D29 Ors. i_nal to City Clerk No. Date JUL 19 1912 " CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the plans and specifications as submitted for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the Alley in COLEMAN'S SUB. OF LOTS 6, 7 and 8, BLK. . 8, ROGERS AND HENDRICKS ACRE LOTS from Maryland Avenue. to 140' North (G-2000) under Preliminary Order No. 257437, approved February 17, 1972, and Final Order No. 258167, approved April 18, 1972, be and the same are hereby approved, and the Director of Public Works is hereby directed to order such work done under Public Works Contract No. 72-G-2006; and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the costs for the above improv went, 3. - cluding engineering and inspection, be charged to Fund APPROVED A TO FORM Assis an , ty o r Department 'ad -- r • Date ilr;o�ow 1171z.1 Administ rat ive 9 Ass r istant to Mayor • Robert W. 7rtideau Acting Director of Fi Mande