that they may make to heip the situation, th° problems persist !!! We neighbors are taxpayers, and we deserve to be listened to concerning the well being of the neighborhood. They are making a ton of money at the expense of our tranquility, and we, unfortunately, suf�er the results. Sincerely, Betsy Turner 51 S. Avon St. Paul, Mn. 55105 10-780 »> "iorv�ee,��Betsq'f" <BeL� E Turner�healthparti�ers com> 64/Y2yY��9:16 AM »> I}ust wanted to report a dismayt�g telephone message that I had with the woman manager on duty at The Wild Onion this Saturday moming, the lOth of ApriL For the last couple of years, ( live right on the SW comer of Grand and Avon) I have called them to pick up broken glass and throw-up, after years of picking it up myself. I still pick up the bottles and cans and other trash, but I was sick of taking care of the rest of the stuff. They have been happy to do this, unhl this past Saturday morning. She informed me that they would clean up this throw up on our corner, but would not be doing this in the future, since we can't prove that it is from them ( in spite of our close proximity). She said Yhat they had a meeting, and they deaded not to take responsibihty for such client behavioc I said to her then that then they diddt care what the neighbors thought, and she 7ust repeated their new policy of NON-HELP to me !! I was horrified beyond belief !!! Please keep this non-carmg policy in mind when you vote this Thursday moming. Sincerely, 8etsy Turner/ 51 S. Avon �21/St. Paul, MN. 55105 This e-mad and any files transmitted with it are confdential and are mtended solely for the use of the individual or entlry to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended reapient or the individual responsible for delroenng the e-mail to the intended reopient, please be advised that you have received thls e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwardmg, pnnting, or copying of this e-mail is stnctly prohibited. If you have received this e-mad in error, please immediately notify the HealthPartners Support Center by telephone at (952) 967- 6600. You will be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred in notifymg us. HealthPartners R001.0 10-780 »> �udy MilYer <ihm828C�amai4.com> 3J3J2010 8:03 AM »> As Lincoin Ave. resident I do not feel the the Wild Onion shouid be granted a license to serve food and liquor on their patio. I know that St. Paul is proud of Grand Ave but we as residents are bearing the brunt of the drinking between Billy's, Wild Onion and the Bonfire, Young people go from bar to bar until closing time. Beer cans are often in my yard and even with the permit parking my block is filled with cars without permits. Patrons leave the bars and groups coming to their cars at aii hours often wake me up. Enough is enough. It is time to think of the neighborhood. Thankyo� Judy Miller 82$ Lir+coir� � 10-780 »> Merritt Clapp-Smith <merritt clappsmithCa�qmail.com> 37Z/ZO1D 9:Z0 PM »> > Dear SHA Zoning and Land Use Committee, Cm Thune and City representatives, I am contacting you on the matter of Wild Onion's request to gain a license to serve aicohol on their patio. I have been a bit reticent to write a letter, since I am a City staff person. However, in my other life I am a Summit Hill neighbor and Goodrich resident 2 blocks due south of Wild Onion. In my work at the City have not had the occasion to review or comment on any licensing issues with the Wild Onion. I will keep my comments brief. I understand that the desire to serve aicohol on an outdoor seasonal patio is a reasonable business interest and request, and under normal circumsta � a responsible business operator, I would support such a request. Nowever, Wild Onion as a long history of attracting and serving to excess noisy and irresponsible patrons. I live 2 blocks south of Wild Onion and just outside of the parking permit zone. Therefore, we frequently have Grand Ave and Wild Onion patrons parked in front of our house and on adjacent streets, With the warm weather, the bar patrons become more obvious. It is many a weekend night and some weeknights that I am awakened between 1:30 - 2:15 am by the sounds of loud . voices, shouting, cursing and sometimes fighting. I can hear the garbled conversations o intoxicated in rvi ua s making their way to cars and ' driving or sometimes speeding off. Almost two years ago, my husband went out to his car in the morning and found a drunk woman passed out in the backseat. She had come into our yard thr into our garage. It was a cool night and she is fortunate to have found a warmish place to sleep and a kind soul who didn't ask man s(my husband) and drove and dropped her off where she s ed. My hus6and didn't ask if she had 6een to Wild Onion, but given our proximity to the bar, we assume she left from there. It is very clear to neiqhbors of Wild Onion and other bars on east Grand Ave that Wild Onion