D18 ri inal to Cit Clerk Igo. � '� Y Date JUL 11 1972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Industrial Commission, dated June 9, 1972, Dennis Simon, employee of the Department of Public Works, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $2,280. 39, representing 50 and 2/3rds weeks of compensation at the compensation rate of $45.00 per week, subject to the conditions set forth below; such sum being payable by reason of the temporary total disability of said Dennis Simon, who was injured on October 27,` 1964, while employed by the Department of Public Works; be it FURTHER ORDERED, that out of the aforesaid compensation, 25% or $570.00 be deducted and paid directly to Joseph Perry,: attorney for said Dennis Simon, in full satisfaction of legal services rendered and the remaining balance of the aforesaid compensation, $1,710. 39, be paid directly to said Dennis Simon in. one lump sum . without interest deduction and, further, that St. Paul Ramsey Hospital be paid the sum of $74.95, to Dr. Robert A. Wengler the sum of $110.00, to the Medical Education and Research Foundation the sum of $221.00, .to Dr. John Larkin the sum of $55..00, to Dr. Charles C. McCafferty the sum of $65.00, and to the Hazelden Foundation the sum of $1,200.00 less payments made by Dennis Simon to the extent of $600.00, with reimbursement to Dennis Simon of amounts which he has paid tom the aforesaid facility. APPR ED AS TO FORM R Assistant'6 ty Attorn y Department UAd -- ��:; . w. TRI',-,-, J Acting Head Date Department of Finance ��� 7�" . Administrative ssistan to Mayor