D66 Original to City Clerk No. — V Date 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF. THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That additions which might prove to be necessary to the Improvement described as the MT. HOPE-BAKER RELIEF SYSTEM,. formerly known as Comptroller's Contract L-7505, ,City Project No. 72-S=1417A, Arcon Constrµction Company, Inc. , Contractor, has been provided for in the specifications and it was necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIONS ..' - Furnish. and Install ductile iron pipe in lieu of concrete pipe from manhole #A to manhole #6. Additional amount represents. cost differential in, pipe. 38 lin. ft. @ $2.00 $ 76.00 .Adjust existing sanitary sewer manholes - 2 each @ $50.00 100.00 . Modify existing catch basins as per,Standard Plate 42014 2 each @ $100.00 200.00 • TOTAL ADDITION $,376.00 The 'total addition is $376.00, and the Head .of the Department of Public Works .has. agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $376.00 is the correct sum to"be added to said contract, it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the fore- going addition made in. accordance with the specifications in the sum of $37.6:00, said amount to be added•.to the lump sum consideration named in the contract-, formerly known as Comptroller'•s Contract L-7505, and which amount is to be financed .from. 1972 'City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 0920-461. , APPROVED AS 0 FORM Assistant Attor ej Department Head - Date Administrative Assistant to • APPROVED T FUNDING Mayor Department Head -, Finance Q