is unique in its ability to attract and service people who drink to excess and create a serious nuisance and possible menace when they leave the establishment. Vomit, yelling, drunk driving are all clear problems stemming from the late night customers. The level and frequency of these troubles does not come from other bars in the nearby area. There is a clear distinction which the owners of the Wild Onion seem to have been unwilfing to address is any serious manner. Therefore, I do not support the patio liquor license for Wild Onion, as long as they maintain their current modus operandi. Persons thai do not operate responsibly within their current parameters should not have those parameters 10-780 expanded. I live in this neighborhood and love Grand Avenue and its businesses. 7his does not mean that I must love all businesses regardless of their operations. Neighbors Iiving in a community, be they residential or business, owe the community the respect to l+ve and operate in a fashion that maintains instead of degrades the experience of those around them. I wish that Wild Onion could learn to do this and not dismiss the neighbors' concerns as irrational. Merritt Smith 785 Goodrich Ave > The Wild Onion's effort to gain a license to serve alcohol on their patio. 10-780 »> <GzorkioCalaol.com> 3(10/201010:42 PM »> To All: I, along with other concesned neighbors, attended SHA's Zoning and I and Use Planning Committee meeting last week. Needless to say, I was disappointed in the resuits of the Committee's finai words regarding the request for approval of a license that would permit Wild Onion to serve liquor on its patio. We do appreciate those members who were understanding of our neighborhood concerns but also disheartened with others. By request, a hand count afong with a recorded count of those who emailed or left a phone message and opposing an approval vote was taken. That combined number totaled at least ZQ people and should be part of the recorded minutes as requested. That's 20 some of my neighbors who are affected by the operation of the Wild Onion over the last many years. That number represents a political mass. i have attached a letter that I was hoping to read to the Committee that evening. However, due to the Chairperson's direction to cease all further input due to the need to close on this issue and move to the next agenda, this was not read. Please show your support of neighborhood solidarity by attending: Thursday's March llth SHA Full Board Meeting 7:OOPM at Linwood Recreation Center or email or phone and leave a message. Just imagine if you were living closer to the Wild Onion and had to bear the noise and raucous behavior of some of its patrons and the witness the broken promises to resolve those issues. Wouldn't all of us be really frustrated and upset!. Let your voices and presence be heard and counted. Thanks for your neighborly support! 8il( Pesek 769 Lincoln Avenue See attachment In a message dated 3/10/Z010 5:1928 P.M. Central Standard Time, Caroiesha �aol.com writes: 10-780 SHA Public Zoning Hearing Zoning & Land Use Committee 3:3:2010 Wild Onion Owner's Request : Liquor License for Outdoor Service Area, Patio My Name is Bill Pesek, 769 Lincoln Avenue My reason for being here tonight is simple. I enjoy living in this neighborhood. I like the neighborhood. We like the opportunity to live near Grand Avenue and we wil] band together as a neighborhood to keep it that way. In this case, we ask that this committee review the proceedings tonight and vote to keeping our neighborhood safe and en}oyable to live in. Our message: ManagemenUOwners of the Wild Onion, stand up on your responsibilities as part of this community and keep your word on the promises made right here in the past months and years. Once you have a track record of respectable ownership and management, then come back and leYs discuss the patio issue. As I have stafed at previous hearings: We moved to our house in the early 90s. Lyons Pub had recently opened for business. I remember attending here and discussing issues that were happening on Grand Avenue. Some were with Lyon's Pub now the location foz Wild Onion. Our message was simple. If we work together as a residential neighborhood and business estabiishment we can reach an agreement and can live comfortably together. And we did. Lyons worked with us, made improvements and was sensitive to common sense concerns expressed by the neighborhood. Since then, things have changed. Our Lincoln Avenue neighbors have changed over the almost 20 years we have lived here. Many businesses have come and gone on Grand Avenue. We now have The Wild Onion as one of our neiehbors. IYs differenY with this ownership. We have stood here in this very same room countless times as neiahbors expressing how this establishment is impacting our lives. We bave received promises from Wild Onion mana�ement but contrary to the previous owners, the promises of reducing the noise level in the parking Iot in the evening, patrolling, and cleaning the alley have not been kept. We still hear the loud noise all year around bombarding the northerl}' side of our property facing the parking lot and business. Our kid's bedroom faced the alley and the� would keep their windo�° fan on at niaht year around to muffle out the sound coming from that direction. We have complained. Our neighbors have complained and as yon kno�, the propert�� ov,meis nearest this establishment ca11 frequentl5�. Can pou blame them? � ould you like to be livin� directly in back of the Wild Onion? 