D34 Original to City Cleric No. D 40A \J Date July V, 2 J U L 2 0 1972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS? Ordinance 3250 authorizes and provides for payment for overtime work, and WHEREAS9 the Co-Head of the PublicgSafety Department has authorized such overtime work in his Department (Police) during the period from June 10, 1972 to. June 23, 19729 therefore it is hereby ORDERED that proper City Officials are authorized to • pay the employees who perform such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance- No. 6446 and Ordinance No. 3250. APPROVED AS TO FORM jr, (J . _ Ass' t nt City Department Head - Finance Dept.' Date 7 • Administrative Assistant to Mayor