10-780 You, Wild Onion are sick and tired of our complaining and want us to disappear. We, the residents who live near your establishment are sick and tired of your not keeping promises. Tbe neighborhood and Summat Hill Association spoke very cIearly at the last heazing. We said No to your alcoholic serving on the patio. We are saying No again tonight. Can't you hear the message? Why should we consider your liquor license application for the patio when you can't live up to past agreements and promises? Listen to the concerns of others here tonight and to those who voiced their thoughts via email, message or written letter. Can you step into our shoes tonight? What if you lived behind this Establishment? We, the neighborhood residents, need you, member of the Zoning and Land Use Planning Committee to represent those of us who are really impacted by the behavior of Wild Onion. Please Vote No to this request. We are a neighborhood of people wanting to coexist. The party bus parks down tl�e street. Imagine yourself being woken up at about 1:30- 2_30 to the sounds of people coming back to the vehicles they parked on our streets illegally, and hollering & shouting as loud as they can using the all too frequent F word. You hear the vehicles starting and then the roaring out on the street. Why does this happen? Why is there so much continuing noise in the parking lot when the estabiishment closes? Wasn't there a promise by the Wild Onion to regulate the patrons and usher them out of the parking lot quickly? Was that promise broken? HeYC 1S WI73Y 1 3SR S3y"1ri�T. l lle I'CC]UeS� 707 SCI'V1Rg �COIiGAIC'UZVCiabzS ^vi� iii� y2�+C should be quickly denied. If promises from previous meetings can not be kept, why should we assume that terms for using the patio will be honored? I challenge you to review our own District Planning Mission staten�ent: To me it says we need to work together. That means that when promises are made, they need to be kept; Or consequences for not keeping that promise must follow. In this case, consequences means that you, members of the zoning and land use committee, will deny this request by the owners of Wild Onion to obtain that liquor license. Some members on this committee ���ill say that when they have been entertained by this establishment everythina was fine and the parkin� lot experience was free of drunken patrons. I sure hope it was a Qood experience. Come back at closing. Come back when the party bus is on Grand Avenue. Come back when someone comes out of the �Vild Onion and waiks down the street and vomits in front of your house. Come back v�hen you see over-served patrons stealin� or damaeing our lawn omaments. That's the atmosphere that man} of us live in. 10-780 You will or have already heard from management from Wild Onion. They label those of us who speak out as "those same people who are always complainina about something". If you lived on our street and was toid that police responded to over 300 calls to the Wild Onion last yeaz what would you say? That's almost 1 police call every day of the week. We are tired of havin� to deal with the Wild Onion and broken promises. I ask that each of you please hear our plea and send a clear message to Wild Onion. Deny their request for serving alcoholic beverages on their patio. Vote No. If the Wild Onion wants to start on a clean slate then let them prove it_ Have them act on promises already agreed upon. Thank you. Bill Pesek 769 Lincoln Avenue Saint Paul Mn. 10-780 March 1, 2010 Dear Sir! Madam. The Wild Onion has once again applied for a license to serve Iiquor outdoors on their patio. We are very concerned that the patio will have a"bar atmosphere° and will adversely impact our quality of life and our neighborhood. The Wild Onion does not have a good track record in the neighborhood and has been the cause of ongoing disturbances This past Saturday was once again one of many noisy nights for neighbors of the Wild Onion We believe that liquor service on the patio will exacerbate the probfems that aiready exist and ask that this application 6e de�ied. r „ IYs important to note that we have already experienced what life is like with liquor service on the Wild Onion's patio. The Wild Onion served liquor openly on an ongoing basis as if they had a liquor iicense up until a coupie of years ago It was onfy after the neighbors reached their limit and went to the Gity that we discovered no liquor license existed and the City stopped the outdoor liquor service by the Wiid Onion 7he existing smoking patio in back of the restaurant continues to impact Lincoln Avenue residents with a great deal of noise, even without liquor service. Liquor will only make it worse. The Wild Onions patio �s oriented to the back and side of the building, not Grand Avenue, thus neighbors in this residential neighborhood wiil bear the brunt of the noise impact from the patio. The fence installed along the alley does not provide sound attenuation. ft is too far from the source of the noise The Wild Onions liquor license is for a club not a restaurant and therefore does not require that a portion of their revenue come from the sale of food. There is no guarantee that the patio will not degenerate into an outdoor bar environment. The same request was made a year or so ago and denied by the Summit Hill Association. At that time the Wild Onion was unable to obtain agreement from a majority of neighbors and several neighbors opposed the application even though other estabfishments such as Braza and Punch Pizza had no prob(em obtaming neighbor approval. For this current application the Wiid Onion chose not to try to obtain neighbor approval from the neighbors. The Wild Onion has a much higher rate of police cafls and visits compared to other restaurants and bars in the vianity ln addition, they have also been found guilty of serving liquor to underage patrons and guilty for not monitoring their parking lot at closing time as required by their current license. Personally, we have tried to keep an open mmd on this application In theory we don't have a problem with outdoor food service that includes a drink similar to Braza or Punch Pizza. In the end this is not the character of the Wild Onion, we don't believe this will be the character of the Wild Onions patio and urge the denial ofi their request. 7hank you for your consideration. Tom Richardson Don McCaII 786 Lincoln Avenue io—�ao 500 IDS CENTEft 80 SOVTH fIGHTH STREET MINNEAVOl15, MN 55901 MRiN 612.632.3000 FAX 612 633 4444 July 19, 2010 Ms. Kathy Lantry, President Members of the City Council City of St. Paul IS Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Grand American Restauzant Co. Application for Liquor/Outdoor Service Area (patio) License No. 1999000235 788 Grand Avenue Dear President Lantry and Council Members: PETEfl K BECK ATTO0.NEY DIRECT DInL 612.631.3001 DIRECT LAX' 612 632.4001 PETER BECK�GPMLqW GOM This letter is submitted on behalf of Grand American Restaurant Co., owner of the Wild Onion Bar and Restaurant located at 788 Grand Avenue. We have been advised by the City Attorney that Grand American's Application for a patio service license will be considered by the City Council at its meeting of July 21, 2010. The purpose of this letter is to request that the Council approve the Application without any further delay. Grand American submitted its Application ("Application"} for Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Patio) on January 25, 2010. After several meetings with the Summit Hill Association, the Board of Directors of Sunmiit Hill approved the request on Mazch I 1, 2010 by a vote of 15 to 3. The Grand Avenue Business Association also supports approval of the Application, noting that the Wild Onion is one of the only establishments that does not have patio service, which puts them at a competitive disadvantage. On April 15, 2010 a legislative hearing was held on the Application before Deputy Legislarive Heazing O�cer Nhia Vang. The Deputy Legislative Heazing Officer subsequently issued a License Heazing Memorandum on May 21, 2010. The License Hearing Memorandum recommends approval of the Applica6on, subject to the license conditions agreed to by the Applicant ("Option 3"), noting that, "the Wild Onion's proposed use is reasonable and no different than other similaz drinking establishments on Grand Avenue", and that ". .. information provided at the legislative hearing showed that the Wild Onion's request should be approved". One of the conditions agreed to by the Applicant is that the patio license will expire on November 14, 2010. The three month delay between the date of the legislative hearing and the date of City Council consideration has taken away more than one-half of the trial period agreed to between the Applicant and the Summit Hill Association. Any fiuther delay will amount to a GRAT, PLM1NT� MOOTT, MOOTY & BENNEI"�� P.A. A FllLLSERVICE LAW FIRM MINNEAPOLIS, MN •$T CLO�D, MN • WASHMGTON, DC W W W.GPMLAW.COM 10-780 Ms. Kathy Lantry Page 2 Ju(y 19, 2010 denial of the Application, a denial which will cause severe economic consequences for the Applicant and for which there is no basis in the record before the City Council. As noted in our eazlier letter to the City Attomey, dated July 1, 2010, we acknowledge that the City Council has wide discretion with respect to the approval of liquor ticenses. However, the Council's decision on a liquor license matter must be supported by substantial evidence in the record, Waida v City of Minneanolis, 31Q Minn, 339, 246 NW 2 455 (1976); similarly situated applicants should receive similar treatment by a municipality, Tamarac Inn. Incorporated v City of Long Lake, 310 NW 2 474 (1981); and the City must not create "unreasonably long" delays in conducting hearings and taking action, Norshor Ex�rience, Inc. dba Norshor Experience v Citv of Duluth, Minnesota Court of Appeals, June 29, 2010. Grand American has done all that the Summit Hill Association has asked of it in the conditions for issuance of this license, and has the approval of both Suinmit Hi11 and the Grand Avenue Business Association. We urge the City Council to approve this license without any fiurther delay so that Grand American can implement its agreement with the Summit Hill Association and get the 2010 trial period for this license underway before the end of the season. We appreciate the Council's attention to this matter. Very truly yours, GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, Y & BENNETT, P.A. Peter . Beck PKB:kIz Enclosure cc: Gerald T. Hendrickson, City Attorney Rachel Tiemey, Assistant City Attomey Bob Kessler, Director, Dept. of Safery and Inspections Nhia Vang, Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer Timothy J. Pramas, President, Summit Hill Association Jeff Roy, Executive Director, Summit Hill Association David J. Regan, Executive Director, Crrand Avenue Business Association Jay Salmen Joseph Schaefer GP2819024 v{ 10-780 5001D5 CEkTEA 80 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET MINNEAP�LIS, MN 554�2 MAIN 612 632 3000 FAX 612 632 4444 July 28, 2010 Ms. Kathy Lantry, President Members of the City Council City of St. Paul 15 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Grand American Restaurant Co. Application for Liquor/Outdoor Service Area (patio) License No. 1999000235 788 Grand Avenue Deaz President Lantry and Council Members: PETER K BECK ATTORNEV DIRECT OIAL 6'12 632 3001 DBECT FAX 612 632 40�1 PETER BECK�GPMLAW COM This letter is submitted on behalf of Grand American Restaurant Co., to request that the City Council adopt the resolution of appraval of Crrand American's ApplicatSon for a Patio Service License which was before the City Council on 7uly 21, 2010. At the Council Meeting on July 21, 2010, Council Member Thune moved to have the Application referred to the City Attorney for denial on the ground that written consent from 33% of the property owners within 300 feet of the restaurant does not show a"generally favorable disposition from the surrounding community toward the proposed licensed activity", as required by City Code Sec. 409.06 (g) 2(c). City Code Sec. 409.06 (g) 2(c) sets forth the following three criteria for an applicant who has obtained the written consent of fewer than 60% of the owners within 300 feet of the business: I. That a good faith effort was made to fulfitl a11 peUtion requirements; 2. That the results of such attempts showed a generally favorable disposition from the surrounding community towazds the proposed licensed activity; and Gxav, PL,�vi, Moo7v, Moorr � BFvnx?'r, P.A A PliLL-SERV7CE L.4W FIRM MI\PEhPCL15, MN • ST CiOUC, MN • WASHISGTOX, DC W 1Y� lC'.GPM i.4CV.COM 10-780 Ms. Kathy Lantry Page 2 July 28, 2010 3. That the District Council representing the area supports the request for the license by the applicant. Grand American made a�ood faith effort to obtain written consents Grand American sent letters to all 70 property owners located within 300 feet of their business, on two separate occasions. In addition, Grand American had two people go door to door to seek written consents, also on two separate occasions. In spite of these efforts, many doors were not answered and only 26 of the 701etters were responded to. The results of Grand American's attemots clearlv demonstrate a generallv favorable disposition from the surroundine community towards the �roposed licensed activit� Of the 70 property owners contacted, 26 responded. This is a 37°lo response rate. Of the 26 responses, 22 provided written consent to the proposed Patio Service License. This is an 85% approval rate amon� those who res onded. Only four property owners objected to the proposed Patio Service License. In addition to property owners, Grand American reached out to the residential tenants in the surrounding area. Grand American has identified 28 residential rental units in four buildings and made contact with 27 residential tenants. Of tl�e 27 residential tenants contacted, a1127 signed a written consent to the proposed Patio Service License, an approval rating from those who could be reached of 100°io. Finally, Grand American contacted each of the 6 businesses and institutions in the surrounding area, all of whom supported the proposed Patio Service License, including the House of Hope Church. Cleazly, there is an overwhelmingly favorable disposition from the surrounding community toward the proposed Patio Service License. Only four property owners of 70 contacted opposed the License; 22 of 26 residential property owners who responded supported the License; 27 of 27 residential tenants contacted supported the License; and six of six businesses and institutions supported the License. These numbers will not support a resolution of denial based on a finding that there is not a�enerally favorable disposition from the surrounding community towazd the proposed licensed activity. The District Council Representing the Area Supports the Request for the License. As we have noted in our prior letters to the City Council, the Summit Hill Association Board of Directors has approved Grand American's request for a Patio Service License by a vote of 15 to 3(80% approval, for those who are counting). It is our understanding that the President of the 10-780 Ms. Kathy Lantry Page 3 July 28, 2010 Summit Hill Association, Tim Pramas, has provided the Council Members with a detailed recital of the process and considerations which led to this approval in a separate email. Although the City has wide discretion with respect to liquor license matters, the Council is obligated to approve an application which meets the criteria spelled out in the City Code, as this Application does, and to treat similazly situated applicants similarly. Data provided by the City's licensing depariment indicate that since the current ordinance was adopted seven licenses for patio or sidewalk caf�s wiYh liquor or wine and beer have been approved with the written consent of less than 60% of the surrounding property owners. Three of these licenses were approved with the written consent of 36% or less of the properry owners within 300 feet, including one with less than 30 percent. Denial of Crrand American's Application on the ground that written consent was obtained from only 33% of the surrounding properiy owners within 300 feet would cleazly be inconsistent with the City Council's prior approval of similar applications. In fact, it is our understanding that the City Council has never denied such an appiication. As we haue noted in our prior letters to the City Council, Grand American's agreement with the Summit Hill Association is that the Patio Service License requested will expire on November 14, 2010. Council Member Thune, by delaying City Council consideration of the application from June 2, 2010 to 3uly 28, 2010, has put the Council in a position where any further delays will result in a defacto denial of the application, a denial for which there is no basis in the zecoxd before the City Council. Although Council Member Thune has failed to provide, as required by the Minnesota Data Practices Act, any correspondence or other data from his office which would shed any light on the reasons for this delay, we are aware from documents produced by the City licensing department that the goal of the opponents to this Application is, in their own words, to "peel the onion" — to put this restaurant out of business and its 90 employees on the street. Council Member Thune's unexplained hold on the Application and current attempt to have the Application refer�ed to an Administrafive Law Judge for a heazing is calculated to extend the process almost exactly to the end of the trial period agreed to with the Summit Hill Association. This exposes the entire City to significant potential liability, all on behalf of four opponents, because it constitutes the effective denial of an Application which meets all of the criteria for approval, and it treats this applicant significantly differently from similazly situated applicants. 10-780 Ms. Kathy Lantry Page 4 July 28, 2010 We ask that the remaining City Council Members not expose their constituents and the City of St. Paul to liability for such an unlawful denial, and request that the Council adopt the July 21, 2010 resolution approving the license so that Grand American and the Stmimit Hill Association can implement their agreement and get the trial period underway. Very truly yours, GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. Peter K. Beck PKB:klz Enclosure cc: Gerald T. Hendrickson, City Attorney Rachel Tierney, Assistant City Attomey Bob Kessler, Director, Dept. of Safety and Inspections Nhia Vang, Deputy Legislative Hearing Officer Timothy J. Pramas, President, Summit Hill Association Jeff Roy, Executive Director, Swnmit Hill Association David J. Regan, Executive Director, Grand Avenue Business Association Jay Saimen Joseph Schaefer GP 2825052 v3